when the han dynasty conquered Korea, the han ruler established

a. a new government
b. a new religion
c. universities
d. feudalism



Answer 1


a a new government


they established for commanderies which were Lelang, Linton, Xuantu, and Zhejiang commanderies.

Answer 2
The answer is what she/he said

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States are often described as “red” or “blue." How can these labels lead to confusion on the
national stage


it can lead to confusion cause it may seem that we are not united!

What was the issue with Fort Sumter
no links no putting anything need the answer fast



The South bombarded Fort Sumter from all sides. This was large because Major Anderson did everything he could to keep his men out of harm's way during the bombardment.  Now that the first shots were fired, the war had begun.






do you need help?

Ill mark brainly.
Write 3-5 sentences to describe the advantages and disadvantages of feudalism and the manorialism using one of the clauses below:
Even though
Despite that
An example a classmate wrote is:
Feudalism played a major role in the Middle Ages. It drew a clear line separating different social classes and created codependency between the rich and the poor. Feudalism was a social and political system practiced in Europe. It was a mutual agreement between a lord and his subordinates. It was essentially a contract created for mutual benefit. In exchange for some land and protection, vassals were required to provide a certain amount of military service. This exchange granted security for vassals and significant financial gains for their lord. A general advantage of feudalism was the stability that it brought. On the other hand, manorialism had disadvantages like how it deprived serfs of lots of privileges such as getting all they made, and even buying getting medical help. It also didn't let anyone move from their social status.



Advantages and Disadvantages of Feudalism

Feudalism played a major role in the Middle Ages. It drew a clear line separating different social classes and created codependency between the rich and the poor. Like any complicated economic system, there were advantages and disadvantages. Understanding the fundamental concepts, benefits and drawbacks of feudalism can provide insight into humanity's economic and social history.

Feudalism was a social and political system practiced in Europe, Japan and China during the Middle Ages. It was a mutual agreement between a lord and his subordinates. In the middle of the hierarchy were the lord's vassals. These people were nobility who swore an oath of loyalty to their lord. It was essentially a contract created for mutual benefit. In exchange for some land and protection, vassals were required to provide a certain amount of military service. This exchange granted security for vassals and significant financial gains for their lord. At the bottom of the pyramid were the serfs. Serfs were peasants who worked the land and provided surplus goods and taxes to the lord and his vassals.


A general advantage of feudalism was the stability that it brought. Serfs supported the infrastructure by providing essential goods and services. This, combined with an organized system of protection, helped maintain a steady balance that kept the kingdoms running. Although this system was instrumental for social order, the true advantages were felt by the lord and his close associates. They enjoyed vast material gain at the expense of the serfs.

I hope this should help you out! :) Give Brainiest?

Why is knowing the reason that civilizations collapsed important to our society today?



Knowing about the decline of states in the past may help us preserve our own.


what was one good thing that happened in the Chinese exclusion act that modern day should do?



The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was the first significant law restricting immigration into the United States. Many Americans on the West Coast attributed declining wages and economic ills to Chinese workers. Although the Chinese composed only .002 percent of the nation's population, Congress passed the exclusion act to placate worker demands and assuage prevalent concerns about maintaining white "racial purity."


Name two major oceans that border Africa.



Atlantic Ocean and Indian Ocean

Reconstruction after the Civil War fixed all problems facing newly-freed slaves in the United States
True or False


I believe this is false

Answer: False

Explanation: Despite the being freed black people were still treated with no respect and it took many years of fighting the injustice of the law to be truly recognized as equals.



Answer: World War Two In Cartoons By ILLINGWORTH

Explanation: Hitler was really afraid for the first time. Of Russia. After Stalingrad

Why was the Virginia Company interested in setting up the colony of
A. To set up a new independent nation
B. To make money for the company
C. To teach a new religion to the natives
D. To give jobs to its explorers



Option B


The Virginia Company was interested in setting up the colony of  Jamestown because Jamestown had large reserves of natural resources like gold and iron ore, timber and wood products.

The Virginia Company wants to take advantage of all these readily available resources for making money and promote economic opportunity.

Option B is correct

How did nuclear technology impact the economy of the United States after World War II?
It became the most affordable source of power.

It became a major focus of military spending.

It became an important export commodity.

It became a major source of tax revenue.





In 1950 North Korean armies invaded South Korea in the hopes of


hoped to reunite the two nations as a single country under communism.

Why did President Clinton apologize to Native Hawaiians?



United States Public Law 103-150, informally known as the Apology Resolution, is a Joint Resolution of the U.S. Congress adopted in 1993 that "acknowledges that the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii occurred with the active participation of agents and citizens of the United States and further acknowledges that the ...




United States Public Law 103-150, informally known as the Apology Resolution, is a Joint Resolution of the U.S. Congress adopted in 1993 that "acknowledges that the overthrow of the Kingdom of Hawaii occurred with the active participation of agents and citizens of the United States and further acknowledges that the Native Hawaiian people never directly relinquished to the United States their claims to their inherent sovereignty as a people over their national lands, either through the Kingdom of Hawaii or through a plebiscite or referendum" (U.S. Public Law 103-150 (107 Stat. 1510)). The resolution has been cited as impetus for the Hawaiian sovereignty movement, and has been the subject of debate


Which action is an example of direct democracy?


Answer: switzerland is a rare example of a country with instruments of direct democracy


Uno de los principales faraones fue RAMSES II. ¿Quién fue, cuál fue su importante obra? ¿Por qué se lo menciona en la Biblia?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

RAMSES II. ¿Quién fue, cuál fue su importante obra?

Ramsés II fue un importante y reconocido faraón del Antiguo Egipto. Ramsés II perteneció a la llamada Dinastía XIX. De hecho, fue el tercer faraón de esa dinastía.

A Ramsés II se le recuerda por muchas cosas, entre otras, por haber construido imponentes edificios a los largo de la rivera del Río Nilo. Por ejemplo, el ordenó la construcción de una ampliación en el Templo de Tebas, una similar en Abydos, una sala dedicada a Amón, en Karnak, y una de las obras más impresionantes del mundo antiguo: el templo de Abu Simbel, en la frontera con Nubia.

¿Por qué se lo menciona en la Biblia?

A Ramsés II se le menciona en uno de los libros del Antiguo Testamente llamado el "Éxodo." La Biblia dice que bajo el yugo de Ramsés II, los Israelitas trabajaban como esclavos hasta que Moisés recibió instrucciones de Dios para liberarlos y llevar a esos Israelitas a la Tierra Prometida. Para llegar a ese lugar, los Israelitas vagaron por el desierto durante 40 años.

Which answer provides the best explanation of the phrase "international interdependence"?
The ability of multiple countries to profit from a single crop
The unity of various governments around the world on trade issues
The need for goods from other countries who, in turn, need your goods
The need for many nations to participate in shipping goods around the world


The need for goods from other countries who, in turn, need your goods.

Which statement best describes the relationship between geography and the Shang Dynasty in China?
The dynasty's major cities were developed in the Yellow River Valley.
The dynasty's population centers developed in regions along the coast of China.
The dynasty's armies were able to easily defend Chinese cities from attack.
The dynasty's leaders established a kingdom that extended throughout Asia.


the answer is a because the major cities were around the yellow river valley

The term 'barrocoon' is BEST associated with the ____ ​


That’s not even a word. Did you mean barracoon?


Pakistan’s early history is

A. Saw Pakistan forge a long lasting cooperative relationship with the Soviet Union

B. Saw unexpected peaceful relaxations develop between it and and India

C. Produced a Constitution in 1956 with a Western style parliamentary system

D. Was marked by deep internal struggles over language, religious, and regional issues






The Medici Family paid for the press. True or False?


Answer: False

Explanation: there is no historical record about the medici family controlling the press.

The answer is correct

Cuánto habremos avanzado en el respeto de los derechos y cumplimiento de deberes en estos 200 años de vida independiente


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Desafortunadamente no especificas el país al que te refieres.

Pero si asumimos lo de los 200 años de vida independiente, podemos pensar que estás hablando de México.

¿Cuánto habremos avanzado en el respeto de los derechos y cumplimiento de deberes en estos 200 años de vida independiente?

La respuesta es compleja porque en estos 200 años haber conseguido la independencia de España, México sigue siendo un país de grandes contrastes y desigualdades.

Posteriormente llegó la llanada época de la Reforma con su gran personaje, Benito Juárez. Y a pesar de que se le considera el mejor presidente que ha tenido México, el país no pudo salir adelante de su rezago económico.

Después, México tuvo que vivir una Revolución en 1910 debido a las condiciones tan desiguales entre ricos y pobres, en tiempos de la dictadura de Porfirio Díaz. Caudillos como Francisco Villa, Emiliano Zapata, o Álvaro Obregón, decidieron encabezar la Revolución Mexicana para revertir esa desigualdad que vivía el país.

Tristemente, terminó la revolución y los problemas de pobreza y la falta de apoyo al campesino no mejoraron.

El Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI) gobernó casi 80 años en el país, sumiéndolo en la mayor pobreza y desigualdad, producto de gobiernos corruptos y componendas políticas con los empresarios. Doce años de sexenios del Partido Acción Nacional (PAN), mantuvieron la misma política neoliberal que generó más desigualdad en el país.

Y ahora, en el 2021, México trata de dejar eso años de tanto rezago, pero las cuestiones macroeconómicas post pandemia no son tan favorables. Todos estos años no le han permitido al pueblo ejercer sus derechos a cuestiones básicas de calidad en vivienda digna, acceso a educación de buen nivel, acceso a un empleo bien pagado, ni a tener un nivel de vida holgado.

escribe 5 conclusiones de la edad media


espero que te sirva la respuesta:)

Con respecto al comandante Ladislao Espinar, averigua cuál fue su actuar en la batalla y crees que de haber logrado su cometido hubiera cambiado el final de la misma. ¿Por qué?


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Ladislao Espinar(1842-1879) fue un Teniente Coronel del Ejercito del Perú, quien se hizo famoso por su heroica participación en la Guerra del Pacífico.

En esa batalla, los ejércitos de Perú y Bolivia enfrentaron a las tropas chilenas en en desierto de Atacama y en las aguas el Océano Pacífico.

Su actuar en la batalla fue valerosa y sin duda, de haber logrado su cometido hubiera cambiado el final de la misma.

La situación fue que el Espinar quería aprovechar la pronta presencia del Primer Ejército del Sur en el cerro San Francisco para tomar por sorpresa al las tropas chilenas que no estaban preparadas para enfrentar al enemigo. Desafortunadamente, los generales peruanos no dieron su autorización para atacar al ejército chileno y ahí se perdió una gran oportunidad de causarles un daño mayor.

Lo que sucedió es que las tropas de Espinar tuvieron que esperar los refuerzos comandados por el general Hilarión Daza, quienes llegaron un día después. Cae mencionar que para ese momento, el ejército peruano tenía muchas carencias en alimentos y armas.

14. Your school is making you take STAAR test starting in 3rd grade *
Federal power
State power
Local power


State power would be in charge of that ! Hope it helped


Feds and State


how did people's life's become affected in France when it was occupied by the nazis​


Answer: France was to be divided into occupied and unoccupied parts.


¿Por qué crees que las sociedades modernas no permiten en desarrollo de pensamiento nacional- socialistas? ¿Crees que se debería ser tolerante con todos los pensamientos?



Las sociedades modernas no permiten el desarrollo de pensamientos nacionalsocialistas debido a las características totalitarias de estos regímenes, que defienden los siguientes conceptos:  

-El racismo era una parte importante de la cosmovisión nacionalsocialista. La "raza aria", en la que se incluyeron los alemanes, fue considerada superior y en peligro de extinción por otras razas. Los representantes de esta raza debían evitarse los efectos dañinos de mezclarse con otras razas.  

-El nacionalsocialismo, como el fascismo y el comunismo, era antidemocrático y preveía la abolición de los partidos, los sindicatos libres y la prensa libre. El resaltado de las diferencias políticas y los intereses de clase tuvo que ser reemplazado por un conjunto nacional unido por un culto principal.

Why did Hobbes argue that citizens should form a social contract with their government?


(C) Citizens would be able to work individually without any support.


(C) Citizens would be able to work individually without any support.

Explanation: Edg 2022

A major difference between French and English colonization in North America was

a. English settlers tended to get along better with Native Americans

b. French relations with native people were more cooperative

c. The English mostly traded goods, while the French farmed

d. The French brought diseases while the English did not.


Its B because the French saw most native Americans as allies and relied on trading with each other like fur.




That's not necessarily true in life. Its a 50/50%. There is good and respectful women and men. They are just hard to find these days.

What was important achievement of Mohandas Candho He guided the process ending the Cold War. B. He helped end decades of racist rute in South Africa. C. He forced France to recognize Algerian independence D. He led the violent Indian independence movement .



He led the NON-VIOLENT Indian independence movement.


The important achievement of Mohandas Gandhi is that "He led the NON-VIOLENT Indian independence movement."

Mohandas Gandhi whose full name is Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was known to have done many things in support of humanity in terms of emancipation and freedom of the people. He later led the NON-VIOLENT Indian independence movement against British rule. He normally carries out his non-violent act by fasting, non-violent protest, and appealing to people

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