Which activity takes place because of the contra
O fertilization
O cell differentiation
Which activity takes place because of the controlled timing of gene expression


Answer 1


The that takes place because of the controlled timing of gene expression is cell differentiation. It is the process by which a less specialized cell becomes a more specialized cell type

hence ans is differentiation

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From a chemical view, how is an amino acid is being recognized by its specific aminoacyl tRNA synthetase?



An aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase (aaRS or ARS), also called tRNA-ligase, is an enzyme that attaches the appropriate amino acid onto its corresponding tRNA. It does so by catalyzing the transesterification of a specific cognate amino acid or its precursor to one of all its compatible cognate tRNAs to form an aminoacyl-tRNA.

Reasons for irritability


Anxiety,depression,lack of sleep,PMS,etc



Low blood sugar


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Hormonal imbalance

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all the causes of irritability

what is DNA fingerprinting?​



DNA fingerprinting is a technique that simultaneously detects lots of minisatellites in the genome to produce a pattern unique to an individual. This is a DNA fingerprint. The probability of having two people with the same DNA fingerprint that are not identical twins is very small.,,,,,


It's a laboratory technique used to establish a link between biological evidence and a suspect in Criminal investigation. It's also known as genetic fingerprinting.

Plants that have a taproot and parallel veins are known as_________.



dicotyledonous(dicot) plants


all biomolecules are mad up of the elements. A.carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur B. carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen C. carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen D. carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and sulfur



Option(A) carbon ,hydrogen,nitrogen,oxygen and sulphur.


A.carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur


There are five elements that are essential to life. These are Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Phosphorous and Sulfur, or CHNOPS for short. We can see that only option A has nitrogen listed. Nitrogen is absorbed by plants through the soil, and by animals through food. It is absolutely essential for many forms of life, especially plants and animals. Many biomolecules contain Nitrogen. Only one choice on this list contains nitrogen and that is option A. Therefore option A is the answer.

If brown eyes are recessive to blue eyes, then which of the following would represent a mouse with brown eyes?
1.) ee
2.) EE
3.) Ee
4.) eE


The answer is 4.) eR




ee is recessive

Hãy mô tả các bước tạo thư viện cDNA từ tế bào máu heo.



What you mean bro?


In eukaryotes, miR-5 is a microRNA with sequence complementarity to the 3’UTR of the mRNA transcript encoded by the UCD gene. The UCD gene encodes for a protein that acts as an allosteric activator of the protein p101. The p101 protein is a DNA methyltransferase (DNMT) which is an enzyme that methylates DNA when the protein is in its active form.
A) In a lung cancer cell line, the p101 protein is overly active leading to misregulation of gene expression. In these lung cancer cells which of the following would be a correct prediction in regards to miR-5? [choose ALL that apply, note that incorrect selections will deduct points]
A) The gene encoding miR-5 is in a region of chromatin with hypoacetylation
B) The gene encoding miR-5 is in a region of chromatin with hyperacetylation
C) The gene encoding miR-5 in a region of euchromatin
D) The gene encoding miR-5 in a region of heterochromatin
E) The miR-5 transcript is translated at high levels
F) The miR-5 transcript is activating translation of the UCD gene
B) A different lung cancer cell line is found to have significantly decreased amounts of DNA methylation. Which of the following could explain why there is decreased DNA methylation in this cell line? [choose ALL that apply, note that incorrect selections will deduct points]
A) increased amounts of the p101 protein due to low levels of miR-5
B) increased amounts of the UCD protein due to high levels of miR-5
C) decreased amounts of the UCD protein due to low levels of miR-5
D) the absence of the UCD protein due to miR-5 inhibiting translation of the UCD mRNA transcript
E) the absence of the p101 protein due to miR-5 inhibiting transcription of the p101 mRNA transcript



A) A) The gene encoding miR-5 is in a region of chromatin with hypoacetylation.  

D) The gene encoding miR-5 in a region of heterochromatin.

B) D) the absence of the UCD protein due to miR-5 inhibiting translation of the UCD mRNA transcript


MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small regulatory RNA sequences (approximately 20-24 nucleotides in length) that regulate gene expression by RNA interference (RNAi) mechanisms. These sequences (miRNAs) bind by base complementarity to messenger RNAs and thus inhibit protein translation and/or trigger mRNA degradation. In this case, miR-5 binds to the 3’UTR of the mRNA transcript of the UCD gene, thereby inhibiting/slowing protein UCD synthesis. The UCD protein is an allosteric regulator that binds and activates the expression of the p101 protein, thereby the miR-5 RNAi pathway also indirectly decreases the expression of the p101 gene. Moreover, hypoacetylation is an epigenetic mark generally associated with gene silencing (heterochromatin is a transcriptionally inactive state of chromatin).

Which phrase best describes the chemical structure of
each of these molecules?
Draw a line from the molecules to their chemical structure description.
i Anucleic acid that contains
I ribose
i A disaccharide made up of
glucose and galactose
A five-carbon sugar
A carboxyl group, an amino
I group, and an Rgroup


Disaccharide is a simple compound which is made up of two molecules of sugar which include glucose and galactose.

These glucose molecules form a crystalline water soluble compound.

This is found in food like sucrose and lactose. This is composed of four chemical grouping of carbohydrates.

Chocolates are also considered as disaccharide compound due to presence of sugar.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24372252

hi, define chemistry and mention the three branches of chemistry answer it fast .Good night​



Branches of inorganic chemistry include: ... Nuclear chemistry — the study of radioactive substances. Organometallic chemistry — the study of chemical compounds containing bonds between carbon and a metal. Solid-state chemistry — the study of the synthesis, structure, and properties of solid materials.


The five primary branches of chemistry are physical chemistry, organic chemistry, inorganic chemistry, analytical chemistry, and biochemistry.

Which of the following is a feature of beaches?
A. Berms
B. Runnels
C. All of these
D. Shingles



C: All of these.


Because there is feature

C I’m not 100% confident tho

Which was ventures contribution to science


By discovering a synthetic cell . I hope you have a great day

As with most fluid samples sent for microbiological analysis, Mandy starts her investigation with a Gram stain.
Gram Stain Analysis Classify the infectious agent based on the Gram staining.


Hi. Unfortunately your question is incomplete and you have not shown any photos of the sample that Mandy must identify by Gram stain. However, after researching her question on the internet, I was able to find another question exactly like this one, which showed the microorganism that should be analyzed. This image is attached below. In that case, I hope the answer below can help you.


Gram-positive cocci


It is possible to identify that the microorganism presented is a bacteria due to the application of the test known as Gram stain, which allows the identification of gram positive and gram negative bacteria. This test allows the bacteria to be subjected to a specific dye that reacts with the chemical composition of the bacteria, modifying its color. Gram positive bacteria show a blue color after the test, while gram negative bacteria show a red color after the test.

As we can see in the attached image, the bacteria that Mandy is analyzing shows a blue color, after being submitted to Gram stain, being then a gram positive bacteria.

We can also see that the colonies of this bacterium have formed round, similar to a coconut and for this reason, we can conclude that the bacterium has the shape known as cocci.

Therefore, we can classify the microorganism as a Gram-positive cocci.

Direct counts of cells in liquid samples can be performed using a Petroff-Hausser counting chamber. Research this method and describe how it compares to the viable plate count method of determining the number of CFU in a sample.


The viable plate count is the most commonly used method to estimate the number of viable cells in a sample; while the Petroff-Hausser counting chamber is a direct microscopic count method generally used for counting bacteria and sperm cells.

The Petroff-Hausser counter is a counting chamber used to count microorganisms and cells (e.g., bacteria and spermatic cells) under the microscope.

The Petroff-Hausser counter chamber is divided into 25 large squares which are in turn divided by double lines. Moreover, within each large square, there also are 16 small squares divided by single lines.

Petroff-Hausser counting chambers are often used to directly determine the number of bacteria in a culture or liquid medium. Petroff-Hausser counting chambers are used to count the number of cells in a given volume of culture liquid by observing 10 to 20 microscope fields.

The viable plate count, also known as simply plate count, is the most commonly used procedure to estimate the number of viable cells in a sample.

The viable plate count method consists in obtaining serial dilutions of a sample having viable microorganisms/cells which are plated onto a growth medium.

This method (viable plate count) can be used to determine the number of actively dividing cells.

Learn more in:



what are three characteristics of life that archaea bacteria have?



The common characteristics of Archaebacteria known to date are these:

(1) the presence of characteristic tRNAs and ribosomal RNAs.

(2) the absence of peptidoglycan cell walls, with in many cases, replacement by a largely proteinaceous coat.

(3) the occurrence of ether linked lipids built from phytanyl chains.

Suppose a researcher introduces a mutation into the glucosidase domain of the mammalian glycogen debranching enzyme. The mutation inhibits the activity of the glucosidase but does not affect the other functions of the enzyme. The researcher then introduces the mutated enzyme into mammalian cells that do not express wild type glycogen debranching enzyme. Predict the effect of the mutation on glycogen metabolism.



cells will have glycogen molecules with branches of a single glucose residue


Glycogen debranching enzymes are proteins that catalyze the removal of branching from glycogen, which is a multibranched polysaccharide composed of glucose units and serves as a form of energy storage. These enzymes have two catalytic activities on a single polypeptide chain: glucosyltransferase and glucosidase activities, which are both required for glycogen breakdown. Glycogen degradation requires both glycogen phosphorylase and glycogen debranching enzymes. First, a glycogen phosphorylase acts to digest a glycogen branch down to four glucose residues. Subsequently, the debranching enzyme through its glucosyltransferase activity acts to transfer three glucose residues to a nearby branch of the glycogen chain. Finally, through its glucosidase activity, the debranching enzyme cleaves the remaining α-1,6 linkage in order to release free glucose.

supuie ) Prokaryotes have nucleus that is without : i) nuclear ii) membrane nucleous iii) nucle​



the ans is



MEMBRANE nucleus u can call it either way



Explanation:It is said that Prokaryotes have nucleus that has nuclear,membrane and nucleous

After buying a new house by the lake, a family wanted a better view of the water so they could watch the sailboats. They hired a company to cut down the small trees and shrubs that were blocking the view.

Which type of water pollution is most likely

1 . Nutrient
4. Bacterial


The water pollution that is most likely to occur is Nutrient pollution

Pollution can be defined as the addition of materials or energy (pollutants) to the environment that damages it, making it undesirable or unfit for life. There are different types of pollution which includes:

--> Air pollution

--> Radiation pollution

--> soil pollution and

--> water pollution.

WATER POLLUTION is defined as the type of pollution that occurs when pollutants are being released into water bodies such as streams, lakes, ocean, beaches making it unsafe to use for both human and aquatic life activities. Depending on the type of pollutants, there are also different types of water pollution, these include:

chemical pollution Groundwater pollutionsediment pollutionmicrobiological pollutionnutrient pollutionsurface water pollution and Oxygen-depletion pollution.

NUTRIENT pollution occurs when there is EXCESS of it in the water bodies through organic fertilizer or compost manure from the leaves of the cut down trees and shrubs. When nitrates from the agricultural waste gets into the water body(lake)  it can cause a drastic increase in aquatic plant growth, especially algal growth. This excessive growth can lead to a decrease in oxygen level of water they by affecting the aquatic life of the lake.

Therefore the CORRECT OPTION is A Nutrient pollution.

Option B is wrong because sediment pollution is a type that involves loose sand, clay, silt, and other soil particles that are carried from a site by runoff water not from cut down trees.

Option C is wrong because toxic or chemical pollution is caused by chemicals from industrial wastes.

Option D is wrong because it is caused by natural existing bacteria in the water bodies and are capable of causing disease when ingested. Example Vibro cholera bacteria.

Learn more about water pollution here


packaging methods of watermelon ​



The packing process consists of:

The workers remove the watermelons from the bulk cardboard bins and place them onto the packing line.

The watermelons pass through three different brush steps (without the use of any wash water)

The watermelons are labeled and packed into large cardboard bins once again.


Which of the perspectives of science have you been exposed to the least?



Search it online it will help

For humans, brown eyes (B) are dominant over blue eyes (b). If a heterozygous brown-eyed male had a child with a blue-eyed female, what percentage of the offspring (F1 generation) would have blue eyes?





When you use a monohybrid cross you will get Bb, Bb,bb,bb

Since the brown eyed are heterozygous.

1. Biochemical and differential tests can be incorporated into growth media or performed on isolated colonies after they have been cultured. Give three examples of a differential test that is incorporated into media and three examples that are applied after the colonies have been cultured.



Biochemical and differential tests can be incorporated into growth. media or performed on isolated colonies after they have been cultured. ... Three examples of biochemical tests that are done on the colonies are catalase test, indole test, and urease test.

Transfusion of type AB blood would introduce both A and B ______________ which would be ______________ monosaccharides type


Answer: hello your question is poorly written below is the  question


Tetrasaccharides,  Recognized, Triggers, Type B, Type A, Type O, Not recognize, Tetrasaccharides


Both A and B Tetrasaccharides  which would be Recognized as foreign and Triggers an immune reaction in recipients lacking either the A saccharide Type B or B Type A or both Type O .  meanwhile the type AB blood would contain both A and B and would Not recognize those Tetrasaccharides as foreign

Determine if the following statement is true or false, and why: We use plants in many facets of our society; they are used for medicine, building, food, and clothing.





It is true that flowers are use in many facets but in this question it is asked that wheather it is used for medicine, building, food and clothing. Yes some flowers are used to make medicine but we can't use flowers to make building and we eat some flower but flowers are not used in clothing only paper or silk flowers is used to make and it is man-made flower...

I hope this is helps you....

Plants are very useful and plays a boon for our society as they are used for medicinal purpose, building, food as well as clothing.

Thus, given statement is true.

What is the use of plants?

Plants plays a vital role in our life as they are required for basic human purposes.

Medicinal use of plants:

Medicinal plants such as aloe vera, tulsi, neem, turmeric and ginger helps to cure common viral infectionsSeveral medicinal plants are used in medicines that cures cough, and other chronic diseases

Plants as source of food:

Spinach, cabbage, lettuce are the plants used for eating purpose.

Plants support rainfall and helps to bind the soil that prevent soil erosion.

Plants also protect us from air pollution.

Therefore,plants are very useful and plays a boon for our society as they are used for medicinal purpose, building, food as well as clothing.

Thus, given statement is true.

Learn more about use of plant here:



Which of the following counteracts the movement of bicarbonate ions from the RBC?
A) chloride shifting
B) the Haldane effect
C) release of hydrogen ion
D) the Bohr effect​



A) chloride shifting


because in movement of bicarbonate ion, there. is exchange of carbonic acid and chloride ion in RBC which is called chloride shift.

Answer: A. chloride shifting






the water passes through the semi permeable membrane

A geneticist finds that a strain of bacteria to produces a non-functional sigma factor. Which among the following steps in transcription would most likely be first affected?

A.Assembly of RNAP onto the DNA strand

B.Identification and binding of RNAP on to the promoter sequence

C.Conversion of open initiation complex to closed initiation complex

D.Synthesis of RNA after the formation of open initiation complex



The correct answer is - B. Identification and binding of RNAP onto the promoter sequence.


Bacterial RNA polymerases have subunits known as Sigma factors responsible for the identification and specificity of promoter binding of RNAP and regulate the efficiency of RNA synthesis during transcription is initiated.

These bacteria producing the nonfunctional subunits of RNA polymerase or sigma factor will be unable to identify and tightly bind to promoter elements that are RNAP.



Glycoproteins and Glycolipids.


Please help me with this.





Gene pool is the total genetic diversity within a population or species




hope it helps.

discuss the reaction in tricarboxylic acid cycle​


The tricarboxylic acid cycle​ also known as the Kreb's cycle consists of eight cycle wherein a molecule of acetylCoA is used to produce three NADH, one FADH2 and one GTP/ATP molecule.

What is the tricarboxylic acid cycle?

The tricarboxylic acid cycle is a sequence of reactions in which acetylCoA molecules from the glycolytic pathway are used to produce the reducing equivalents NADH ad FADH2 which are used to produce ATP in the electron transport chain.

The tricarboxylic acid cycle​ also known as the Kreb's cycle consists of eight cycle wherein a molecule of acetylCoA is used to produce three NADH, one FADH2 and one GTP molecule.

Learn more about tricarboxylic acid cycle at: https://brainly.com/question/6260517


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