which early Spanish Settler wrote disapprovingly of the treatment of the native Americans in new Spain


Answer 1

Answer: Bartolomé de Las Cases


i got this question right so this should be correct for you too :)

Answer 2

It was Bartolomé de Las Casas who wrote disapprovingly of the treatment of the native Americans in new Spain.

Who was Bartolomé de Las Casas?

Bartolomé de las Casas was a sixteenth century Spanish landowner, minister, cleric, and diocesan, celebrated as a student of history and social reformer.

He contended for the equivalent mankind and regular privileges of the Native Americans. Las Casas worked for the transformation of Native Americans to Christianity and for their better treatment. Pope Paul III concurred and gave an order in 1537 restricting the oppression of Native Americans.

Bartolomé de las Casas burned through 50 years of his life effectively battling subjugation and the pioneer maltreatment of native people groups, particularly by attempting to persuade the Spanish court to take on a more others conscious strategy of colonization. His name was Bartolomé de Las Casas. Not exactly a legend and not exactly a lowlife, over his 81-year life he would epitomize both the loathsomeness and mercilessness of Spain's victory of the New World and the beliefs of progress that continued afterward.

Therefore it was Bartolomé de Las Casas who actually lead to disapprovingly of the treatment of the Americans.

Learn more about  Bartolomé de Las Casas here:



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the growth of capitalism and industrialization affected american democracy directly. the government saw both as necessary for economic progress and as such was content to have a laissez-faire economy for most of the nineteenth century. Even when they passed some regulatory laws like the Sherman Anti-trust act, they were not effectively enforced. In fact, they were often used to suppress the ordinary people like the Unions fighting on behalf of the workers. In effect, it was a time when the capitalist biases of the government became clear, and social and economic inequalities increased despite the improvements in the standard of living. Industrialization also brought with it a wave of immigrant workers who were looking for better opportunities or escaping persecution or poverty in their own countries. it changed the american demographic as well as the workforce. Most of them joined the stream of industrial workers who lived and worked in terrible environments, working extremely long hours for very little pay. there were no government regulations to protect the rights of these people and if not for the unions, it would have been that way for a lot longer.

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The Silk Road extended approximately 4,000 miles



The Silk Road extended approximately 6,437 kilometers


And 6,437 kilometers equals up to 4,000 miles!

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Independence from England. Creation of democratic republic.


These are 2

Why was Thomas Paines pamphlet.
"Common Sense " so influential
A It was only read in England
B It was written direct lingerie in
It was published and read in the Americanes
(It’s not giving me an answer all I saw was mixed up words)
(Up the top is so true btw, ignore it plz)


It’s B :/ remember that

Please Help I will Give 100 points. Only correct answers!!!



what are you confused on??

During the period 1200-1450 CE which states used Judaism to rule and how?
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During the period 1200-1450 CE which states used Islam to rule and how?


Answer: You in mrs. gurdian’s class too aren’t you


The period 1200-1450 CE saw the rise of the High Middle Ages.


In the period 1200 -1450 CE, Jews population gradually shifted from the Levant to Europe, especially Central Europe and Southern Europe dominated by the Iberian kingdoms.

One of the changes that occurred during this period was the rise of monarchies in Europe. Kings were able to consolidate more land and power. During this time, political power shifted away from the feudal lords to the king. Kings established large bureaucracies, and they conscripted massive standing armies.One significant constant was the persistence of the Roman Catholic Church. The British Isles was part of the Latin Christendom, presided over by the Pope.During the period 1200-1450 CE, Papal States in Italy was under the Pope. The Pope won the spiritual position in many states with the support of the European rulers. The Italian city-states grew prosperous through trade and later with the burgeoning Renaissance.

In the mid 8th century, a new Islam caliphate came into power in the Middle East and North Africa is known as the Abbasid Caliphate. Because of the political the Islamic state was fractured and breaking down, but the religion itself was still spreading all across Afro-Eurasia.Two different regions where Islam spread was South Asia and West Africa. In the 13th CE, Turks invaded India and established Delhi Sultanate. in West Africa, Islam spread not by military conquest but through trade and conversion occurred in Mali, Ghana and Songhai.

Learn more about "the period 1200-1450 CE" here:


In what situation would knowing how to create a timeline help you



Timelines are very useful tools, especially when identifying trends between dates spread out over a long time. Time lines can also express different eras and the differences between them.


The situation in which knowing how to create a timeline would help you is when you clearly need to identify the moment in history when an event took place.

> A timeline can be understood as the progressive series of dates in order to identify the moment an event happened.

> A timeline is very helpful when you want to find an event in the history of a country or the world.

> Indeed, a time will help you to easily identify exact dates, events, historic characters, and consequences throughout history.

> When properly using a timeline, it can show you every moment and event that was part of the developing history of the time.

We can conclude that a timeline is very useful to understand history, and during a presentation, a timeline is more visual and amicable for the audience to understand your concepts.

Learn more about this topic here:


How did louisiana's physical geography affect louisiana's cultural geography?


As g o o g l e this I the correct answer

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C) pass & English & government test

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The South had fewer miles of railroad track.


Compose a six- to seven-sentence paragraph that
analyzes Adolf Hitler's beliefs and explains how his nationalism and his views on race contributed to
World War II and the Holocaust.


Adolf Hitler looked down on certain races and believed that Germany should be the supreme power.

Adolf Hitler was racial purist who believed that the pure German people of Aryan blood should rule the world. He believed that in order to do so, the Aryans needed living space. As a result he:

attacked Poland to gain some of that spaceattacked the Soviet Union to subjugate her population and acquire much needed agricultural land

The first action led to Britain and France declaring war on Germany and beginning WW2.

Hitler looked down on many different races such as the Serfs, the Romani people and the Blacks but he most especially hated the Jews so much so that he:

ordered them to be rounded up and put in ghettos ordered them to be moved from the ghettos to concentration campsordered the deaths of over 6 million Jews in what was called the Holocaust.

In conclusion, Hitler's ultranationalist views therefore led to the Second World War and the Holocaust.

Find out more at https://brainly.com/question/7327413.

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the gosperl be like i love jesus


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through the blood of women only

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did i answer it?


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A region is a large area of land and a place can be small. Not sure if this helps

Which statement accurately describes test tubes and beakers?(1 point)

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Beakers and test tubes both have rounded bottoms.

Beakers have liquid volume (mL) markings on the side of them; test tubes are unmarked.
Beakers have liquid volume (mL) markings on the side of them; test tubes are unmarked.

Test tubes are better for transferring liquids than beakers.
Test tubes are better for transferring liquids than beakers.

Beakers can be held over a flame; test tubes cannot.


Answer: The right answer is C as in Beakers have liquid volume (mL) markings on the side of them; test tubes are unmarked

Explanation: This is 100% right! hope it helps :))

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Beaver Fur
Bison Tongue
Squirrel Tails


answer: squirrel tails
squirrel tails is the correct answer

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Nazi Germany, also known as the Third Reich  or  Third Reich  (German: Drittes Reich), was Germany  during the period 1933 – 1945 under a dictatorship totalitarian controlled by Adolf Hitler and Nazi Party  (NSDAP). Under  Hitler's rule, Germany had transformed into a Fascist totalitarian state that governed almost every aspect of life. The official name of the country was  Deutsches Reich (German Empire) from 1933 to 1943 and  Großdeutsches Reich (Greater German Empire) from 1943 to 1945. Nazi Germany ended its existence in May 1945 after when he was defeated by the  Allies, the event marked the end of the  World War II in Europe.

On January 30, 1933,  Hitler  was appointed by the President of the Weimar Republic Paul von Hindenburg as  Chancellor of Germany. Then the Nazi party began to eliminate all political opponents and consolidate its power. With the death of  Hindenburg  on August 2, 1934, Hitler became the dictator of Germany by merging the positions and powers of the Chancellor and the President. The results of a nationwide referendum  held on August 19, 1934 confirmed Hitler as the only  Führer  of Germany. All power was concentrated in Hitler's hands, and his word was above all laws. The government was not a cooperative, coordinated body, but a collection of factions fighting for Hitler's power and interests. During the height of the Great Depression, the Nazis restored a stable economy and ended mass unemployment through heavy military spending and the use of the mixed economy. Major public works are under construction, including the  Reichsautobahn expressway system. The economic recovery has increased people's love for the regime.

A prominent feature of Nazi Germany was the issue of racism, especially  anti-Semitism. The Germanic peoples (Nordic races) are said to be the purest  Aryan races , hence the  superior races. Millions of "Jews" and "other victims, anyone whom the Nazis deemed "repulsive, lowly, undesirable", were persecuted and massacred during the  Holocaust. Opponents who opposed Hitler's rule were brutally suppressed. The Nazis imprisoned, expelled, and murdered the liberals, socialists and communists. The Christian churches were also oppressed, with scores of leaders imprisoned. The education focuses on race biology, population policy, and physical training for military service. Women have limited career and educational opportunities. Tourism and leisure activities were organized through the program  Kraft durch Freude, and  Summer Olympics 1936 was an occasion for the Third Reich to introduce itself to the world. Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels  used Hitler's movies, mass rallies, and rhetoric effectively to control public opinion. The government controls artistic expression, promotes specific art forms, and prevents or discourages others.

Over time, Nazi Germany became increasingly aggressive over territory and threatened to wage war if the issue was not met. In 1938 and 1939, respectively, the Nazis invaded Austria and then Czechoslovakia. Hitler signed with Joseph Stalin a treaty and then carried out the invasion of Poland in September 1939, the event that opened the second world war in Europe. By 1940, Nazi Germany in alliance with the  Axis  countries had conquered most of Europe and threatened to invade Britain. At the same time, the Nazis simultaneously rounded up and killed "hateful" "races" in "concentration camps" and "extermination camps". The implementation of apartheid policies culminated with the mass slaughter of the Jewish and other ethnic minorities during the Holocaust. In 1941 Hitler launched the invasion campaign of the Soviet Union and achieved significant initial victories. However, since 1943, Nazi Germany began to suffer great defeats militarily. By 1944, the number of large-scale bombing campaigns by Britain and the United States increased, and the Nazis had to withdraw from Eastern and Southern Europe, respectively. Following the events of the  Allied liberation of France, Nazi Germany was defeated by the Soviet Union  on the Eastern Front  and other  Allied countries  in the West, finally forced to surrender in May 1945. In the last months At the end of the war, Hitler, refusing to accept defeat, ordered the destruction of all of Germany's infrastructure, thereby increasing the number of casualties related to the war. The victorious Allies initiated the  Entnazifizierung  (destroy, abolish Nazism) policy and brought a series of surviving former senior leaders of the regime to trial at the  Nürnberg court.

Who was considered Judaisms greatest prophet?



Moses was considered Judaism's

greatest prophet

The total area of Alexander III’s empire stretched from



Cómo es entendido el DUALISMO en Platón



Splitting the Body and Soul. Plato offers the first, oldest argument that one's physical body and soul are separate entities and that one lives on after the other has died.

Answer: En el dualismo antropológico, Platón presenta al hombre como una realidad compuesta por dos elementos: cuerpo y alma. ... En cambio el alma, vive en el mundo inteligible, está en contacto con las ideas y por tanto es inmortal, eterna y existe como entidad independiente al hombre.


The Italians' proximity to classical traditions provided an important stimulus
for Renaissance ideas. *
Please hurry





Every day, we encounter persuasive writing in media pieces that:
O A. aims to convince us of something.
O B. describes something.
C. informs us about important topics.
O D. tries to entertain us.





you are aiming to convince them of something

A is the answer because most persuasive writers want to convince to take action or do something.

True or false?
The members of the Second Continental Congress supported republicanism by
establishing a legislature in their new government.





The Second Continental Congress made decisions like an actual government. It authorized the production of paper money and named Benjamin Franklin Postmaster General (in charge of the Post Office). Most importantly, it authorized the creation of the Continental Army and George Washington as Commander-in-Chief.

very easy
What geographic region does plains cultures tribe live in and how does the region affect your tribe.




Este reportaje fue actualizado el 1 de diciembre del 2020 para incluir nuevos datos sobre la deforestación en Brasil.

Durante agosto del 2019, el aumento de los incendios en Brasil y Bolivia volvió a poner el Amazonas en el punto de mira.

Según un informe del Instituto de Investigación Ambiental de la Amazonía (IPAM) los fuegos estaban directamente relacionados con la deforestación.

A pesar de las promesas del gobierno de que pondría fin a la deforestación, los incendios en el bosque volvieron a ocurrir durante el mismo periodo de 2020.

Expertos atribuyen como las causas principales el acaparamiento de tierras y la expansión de la frontera agrícola y ganadera en estos dos países.

In what way do Civil War Amendments bring the US close to the realization of the ideas in the Declaration of Independence?



The declaration of independence proclaimed that all men are given unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Slavery prior to the Civil War was the antithesis to that - the idea that some humans because of their skin color were inherently less human than others. The 13th, 14th, and 15th amendments helped the US get closer to the realization of the Declaration of Independence by fixing that oversight (through ending slavery, installing equal rights through citizenship, and the right to the ballot).

What are the primary reasons we don’t have much information on the largest part of early native civilizations in the Americas?



a lot of it was burned, in the fires and destruction caused by the colonizers. they were pretty gross :(


Samuel Adams did not agree with
takes imposed by who?
A. France
B. Britain
C. The Colonists


Hello… =) your answer is C =)

How many different variations of democracy are there?



The main forms of democracy are Direct Democracy, Representative democracy, Presidential democracy, Parliamentary democracy, Authoritarian democracy, Participatory democracy, Islamic democracy, and social democracy....... so there is a total of 8 democracies


i already did this:)

hope it helped you

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