Which is an example of a religious influence of Judaism?


Answer 1


Monotheism, the covenant, the teaching of Abraham, Moses, and other prophets influence Jesus' message were examples of religious influence of Judaism. They believed in the existence of only one God.

Related Questions

What changes in immigration occurred in the late 1800s?
Select one:

Immigration became illegal.

Immigrants began to arrive from Southern and Eastern Europe.

Immigration slowed to nearly a standstill.

Immigrants began to cross the border illega





This is when the massive immigration influx from the 1880s-1930s started.

What does life mean......



I will answer

life = breathe and live life in the world by always trying and always enthusiastic in dealing with problems in the life of the world


semoga bermanfaat

semoga membantu.

eager to learn!!!


semangat !!!

Which states seceded as a result of the attack on Fort Sumter?

(Select all that apply.)

South Carolina



Tennessee Virigina


The other two are North Carolina and Arkansas

¿Por qué llamaron América al “nuevo
continente”?. Investigar su biografía.



América lleva el nombre de Amerigo Vespucci, el explorador italiano que expuso el entonces revolucionario concepto de que las tierras a las que navegó Cristóbal Colón en 1492 eran parte de un continente separado. ... Incluyó en el mapa datos recopilados por Vespucci durante sus viajes de 1501-1502 al Nuevo Mundo.


por favor dame una lista de ideas

A problem facing American iron and steel companies


Falling revenues for steel producers
Lack of recovery in steel prices
Cautious procurement and minimisation of inventory among consumers

What is Soviet Union. when and why was it formed?
plz help​



The Soviet Union had its origins in the Russian Revolution of 1917. Radical leftist revolutionaries overthrew Russia's Czar Nicholas II, ending centuries of Romanov rule. The Bolsheviks established a socialist state in the territory that was once the Russian Empire. A long and bloody civil war followed.


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What happened in chapter 27 in scorch trials?




Minho begins taking his leadership role quite seriously. He is the first one to walk through the Flat Trans. Then, he leads the group through the following tunnel. Even through the terrible head-slicing balls in the tunnel, Minho puts on a brave front, making the group move forward. He knows that there is nothing they can do about the people who have been sliced. Thomas, on the other hand, is the one who originally checked on the boys who died in the tunnel. This already demonstrates one of the general differences in Thomas and Minho’s leading styles.

When the Gladers finally emerge into the sun, they are almost blinded by its brightness. The sun is personified: it is almost like a character. It is described as “waiting just outside the open door” (91). The sun, like the barren wasteland environment of the Scorch, is almost like an active presence. This makes sense given the premise of the book’s near-apocalyptic world. The sun flares were the cause of all the trouble in the first place; thus, the sun is almost like an antagonist, especially in the hot Scorch.

Teresa shows up randomly in these chapters, and leads Thomas into a shack. Teresa’s behavior is very bizarre, confusing, and seemingly forced. This is reflective of how she will act in the majority of the story. Thomas can tell that Teresa is not in full control of her own body, but is still confused about what is going on. There is also no explanation for why there were speakers that broadcasted the girl’s screaming noise. The Gladers are still being kept in the dark from WICKED’s true dark motives, just as they were in the Maze.

As they move into the city, Minho makes fun of Thomas, and Thomas realizes that he has no sense of humor left. He wonders, almost humorously, if the memory Swipe had taken his sense of humor away, if he had been funny in his “old life” (129). This small consideration, although trivial, is a sad demonstration of how much WICKED has taken from Thomas. Thomas is not even a complete person: he has a gap in his memory, and does not even know who he really is—he does not even know if he has or had a sense of humor.

After the terrible lightning storm, Minho and Thomas see that there are only eleven Gladers left. There had originally been about forty in the Maze, just a few weeks before this. Minho is concerned about numbers and manpower for getting through the city. Newt criticizes him for thinking only about people as numbers (143). This is a harsh criticism, since it is a reminder of the way WICKED treats them. Ultimately, however, Newt apologizes, knowing that Minho is not someone who acts like WICKED at all. Yet Minho’s leadership abilities are again called into question when he and Jorge, the leader of the Cranks, get into a fight almost instantlyv upon meeting each other.

Where did the Bataan Death March take place?
In response to Japan’s aggressive actions in the Pacific in the 1930s, the United States



Bataan Death March took place in the Philippines.

In response to Japan's aggressive actions in the Pacific in the 1930s, the United States imposed an embargo on shipping war goods and petroleum products to Japan.

Who was Ignatius Loyola?

a nobleman who joined the church and founded the Jesuits
a monk who traveled to Asia as a missionary
a pope who called the Council of Trent
a Protestant who convinced the Catholic Church to reform



Who was Ignatius Loyola Answer


Ans) a

Nobleman Who Joined The Church And Founded The Jesuits In Order In 1534 Was Born 1491....

Which took the lead in organizing resistance to injustice during the 1960s?

African American churches in the South

churches in the North

the Supreme Court

integrated universities in the South



the African American churches in the South took the lead in organizing resistance to injustice during the 1960s.

Which of the following statements describes what a monetary policy and
fiscal policy do?
A. A monetary policy balances the budget; a fiscal policy controls
how much businesses spend.
B. A monetary policy regulates the banking industry by controlling
interest rates; a fiscal policy controls how much money the
government takes in and spends.
C. A monetary policy determines how much money is loaned to other
countries; a fiscal policy determines how much federal and state
employees are paid.
O D. A monetary policy manages international funds; a fiscal policy
manages domestic funds.



a monetary policy regulates the banking industry by controlling interest rates ; a fiscal policy controls how much money the government takes in and spends.

Which statement best explains the existence of resistance movements in Eastern Europe?

People were generally satisfied with their way of life.
People wanted to break free from the Soviet Union and communist rule.
The command economy created prosperity.



2. People wanted to break free from the Soviet Union and communist rule.


People wanted to break free from the Soviet Union and the communist rule is the statement best explains the existence of resistance movements in Eastern Europe, as the population was suffering because of the regime, and so they began to build a network that would lead them to resistance toward the communist governments.





Which individual popularized the idea that people accused of crimes should be considered innocent unless proven guilty


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to attach the options for this question.

However, trying to help you we can comment on the following.

The individual who popularized the idea that people accused of crimes should be considered innocent unless proven guilty was William Blackstone.

William Blackstone(1723-1780) was an English jurist. He wrote the Commentaries on the Laws of England. The work is considered the best description of the doctrines of English law, and from then, it was the foundation of legal education in England and U.S. colleges. And yes, he was the individual who popularized the idea that people accused of crimes should be considered innocent unless proven guilty.

Aristocratic medieval women a. in unusual circumstances, could play a major role, as did Eleanor of Aquitaine. b. were totally independent of their men. c. frequently led troops into battle in the absence of their husbands. d. were always dominant in their marriages. e. never assumed managerial responsibilities in spite of their husband's frequent absences.


Answer: a. in unusual circumstances, could play a major role, as did Eleanor of Aquitaine


Even though they were women and women were generally looked down on by men, the noble blood of aristocratic women still put them on a pedestal that enabled them to play major roles in unusual circumstances.

Eleanor of Aquitaine was one such woman. Born in nobility in France, she was Queen of France and England at different times and was able to wield significant power in England when her son, King Richard, went off to fight in the third crusade because of the unusual circumstance of England being without her king.

The Sixth Amendment guarantees that no one will ever face “double jeopardy.” What is double jeopardy?
when a criminal faces a double life sentence
when two criminals are accused of the same crime
when a criminal faces trial for the same crime twice
when a criminal pays double the fines for the same crime committed twice



C) When a criminal faces trial for the same crime twice

Yale University professor William Graham Sumner was an advocate of social Darwinism. Sumner said, “The aggregation of large fortunes is not at all a thing to be regretted, on the contrary, it is a necessary condition of many forms of social advance…. Millionaires are the product of natural selection.”
The Salvation Army advocated the Social Gospel. Author Charles M. Sheldon asked his readers to consider “What would Jesus do?” in regard to society’s problems.
Explain the difference between social Darwinism and the Social Gospel.

What did each school of thought advocate in terms of social policies?

What actions did each believe the government or individuals should take?


Answer and Explanation:

1. The main difference between social Darwinism and the social gospel is the way each of these concepts shows how human beings should react to social problems and issues. While social Darwinism affirms that the human being should not interfere in how social problems and issues develop, the social Gospel affirms that human beings should interfere in favor of the most devalued social classes.

2. The Social Gospel advocates that social policies must be established and structured to help those most in need. Social Darwinism argues that social policies must be established to enhance the rise of more capable and efficient people.

3. For Social Dawimism, the government and individuals must encourage competitive actions that allow a select number of individuals to ascend socially, forming a social elite. The social Gospel, on the other hand, believes that the government and the people should encourage actions that create social equality and reduce the number of individuals in need socially and economically.

Un joven cargó una caja de 18 kg hasta una altura de 2.5 metros tardando 11 segundos. Un montacargas lo hizo en 2 segundos. ¿Qué potencia desarrolla la persona y la máquina?



ver explicación


La potencia se define como la tasa de tiempo de realización del trabajo.

Potencia = trabajo realizado / tiempo empleado

En este caso, trabajo realizado por el niño y la máquina = mgh

m = masa del bidy

h = altura

g = aceleración debida a la gravedad

Ancho = 18 × 10 × 2,5 = 450 J

Potencia desarrollada por el niño = 450 J / 11 segundos = 41 W

Potencia desarrollada por la máquina = 450 J / 2 segundos = 225 W

¿ por que hitler lo ven como uno de los grandes asecinos, si los papas mataron mas gente al nombre de dios. Por que esos papaqs no son vistos de mal manera ?



Porque Hitler siendo gobernante se consideraba así mismo como un dios, tanto así que toda la nación alemana lo consideraba como un "faraón" o un Mesías, por eso no aceptaba otras  ideologías o creencias religiosas en donde prevaleciera una devoción extrema hacia Dios.

Aunque lo papas son mayormente culpables de derramamiento de sangre o de asesinar a muchas  personas que en el pasado solo querían leer la biblia o desmentir muchas de sus enseñanzas falsas,como actuaban supuestamente en el "nombre de dios" y como según ellos  (los papas) eso era parte de "la voluntad de dios" ,la sociedad de esa época aprobaba esos actos y hasta contribuían a que se hicieran.

También hay que destacar que la iglesia católica siempre ha tenido poder absoluto pues ha estado unida a la política, y el Vaticano es un estado autónomo donde ellos tienen sus propias leyes y pues no permiten que el estado  o gobierno entre a juzgarlos.

nyatakan tiga peristiwa penting Zaman air batu akhir​


saya bagi fakta. awak cari huraian sendiri, okay? ☺

1)perubahan paras air larut

2)peningkatan suhu

3)penglasieran berlaku

The South had a lack of industries
because of a lack of capital, poor
sales markets, and
A. federal intervention
B. slaves running away
C. poor transportation routes


C. Poor transportation routes

In the United States, political leaders are elected to represent the American people. While presidents, governors, and legislators have political authority, their power comes directly from the citizens who vote for them. This political philosophy is most similar to which of these philosophers' beliefs?



I think it's John Locke


correct me if I'm wrong


1. Why do you think the United States and Europe wanted to open Asia up to international trade? What made Asia an ideal place for trade? Give two possible reasons. (5 pts.)




1) Asia has a LOT of people which meant more money for them if they could open up trading ports and such. 2) Asia had things like gunpowder, silk, spices, basically what was considered rare goods at the time


which of the following union territories is located along the West Coast of India​






Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli are located on the western coast.

James Buchanan Was widely known in the 18th century as the best president is this true



No it was George Washington

It was George Washington!

3. Who created the Open Door Notes?
O a William Jennings Bryan
O b. John Hay
c. King Edward the 7th
O d. Carl Lundberg



State John Hay

Secretary of State John Hay first articulated the concept of the “Open Door” in China in a series of notes in 1899–1900.


b. John Hay


John Hay created the Open Door Notes in 1899. Thus, option (b) is the required answer for the question.

What was the significance of this Greek Civil War



The civil war also left Greece with a strongly anti-communist security establishment, which would lead to the establishment of the Greek military junta of 1967–1974 and a legacy of political polarisation that persists to this day.

In creating this civilian conservation corps we are killing two birds with one stone. We are clearly enhancing the value of our natural resources and second, we are relieving an appreciable amount of actual distress. This great group of men have entered upon their work on a purely voluntary basis, no military training is involved and we are conserving not only our natural resources but our human resources. One of the great values to this work is the fact that it is direct and requires the intervention of very little machinery2 Why is the use of machinery of any concern to President Roosevelt?
O A. Machines are considered the primary drivers of unemployment in classical Keynesian economics

O B. Most American machinery was destroyed by heavy bombing during World War I.

O c. More Americans can be employed if jobs do not require specialized skills like using heavy machines

O D. Machines are expensive to maintain, and the government was trying to cut spending PREVIOUS​



The answer is C


The use of machinery is a concern to President Roosevelt because more Americans can be employed if jobs do not require specialized skills like using heavy machines. Thus, option C is the correct answer.

Who was President Roosevelt?

Franklin Delano Roosevelt, abbreviated FDR, was an American politician and lawyer who served as the 32nd President of the United States from 1933 to 1945.

Many Americans will be employed to do various jobs if machinery is not used. During that time, their unemployment rate will fall. Another factor to consider is the requirement for heavy machinery expertise. One must be knowledgeable enough not only to drive heavy machinery, but also to operate and maintain it in good working order.

Therefore, option C is the correct answer.

To learn more about Roosevelt, click here:



Tim's wages were garnished for the past three months as he failed to pay child support and student debt. He needs to buy a vehicle now. What will most likely happen next?

He may be approved for new credit with a low interest rate.
He may be denied future loans for a period of time.
He may be protected under the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.
He may claim a dispute with the credit bureau about his credit report.



He may be denied future loans for a period of time.


Tim failed to pay child support and student debt so he may be denied future loans for a period of time because he is unable to give the installments due to lower wage or income. Before providing loan, the bank check the ways through which they recover the loan amount. If there is a way that the loan can be availed due to higher income so they provide loans otherwise can't provide loans to the client.

what article and amendment of the constitution is related to the powers of STATE governments




Statement of Objects and Reasons appended to the Constitution Ninth Amendment) Bill, 1956 (Bill No. 29 of 1956) which was enacted as THE CONSTITUTION (Seventh Amendment) Act, 1956


In order to implement the scheme of States reorganisation, it is necessary to make numerous amendments in the Constitution with effect from the 1st October, 1956. This bill seeks to make these amendments and also some other amendments to certain provisions of the Constitution relating to the High Courts and High Court Judges, the executive power of the Union and the States, and a few entries in the legislative lists. The reasons for making the amendments are indicated below:-

Clause 2.-The reorganisation scheme involves not only the establishment of new States and alterations in the area and boundaries of the existing States, but also the abolition of the three categories of States (Part A, Part B and Part C States) and the classification of certain areas as Union territories. Article 1 has to be suitably amended for this purpose and the First Schedule completely revised.

Clause 3.-The amendments proposed in article 80 are formal and consequential. The territorial changes and the formation of new states and Union territories as proposed in Part II of the States Reorganisation Bill, 1956, involve a complete revision of the Fourth Schdule to the Constitution by which the seats in the Council of States are allocated to the existing States. The present allocation is made on the basis of the population of each State as ascertained at the census of 1941 and the number of seats allotted to each Part A and Part B State is according to the formula, one seat per million for the first five millions and one seat for every additional two millions or part thereof exceeding one million. It is proposed to revise the allocation of seats on the basis of the latest census figures, but according to the same formula as before.

Clause 4.-The abolition of Part C States as such and the establishment of Union territories make extensive amendment of articles 81 and 82 inevitable. The provision in article 81(1)(b) that "the States shall be divided, grouped or formed into territorial constituencies" will no longer be appropriate, since after reorganisation each of the States will be large enough to be divided into a number of constituencies and will not permit of being grouped together with other States for this purpose or being "formed" into a single territorial constituency. Clause (2) of article 81 and article 82 will require to be combined and revised in order to make suitable provision for Union territories. Instead of amending the articles piecemeal, it is proposed to revise and simplify them. Incidentally, it is proposed in clause (1)(b) of the revised article 81 to fix a maximum for the total number of representatives that may be assigned to the Union territories by Parliament.

Clause 5.-The proposed revision of the proviso to article 131 is consequential on the disappearance of Part B States as such. The two parts of the existing proviso have been combined.

Clause 6.-Article 153 provides that there shall be a Governor for each State. Since it may be desirable in certain circumstances to appoint a Governor for two or more States, it is proposed to add a proviso to this article to remove any possible technical bar to such an appointment.

Clause 7.-Sub-clause (a) of clause (1) of article 168 provides for bi-cameral legislatures in certain States. It is proposed that, among the reorganised States, Punjab and Mysore should continue to have such a legislature, and that the enlarged Madhya Pradesh should also be provided with one. Since the constitution of a Legislative Council for Madhya Pradesh will necessarily take time, it is proposed to bring the relevant amendment of article 168(1)(a) into force from a future date by means of a public notification of the President.

Clause 8.-This seeks to revise article 170 mainly with a view to bringing it into line with articles 81 and 82 as revised by clause 4.


please make me brainliest

HI YALL. I was wondering for my homework what was the purpose of Ancient Egyptian beards.
plwwws help



the purpose of the beards of the Ancient

Egyptians was to make clothing and blankets. The old poor women were the once to do this to get a living .

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P(above average grades|boy) = P(boy) This is a graph of the function g(x) =-3x+2. Determine the domain value when thrange value is -4. HELPPP I need help ASAP please help me Read the following passage and answer the questions that follow:Doctor Pascalby Emile ZolaIn the heat of the glowing July afternoon, the room, with blinds carefully closed, was full of a great calm. From the three windows, through the cracks of the old wooden shutters, came only a few scattered sunbeams which, in the midst of the obscurity, made a soft brightness that bathed surrounding objects in a diffused and tender light. It was cool here in comparison with the overpowering heat that was felt outside, under the fierce rays of the sun that blazed upon the front of the house.Standing before the press which faced the windows, Dr. Pascal was looking for a paper that he had come in search of. With doors wide open, this immense press of carved oak, adorned with strong and handsome mountings of metal, dating from the last century, displayed within its capacious depths an extraordinary collection of papers and manuscripts of all sorts, piled up in confusion and filling every shelf to overflowing. For more than thirty years the doctor had thrown into it every page he wrote, from brief notes to the complete texts of his great works on heredity. Thus it was that his searches here were not always easy. He rummaged patiently among the papers, and when he at last found the one he was looking for, he smiled.For an instant longer he remained near the bookcase, reading the note by a golden sunbeam that came to him from the middle window. He himself, in this dawnlike light, appeared, with his snow-white hair and beard, strong and vigorous; although he was near sixty, his color was so fresh, his features were so finely cut, his eyes were still so clear, and he had so youthful an air that one might have taken him, in his close-fitting, maroon velvet jacket, for a young man with powdered hair.Which of these is the purpose of the first paragraph? (5 points)A. To foreshadow the action that followsB. To set the mood for the scene that followsC. To provide a physical contrast to the nature of the charactersD. To introduce a metaphor that applies to the rest of the passageWhat is the asnwer? [tex]good behaviour \: is \: a \: behaviour \: which \: leads \: good \: habit[/tex]Please help me. Please Help!! :DFind the value of y. Which direct object pronoun best completes the second sentence? Nuestra abuela es muy simptica. Siempre ____ da galletas y leche cuando le visitamos.A. meB. teC. nosD. les Categorize the following reaction as an acid-base neutralization, precipitation, combination, decomposition, combustion, displacement, or disproportionation reaction. Ba(C2H3O2)2(aq) + Na2CO3(aq) BaCO3(s) + 2 NaC2H3O2(aq) The millage rate is the amount of property tax per $1000 of the taxable value ofa home. For a certain county the millage rate is 29 mil. A city within the countyalso imposes a flat fee of $101 per home.a. Write a function representing the total amount of property tax T(x) for a homewith a taxable value of x thousand dollars.b. Write an equation for T-1(x).c. What does the inverse function represent in the context of this problem? can u plz solve it n send the answer alguien que me ayude..porfa -Relative pronouns. Why has the Equatorial Guinean government invested resources in supporting annual festivals and hosting international events?to develop its tourism industryto promote the traditional Bubi cultureto attract more Fang people to Bioko Islandto reduce foreign criticism write a couple of paragraphs on your plan during dashain vacation. Which pattern correctly represents the correct order of events of the French and Indian War?i. Signing of the Treaty of Paris in 1763ii. Dispute over Ohio River Valley iii. Signing of the Treaty of Fontainebleau iv. France surrendering to Great Britain A. i, ii, iii, ivB. iv, iii, ii, iC. ii, i, iii, iv D. ii, iii, iv, i Given the coordinates of two points on a line, explain two methods to determine the slope of the line. Brainly to fastest and correct answer,