which of the following group is incorrectly paired with an example of that group


Answer 1


I can't see which following group you are telling

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easy biology question below first correct answer gets brainliest.
When do solutions attempt to reach a
state of equilibrium?
A. Solutions never attempt to reach a state of equilibrium.
B. Solutions rarely make attempts at equilibrium.
C. Solutions always make attempts at equilibrium.
D. While solutions make equilibrium, it happens randomly.


Answer: C- solutions always make attempts at equilibrium

Explanation: solutions will make attempts at reaching equilibrium always because if you think about water or pop
In a bottle and you set it upside down in a half filled glass of the same substance then eventually the liquid stops going out of the bottle this is when you hit the point of equilibrium. To explain further equilibrium is the state of a solution when it is equal.

What happens if the products of digestion of proteins in a boiled egg are more than what the body needs ?



sry I don't know but need more points


I surely answer yr next question

To control the population of insects, if insecticides are used then how it will affect the population of birds?


Answer: Birds are exposed to insecticides through ingestion by mistaking, they ingest pesticide residues when they trim their feathers with their beaks or may drink or bathe in contaminated water. The effects can range from death due to poisoning to a variety of effects such as weakening of eggshells, deformation and slow growth of chicks, lack of appetite, weight loss, immune system damage, hormonal disruption. In addition, insect-eating birds are at a loss when insecticides cause a drop in the number of insects available, especially when they have chicks to feed.


Insects are a class of invertebrate animals characterized by having one pair of antennae, three pairs of legs and two pairs of wings (which, however, may be reduced or missing). They comprise the most diverse group of animals on Earth with an estimated thirty million undescribed species, potentially representing more than 90% of the life forms on the planet. Moreover, they can be found in almost every environment on the planet, so they are not only highly diverse, but also incredibly abundant.

Like any species on the planet, insects play a vital role in the ecosystem, so that a change in the population can compromise the survival of everything around them. On the other hand, insects called "pests" are those insects observed in systems and whose populations cause damage to crops. Although both beneficial insects and pest insects are part of any ecosystem and are also present in human-managed systems. Humans combat these pests using insecticides, which are chemical compounds used to kill insects. They are usually very specific since the product only affects the organism it damages, leaving the rest of living beings and the environment unharmed. And they have low toxicity to humans and animals.

The most common way in which birds are exposed to insecticides is through ingestion by mistaking, for example, a pesticide granule for a seed, or indirectly, by consuming contaminated prey (insects). Birds may also ingest pesticide residues when they trim their feathers with their beaks or may drink or bathe in contaminated water. It should be noted that it also depends on the toxicity of the chemicals, the magnitude and duration of exposure. The effects can range from death due to poisoning to a variety of effects such as weakening of eggshells, deformation and slow growth of chicks, lack of appetite, weight loss, immune system damage, hormonal disruption. In addition, insect-eating birds are at a loss when insecticides cause a drop in the number of insects available, especially when they have chicks to feed.


analysis of disease resulting from nutrient deficiency


Hello user,

The answer is Protein Energy Malnutrition ( PEM )

hope it helps you ...

it happens it happens when moving objects or travels as a given distance in a shorter amount of time.

C.slows down



I think option (A) is right answer

How did Mendel control which plants were
being pollinated?
A. He used artificial cross-pollination,
B. He only used female plants in his experiments,
C. He allowed any plant to be pollinated,



Mendel was interested in the offspring of two different parent plants, so he had to prevent self-pollination. He removed the anthers from the flowers of some of the plants in his experiments. Then he pollinated them by hand with pollen from other parent plants of his choice.

Mendel controlled which plants were being pollinated by using artificial cross-pollination. Details about Mendel experiment can be found below.

How did Gregor Mendel control pollination?

Gregor Mendel is referred to as the Father or Genetics because of his immense role in inheritance.

Gregor Mendel performed series of experiment using pea plants where he crossed them to observe the inheritance of several traits.

However, Gregor Mendel was able to control the process of self-pollination among the pea plants he used by employing artificial cross pollination.

Learn more about Gregor Mendel at: https://brainly.com/question/978525


which of these is a cash crop

A. cucumbers

b. grass

c. latex

d. strawberries ​



The answer is Cccc Latex

the answer is bbbbb grass

The El Nino oscillations are responsible for:
A. producing the Coriolis effect in the Pacific Ocean.
B. maintaining a natural equilibrium in temperatures of the Pacific Ocean.
C. generating gyres in both the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.
D. forming currents below a depth of 400 meters.





During an El Niño event, the surface waters in the central and eastern Pacific Ocean become significantly warmer than usual. ... It also reduces the upwelling of cooler, nutrient-rich waters from the deep—shutting down or reversing ocean currents along the equator and along the west coast of South and Central America.

3. Which term describes the offspring of a
first-generation cross between parents with
different forms of a trait? sc.7.L.16.1



the passed on from to offspring

what is a photon. A. part of a ribosome B. A light particle C. A carbon dioxide molecule D. Part of a chloroplast


B. A light particle because it is the basic unit of all light. It is a quantum of energy with a visible wavelength

Compose a hypothesis for each of the following questions.
Will planting seeds
too shallow or too
deep prevent their





it doesn't prevents their growth only if they get the necessary source

What might happen to the genes that break down carbohydrates when cats eat lipids and fats, but no carbohydrates?



Goes into resting position.


The genes become dormant or in resting position that break down carbohydrates when cats eat lipids and fats, but no carbohydrates because of no use of that genes. The genes can't give instructions to the hormones that produces enzymes which take part in the digestion of carbohydrates so due to no need for the genes of carbohydrates, the genes goes into resting position until carbohydrate is eaten by the cat.

Carry out a tri-hybrid cross between XX(tall) YY(fat) ZZ(fair) and xx(short) yy(slim) zz(black). Find their genotypic and phenotypic ratios.



Genotypic ratio = 100% XxYyZz

Phenotypic ratio = 100% tall, fat, fair.


For a trihybrid cross involving the genes XX which codes for tallness, YY which codes for fatness, and ZZ which codes for fairness with their alternate forms being xx, yy, and zz respectively; each gene will segregate into their respective alleles and combine to form gametes during meiosis, such that:


xxyyzz -----> xyz, xyz, xyz, xyz, xyz, xyz, xyz, xyz

These gametes then combine randomly during fertilization to give all XxYyZz offspring.

                XYZ    x    xyz


Since X is dominant over x, Y is dominant over y, and Z is dominant over z, then XxYyZz individuals that are produced from the cross would be tall, fat, and fair. Hence

Genotypic ratio = 100% XxYyZz

Phenotypic ratio = 100% tall, fat, fair.

See the attached image from the Punnet's square analysis.

Question 3 (Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)
(01.03 MC)
Why is it difficult to get people to follow regulations protecting a common?
O People care more about money than the welfare of others.
O Breaking these regulations does not come with direct penalties.
The rules are too strict and prevent meeting basic needs.
O Common area resources belong to everyone.


I'm sorry for being too late but the answer is, Breaking these regulations does not come with direct penalties.

Which is most likely to change with new discoveries and technologies?



Classification of organisms


Many plants and animals have been reclassified and reversed as technology has advanced. Scientists were able to determine the structure of numerous creatures on a molecular level thanks to improved light microscopes with great resolution and magnification. Whitaker was a scientist who noted that fungi are distinct from plants because they lack chlorophyll. Similarly, there is so much evidence that has resulted in the re-classification of organisms.

a. classification of organisms

Explanation: I got it from edge

VR of wheel and axle is 5.what does it mean. plz help me this question I will Mark u as brainliest​



VR is 5 means that the load moved is five times the effort applied and the distance moved by the effort is five times the distance moved by the load at the same time interval.

I hope it helps you


The mechanical advantage of a wheel and axle is the radius of the wheel divided by the radius of the axle

What do you think? Should human activity be documented on the geological scale why or why not if the human population were not the size it was today however it be different consider all force fears geosphere atmosphere hydrosphere and biosphere and the answer



Environments on Earth are always changing, and living systems evolve within them. For most of their history, human beings did the same. But in the last two centuries, humans have become the planet’s dominant species, changing and often degrading Earth’s environments and living systems, including human cultures, in unprecedented ways. Contemporary worldviews that have severed ancient connections between people and the environments that shaped us – plus our consumption and population growth – deepened this degradation. Understanding, measuring, and managing today’s human environmental impacts – the most important consequence of which is the impoverishment of living systems – is humanity’s greatest challenge for the 21st century.

what is the line of defence involved in phagocytosis​



The second line of defence is nonspecific resistance, which kills intruders in a broad manner without focusing on specific individuals: phagocytic cells ingest and kill any germs that enter body tissues.


Which is a diagram that shows the flow of energy among different trophic levels? O A. Energy pyramid O B. Food chain O C. Solar energy O D. Food web​





an energy pyramid shows the flow of energy in the different trophic levels.

hope this helps please like and mark as brainliest

Which two phrases describe the nature of the gravitational force?



a force that pulls objects toward each other




Question 16 of 30
John is testing the effect of temperature on the solubility of sugar in water.
He plans to determine the mass of sugar dissolved in a saturated solution.
He will begin with a known mass of sugar and add sugar to water until the
solution is saturated. He will then calculate how much sugar dissolved by
subtracting the remaining mass from the initial mass.
He organized data about his experiment in the following table:
Group A
Group B
Group C
Volume of water
100 mL
1000 g
Initial mass of
800 g
Final mass of
Which factor should be the same in all three groups?



As John is testing the effect of temperature on the solubility of sugar in water. To test this, he will measure the amount of sugar dissolved at different temperature level.


I hope it's helpful for you ☺️

The volume of water should be the same in all three groups.

What is solubility?

Solubility is the property of a substance to dissolve in a solvent to form a homogeneous solution at a particular temperature and pressure.The volume of water should be the same in all three groups. This is because the experiment is testing the effect of temperature on the solubility of sugar in water, and any variation in the volume of water could affect the results.

By keeping the volume of water constant, John can ensure that any changes in the amount of sugar dissolved are solely due to changes in temperature and not changes in the amount of water. Therefore, he can compare the results of each group and draw conclusions about the effect of temperature on the solubility of sugar.

Learn more about solubility, here:



what substance acts to prevent sudden pH changes in bodily fluids?





because it protects large changes in pH

A buffer is the substance that prevents rapid or large swings in pH. There are two types of buffers; acidic buffers and basic buffers.

Which of the following is a scientific observation about the panther pictured
Florida Panther
O A. The panther is enjoying the warmth of the sun.
B. The fur on the panther's head is darker than the fur on its body.
C. The panther's coloring is for camouflage.
O D. The panther is an important American symbol.



D, The panther is an important American symbol

pls mark me




Refer to Animation: Filtration, Reabsorption, Secretion. Cells of the excretory tubule _________water by osmosis, from which we can conclude that the solute concentration in these cells must be _________ than in the filtrate. reabsorb; lower excrete; higher reabsorb; higher excrete; lower 2. Refer to Animation: Filtration, Reabsorption, Secretion. What drives the reabsorption that occurs in animal excretory systems



Reabsorption,  Higher


What drives the reabsorption to take place in the executory system is the presence of slow diffusion of some substances and active transport for others. Filtration removes the water form the blood and other substances get dissolved into blood.

Is plasma membrane and cell coat the same?


No they are not the same, plasma membrane and cell coat are different

Which of the following tissues is used in the formation of flowering plant organs?

1. Connective tissues
2. Vascular tissues
3. Epithelial tissues
4. Nervous tissues


I think the correct answer is 2. Vascular tissues .

Vascular tissues are the ones used in the formation of flowering plant organs. The correct option is 2.

What are vascular tissues?

Vascular tissue is a complicated conducting tissue found in vascular plants that is made up of multiple cell types.

The xylem and phloem are the primary components of vascular tissue. Internally, these two tissues transport fluid and nutrients.

These tissues also help in the formation of flowering plants.

Thus, the correct option is 2.

For more details regarding vascular tissues, visit:



All of the following are evidence for the big bang except: A. Cosmic background radiation B. Almost all galaxies are red-shifted C. The sound from the bang echoes though the universe D. The universe is expanding


Answer: C. The sound from the bang echoes though the universe


Cosmic background radiation proves the big bang because it shows that as a result of the big bang, the early universe was really hot but cooled as it expanded. Cosmic background radiation is the result of that earlier heat.

Galaxies being red-shifted means that the space between galaxies is increasing which means that the universe is expanding which provides evidence for a big bang because particles move away the single point they are concentrated in.

There was no actual bang from the big bang and sound cannot echo through space so c is incorrect.

If Darwin knew of Mendel’s work, how might it have influenced his theory of evolution? Do you think this would have affected how well Darwin’s work was accepted?



See explanation


Darwin proposed his theory of evolution on the premise of natural selection. According to him, organisms which possess favourable characteristics which enable them to survive in their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on these favourable characteristics to their offsprings.

According to Mendel, the unit of inheritance passed on from parents to offspring are genes. Hence Darwin's factors are Mendel's genes.

If Darwin knew of Mendel's work. It might have influenced his presentation of the idea of passing on favourable characteristics from parents to offspring in the light of genetics.

This would have made Darwin's work to have more empirical backing hence making it more widely accepted.

What part of our body use to see dreams

Please tell you will get 10 Star


What part of our body use to see dreams?


Our whole brain is active during deams from brain stem to cortex....

It's thin front of the brain the dorsolateral and the orbitofrontal those to combine called prefrontal cortex

Synaptic facilitation, a form of short-term plasticity, is primarily due to ______________. A. insertion of AMPA receptors into the post-synaptic membrane B. depletion of the releasable pool of vesicles C. prolonged elevation of presynaptic calcium levels following synaptic activity D. changes in Na channels located on the post-synaptic membrane



The correct answer is - C. prolonged elevation of presynaptic calcium levels following synaptic activity.


Synaptic facilitation is a process of short-term plasticity that transiently increases synaptic transmission for less than a second, which is considered an essential part of playing a critical role in information transfer and neural processing.

It is evident that such an increase in the synaptic transmission is occur due to prolonged elevation of presynaptic calcium levels following synaptic activity.

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