which one of the following favourite the fastest transpiration rate​


Answer 1


which one of the following favourite the fastest transpiration

Answer 2


where are the options hmm

by the way the answer is Hot temperature, dry and windy environment causes fastest transpiration rate.

Related Questions

please help!! will give brainliest to whoever answers





Just try it out if not then sorry but im pretty sure its A


D Organisms that have favourable characteristics will survive and reproduce


"fitness is defined as reproductive success"


Where do convection currents occur atmophere



Convection takes place in the atmosphere, in the oceans, and in Earth's molten subcrustal asthenosphere.


Question 17 of 25
Why do plants produce more carbon dioxide than oxygen during the night?
O A. Respiration produces oxygen during the day and carbon dioxide at
B. Respiration can happen without sunlight, but photosynthesis
O C. Respiration can only occur when there is no available sunlight.
O D. Photosynthesis only produces carbon dioxide during the night.





Respiration can happen without sunlight,but photosynthesis cannot.and photosynthesis doesn't take place at night,so less carbon dioxide is used up than it is produced.

I hope this helps

can you suggest me some biology experimental project work topics?​



1. General

2. Reproduction

3. Health

4. Genetic Engineering

5. Technical Experiments on Humans

6. Relationships and Media

7. War

8. Information and Communication Tech

9. Computer Science and Robotics

una persona camina durante una hora y media y corre 4 km con velocidad constante ¿cuál era su velocidad en km/h y en m/s?​


La respuesta es: su velocidad es 2.66 km/h, equivalente a 0.738 m/s.


Para conocer la velocidad de una persona que recorrió 4 km luego de caminar durante una hora y media es necesario dividir la distancia (en kilómetros) total en el tiempo (en horas). Entonces la operación sería:

4km/1,5h = 2.66 km/h.

Posteriormente, para convertir 2.66 km/h en m/s es necesario aplicar la siguiente formula

2.66 km/h *(1000 m/1 km)*(1 h/3.600 s) = 0.738 m/s.

What is the independent and dependent variable? Two groups of students were tested to compare their speed working math problems. Each group was given the same problems. One group used calculators and the other group computed without calculators



The dependent variable is the one that depends on the value of some other number. ... Another way to put it is the dependent variable is the output value and the independent variable is the input value. So for y=x+3, when you input x=2, the output is y = 5.

Hope this helps you ❤️

MaRk mE aS braiNliest ❤️

Which of the following statements about cardiac muscle is true? a. Cardiac muscle is like smooth muscle, because smooth muscle has a banded appearance. b. Cardiac muscle is like smooth muscle, because it contains no bands. c. Cardiac muscle contains bands like skeletal muscle, but its contractions are involuntary like smooth muscle. d. Cardiac muscle is like skeletal muscle, because skeletal muscle has involuntary contractions.



c. Cardiac muscle contains bands like skeletal muscle, but its contractions are involuntary like smooth muscle.


In Human anatomy, cardiac cycle can be defined as a complete heartbeat of the human heart which comprises of sequential alternating contraction and relaxation of the atria and ventricles, therefore causing blood to flow unidirectionally (one direction) throughout the human body.

Cardiac muscle is also referred to as myocardium and it's one of the three (3) muscles found only in the heart of vertebrates, the other two (2) being smooth muscle tissue and skeletal muscle tissue.

Cardiac muscle contains bands like skeletal muscle referred to as sarcomeres (contractile units), but its contractions are involuntary like smooth muscle and it's typically being regulated by the sinoatrial node of the heart.

Fill in the blanks:
In water and ice, the slightly ______ hydrogen atoms in one water molecule are drawn to the slightly _______ oxygen atom in another water molecule.

A. positive, negative

B. negative, positive

C. neutral, positive

D. neutral, negative



option c


The water molecule is a polar substance that has partially charged ions. The hydrogen atom is partially positive, whereas the oxygen atom is partially negative in charge. Thus, option A is correct.

What is polarity?

The polarity of the molecule is defined by the presence of the electrical charges over the elemental atom that results in the formation of the chemical bonds by the electrostatic forces.

Water is an example of a polar molecule that is linked by a covalent bond by sharing the electrons between the oxygen and the hydrogen atom of the molecule.

The hydrogen atom is said to have a partial positive charge and oxygen has a partial negative charge because of the uneven electron density. The electronegative oxygen pulls the hydrogen towards it.

Therefore, option A. hydrogen is partially positive and oxygen is partially negative.

Learn more about polarity here:



What does the word Photosynthesis mean?
A. Release of energy through the breakdown of Glucose.
B. Creating photographs.
C. Taking apart with light.
D. Putting together with light.





release of energy through the breakdown of glucose

The release of energy through the breakdown of Glucose means Photosynthesis.


Photosynthesis is a process used by plants and other organisms to convert light energy into chemical energy that, through cellular respiration, can later be released to fuel the organism's activities. Some of this chemical energy is stored in carbohydrate molecules, such as sugars and starches, which are synthesized from carbon dioxide and water – hence the name photosynthesis, from the Greek phōs  "light", and synthesis  "putting together" Most plants, algae, and cyanobacteria perform photosynthesis; such organisms are called photoautotrophs. Photosynthesis is largely responsible for producing and maintaining the oxygen content of the Earth's atmosphere and supplies most of the energy necessary for life on Earth.

Although photosynthesis is performed differently by different species, the process always begins when energy from light is absorbed by proteins called reaction centers that contain green chlorophyll (and other colored) pigments/chromophores. In plants, these proteins are held inside organelles called chloroplasts, which are most abundant in leaf cells, while in bacteria they are embedded in the plasma membrane. In these light-dependent reactions, some energy is used to strip electrons from suitable substances, such as water, producing oxygen gas.

Learn more about  photosynthesis



Approximately how many mutations occur naturally in DNA per 10,000 bases?
A. 2
B. 2000
C. 200
D. 20



Modern methods indicate that the mutation rate is roughly one to two mutation per 10,000 genes per generation.

In human cells, approximately TWO (2) MUTATIONS occur naturally in DNA per 10,000 bases (Option A is correct).

The mutation rate (u) refers to the occurrence of new mutations in a given nucleotide sequence over time.

In human cells, the mutation rate is approximately 10⁻⁴ per generation.

Therefore, in a DNA sequence that has 10,000 base pairs of length, this value is equal to 2 mutations per generation (u = 2 / 10,000 = 10⁻⁴).  

In conclusion, approximately 2 MUTATIONS occur naturally in DNA per 10,000 bases (Option A is correct).

Learn more in:


One moth population carries three alleles at a genetic locus: X1, X2and X3. X1is dominant to X2and X3; X1produces red antennae. X2is co-dominant to X3; X2X2produces yellow antennae, X3X3produces white antennae, and X2X3produces light yellow antennae. The phenotypes in a population are as follows: 0.04 white; 0.16 light yellow; 0.16 yellow; 0.64 red.Assuming that this population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, what is the frequency of the X3allele in this population



The correct answer is - 0.20


According to Hardy Weinberg equation under specific conditions the frequencies of the allele in the gene in a given population remain constant. Thus according to this frequencies of allele and genotype will remain the same through the generation unless there will be no evolutionary influence.

It helps us to predict the genotype frequencies in a large population.  If there are two alleles having allelic frequencies p and q and we know equation of probability and frequencies add to 1


The X3X3 genome produces white antennae. Now Phenotypic frequency of the white antennae is 0.16 or 0.04 in the whole population. Hence the frequency of X3 should be a square root of 0.04 i.e, 0.20.

what is the purpose of ethical guidelines for the handling of experimental subjects



The purpose of ethical guidelines for handling of experimental subjects is to ensure the safety and well-being of all living creatures in an experiment. Ethical guidelines include issues such as human rights, animal welfare, safety compliance with the law, conflicts of interest, health standards.

The human heart weighs how many pounds


After careful consideration your answer is...

Just about 1 pound

*Hope I helped*


1 lb (pound)


it is the answer.

what is the average lifespan of a sperm cell​


[tex]Hello[/tex] [tex]There![/tex]

The answer is...

5 days at least.

Good luck!



the answer is up to 5 days

What are three blood cells in a human body







these are the three blood cells in the human body

red white and platelets

Explain how various animal species have rapidly evolved as a result of human impact.



Numerous examples of this human-induced contemporary evolution have been reported in a number of 'contexts', including hunting, harvesting, fishing, agriculture, medicine, climate change, pollution, eutrophication, urbanization, habitat fragmentation, biological invasions and emerging/disappearing diseases.


You have been asked to help a top nutrition researcher conduct human experiments on vitamin C. As the subjects walk into the laboratory, you distribute all the vitamin C pill bottles to the girls and all the placebo pill bottles to the boys. The researcher instantly informs you that there are two errors in your research practice. What steps should you have done differently?
a. given all the boys the vitamin C and the girls the placebo, and told them what they were getting
b. Distributed the bottles randomly, randomized the subjects, and told them what they were getting.
c. Told the subjects which group they were in, and prevented yourself from knowing the contents of the pill bottles.
d. Prevented yourself from knowing what was in the pill bottles, and distributed the bottles randomly to the subjects.



Option D


Prevented yourself from knowing what was in the pill bottles, and distributed the bottles randomly to the subjects.

Parthenogenesis is:

Select one:
a. Reproduction without fertilization
b. Asexual reproduction
c. Reproduction through spores
d. Reproduction through mitosis


parthenogenesis is the reproduction without fertilization

it is the process by which female produce baby without the involvement of male

it is the reproduction without fertilization

Which of the following workers is a maintenance staff member?


E because his job is what the question describes

When trees are uprooted and the land left bare what happens to the rain water?​



when trees are cut down, the bare surfaces left behind absorb more heat than the forest they replaced.And that heat helps draw air upward, pulling moist air in from nearby forested land that increases rainfall in the immediate area.

Why do doctors have to check what blood type a person has before receiving a
A. Different blood types have different antibodies that will be attacked by someone with
antigens against that blood type.
B. Different blood types have different antigens that will be attacked by someone with
antibodies against that blood type.
C. Your blood type doesn't matter as long as you get the correct amount of blood in a
D. They need to have the same blood type because their DNA must be similar enough to
blend or will cause side-effects and possibly be rejected.



A. Different blood types have different antibodies that will be attacked by someone with

antigens against that blood type.

I have to write a hypothesis based on if plants need sunlight
I would put one plant inside and one outside with everything they get the same except the amount of sunlight



Sunlight is related to plant growth. If the amount of sunlight is increased, then plant growth will increase. The hypothesis that plant growth increases as the amount of sunlight increases was supported by the data.

Need help someone knows the answer







option c solid waste buildup

cause mining produces sound pollution

burning produces air pollution

coal ash cause water pollution

Which of the following is the only one that could cause a theory to change over time?
Group of answer choices

The discovery of new evidence

Exciting new—but untested--hypotheses

A series of new laws passed by the government

A change in public opinion



may be

the discovery of new evidence


Accepted theories may be modified or overturned as new evidence and perspective emerges. Scientists are likely to accept a new or modified theory if it explains everything the old theory did and more. The process of theory change may take time and involve controversy, but eventually the scientific explanation that is more accurate will be accepted.

state te type of cell devision of cross section tips of onion root.​


mitosis and/or meiosis is the anwser

Over the past 60 years, many amphibian species have experienced significant population declines, and some species have become extinct. Scientists suspected that local human activities such as the destruction of wetlands, regional pollution, and deforestation were the main reasons for these losses. However, research over the past 20 years reveals significant amphibian population declines in protected areas of the world, such as nature preserves and parks. These global declines suggest widespread problems including increased ultraviolet radiation, acid rain, and disease. In Switzerland, for example, 14 of the 20 native amphibian species are threatened with extinction. Chytridiomycosis is a fungal disease first identified in 1998 as a cause of massive amphibian deaths. In some severely impacted populations, a few individuals have survived, perhaps because of some natural resistance. If these resistant individuals continue to survive and prosper, new resistant populations might emerge. This would be an example of ________.


Gene flow is the answer

Carbohydrates info
B. Composed of:
C. Monomer:
D. Polymer:
E. Functions:


A: Carbs
B:Carbon, hydrogen and oxygen
E: Provides energy to the human body.

Which is the best interpretation of the two flat portions of the graph?

A. These show where the temperature is 0ºC.

B. These show where changes of state are occurring.

C. These show where kinetic energy is increasing.

D. These show where thermal energy does not exist.



B, they are changes of state.

The best interpretation of the two flat portions of the graph where these shows that change of state are occurring. Thus, C is correct option.

What are change of state?

A state is physical condition of any substances it means that any substance which found on earth are mainly found in three states and these are following:-

1- Solid

2- Liquid

3- Gas

A change of state is physical change of state i.e any substance which changes their state from ( solid to liquid called melting), (liquid to gas called evaporation), (gas to solid called diffusion) etc  are called change of state.

These change of state occurs when temperatures or pressure changes in a system or substances. When the temperature or pressure increase  the interaction between the molecules also increases.

Therefore,the best interpretation of the two flat portions of the graph where these shows that change of state are occurring. Thus, C is correct option.

Learn more about change of state here:



Some birds on the Galapagos Islands build nests in trees, while others hide eggs in rock crevices. What could account for this difference in nesting behaviors?



Food habits, predators.


The biggest reasons are food habits and predators, most birds who nest on the ground either can't fly or use this to be closer to their food. A ground bird (Like quail) can fly but choose to be more ground-based birds.

Most of the time it's because these birds forage for food like ground insects, seeds from the brush that grows on the ground, or fallen fruit.

Most birds that live in the trees feast on seeds, leaves, or insects found close to where they choose to nest. They may also want to escape any predators that may be towards the ground.

What is a genotype???????


Answer: A genotype is an individual's collection of genes.


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