Which statement best describes the historical significance of the Declaration of Independence?


Answer 1

Answer: It describes why the colonists wanted to be free from Britain and what led to their decision to fight against British rule.


The Declaration of Independence refers to the pronouncement that was adopted by the Second Continental Congress in 1776 during their meeting in Pennsylvania.

The document stated that the thirteen colonies were now sovereign and has become independent states and therefore the British rule isn't recognized anymore and now referred to as the United States.

The main ideas of the Declaration of Independence include the fact that all men are equal by God and that everyone has some rights which the government should protect and if any government wants to withhold such rights, the people can then revolt.

The historical significance of the Declaration of Independence was that it describes why the colonists wanted to be free from Britain and what led to their decision to fight against British rule.

Answer 2




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what does it mean learner permit??????


A learners permit is a drivers license you can get by taking a driving class, it allows the user to drive without passing the driving test. The limitations of the permit is that you have to drive with an licensed adult. Know that regulation vary from state to state so check your local government’s website, but this is the gist.

Hope this helps. Please consider making me the Brainliest, it’s not necessary but it is appreciated as I put time and research into each answer. Have a great day, stay safe and stay healthy.

Who …………………………..the washing in your house? (do)



Who ……does…..the washing in your house? (do)


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Small family because i live in a small family

Yes , I like small family

Which sentence has the correct placement of a semicolon?
Because Sarah is absent a great deal; she has a hard time keeping up nevertheless she is willing to work overtime.
Because Sarah is absent a great deal, she has a hard time keeping up; nevertheless, she is willing to work overtime.
Because Sarah is absent a great deal, she has a hard time keeping up nevertheless; she is willing to work overtime.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



B, i think not to sure tho




A semicolon is properly used to join two related independent clauses in place of a comma and a coordinating conjunction

What steps can a reader use to figure out unknown words in a story? Check all that apply.
think of other words that are similar
look around the word to see how it is used
look for how often the word is used
replace the word with a more familiar word
look for smaller words within the word



look around the word to see how it is used

replace the word with a more familiar word


It is common to read a text that has an unknown word, or difficult to understand, which makes it difficult to understand the text. The most common in these cases is for the reader to look for a dictionary that shows the meaning of the reading, but this can disrupt the reading pace. To avoid this, the reader can observe the words that are presented around the unknown word and identify the context that these words present. Through this context, the reader can understand what the meaning of the unknown word is and how it fits into that sentence.

The reader can also replace this unknown word with a similar word that he knows the meaning of. However, be careful with this strategy, as there are many false cognates in the language, which are similar words that have different meanings.

The effects of bad parenting


The worst effect of bad parenting is that children think that what their parents are doing or what their parents encourage them to do are normal in the society. Children may become a bad citizen in the future, if they don't realise what is good and what is bad. Also, if they don't understand what is good or what is bad, they may become the same kind of parents in the future.

children may influence their parents horrible parenting, as the other person said. whether it’s physical, mental abuse those action will reflect on their children and will act out just like their parents (maybe?) under influence.

oin the sentence He does not know anythin. That is certain​



he doesn't know anything, that's certain


Which of the following sentences contains personification?
My brakes screamed as the car came to a stop.
The heat from the sun melted my skin as I walked home.
The rain was as soft as cotton as it fell on my face.



The first sentence.


Personification is giving human traits or characteristics to non-human things.

Brakes can't scream.

why is it important that you know the definitions of the different threats on the web​


So you can protect your data

I need help for number 6 please???





loved ones - would probably know well

metaphorical - comes from your head and you can give a lot of info




How does Heinz feel after telling his co-worker Harry about his sons birth?



Explanation:he feel nevouress, sad,disappointed

Natalie's team needs to make a decision on how to handle a big product recall. People on the team have a lot of strong opinions. Management wants everyone to come to a consensus and to find a solution that everyone can support. What's the best way to get to a consensus? a) Everyone on the team talks until the entire team agrees on one decision. O b) Everyone on the team discusses options and then votes. O c) The team passes the decision-making responsibility to an outside person. O di The team leader makes a decision without input from the other members.


the Awnser is b I need tale at twenty letters mb

write a short essay about the economy of South Sudan from 400 to 450 words ​





oil is the short answer

Sudan holds 5,000,000,000 barrels of proven oil reserves as of 2016, ranking 23rd in the world and accounting for about 0.3% of the world's total oil reserves of 1,650,585,140,000 barrels. Sudan has proven reserves equivalent to 97.8 times its annual consumption.


its money is called South Sudanese pound


1 dollar is worth 130.26 South Sudanese pounds SSP


It got independence from Sudan on 9 July 2011


About 82% of the population in South Sudan is poor according to the most recent estimates, based on the $1.90 2011 purchasing power parity poverty line

world bank

Sudan has a largely traditional economy in which the majority of the citizens rely on agriculture, and there is limited central planning by the government. Sudan is a member of the League of Arab States (Arab League) and the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA).

global edge

pls help don’t know what it is





Read the passage

Can anyone tell what is this? ​



is this through a microscope? if I is not I think it is a drawing!

the question is at the bottom

Scenario: Dana is a 3-year-old boy who lives with his mom, dad, and 12-month-old sister. He is a new student at a community preschool program. He is language delayed and only speaks in one-word phrases, often repeating what others have said or saying the same thing over and over. Dana's parents report that he is very difficult to manage at home and in the community. They report that His parents are reluctant to take him to the store or other places in the community because he has severe tantrums, resists getting in the car, and/or resists leaving places. Dana's preschool teacher visited him at home to welcome him to his new school. She was distressed to observe that Dana seems to be "in charge." His parents are reluctant to place limits on him. At preschool, Dana has tantrums that include crying, screaming, dropping to the floor, and hitting adults. He is most likely to have problem behavior during small group activities, clean-up time, and when transitioning from activities.

Question: What are some Long Term Strategies for Dana that will assist him and his family
(e.g, develop friends, attend a community preschool program


Perhaps they could place Dana in a special care program that caters to children with his characteristics, and people that are experienced and educated in solving behavioral issues related to young children. They could also have him evaluated for mental conditions such as ADHD, and have a doctor prescribe special care for the condition such as medication or a children's program.

What is the moral message from the story of the ‘examination day’



One theme in this short story 'Examination Day' is that intelligence is not always valued in society. In the story, the government has a strong grip over the town and does not want anyone to question them. The unusual thing about this examination is that success was seen as negative.


In Examination Day by Henry Slesar we have the theme of fear, suppression, control, freedom and acceptance. Narrated in the third person by an unnamed narrator the reader realises from the beginning of the story that Slesar may be exploring the theme of fear. Dickie's mother is anxious.

Put the words in the correct order and make sentences
1.you | song | sing | can't | this
2. on | come | why | can't | Peter | Sunday
3. brother | can | run | your | fast
4. where | can | tonight | sleep | we

5. milkshakes | can | two | we | have
6.now | do | can't | it | just | you
7.dance | can | the | I | to | go
8. can't | quiet | Sophie | be



1. You can't sing this song

2. Why can't Peter come on Sunday?

3. Your brother can run fast

4. Where can we sleep tonight?

5. Can we have two milkshakes?

6. You can't do it just now

7. I can go to the dance

8. Sophie can't be quiet


1.You can't sing this song.

2. Why can't Peter come on Sunday?

3. Your brother can run fast.

4. Where can we sleep tonight.

5. Can we have two milkshakes?

6. You can't just do it now.

7. Can I go to the dance?

8. Can't Sophie be quiet?


I hope this helps in any way.

Could Anyone explain me the difference between the two

1."Could They have Won the match if they Performed a bit better?"
2."."Could They have Won the match if they had Performed a bit better?"



The first one is Past Simple and next is Past Perfect. Personality, I think, that the first is better

Select the correct answer.
Which English county is the setting for Wuthering Heights?
OB - Yorkshire
OD. Derbyshire



B. would be correct


i hope i helped

I need help on writing my collage essay, it’s a Personal statement collage paper.
My prompt it’s about overcoming challenges in my life and changes that has been made throughout my life. But I have no idea how to start my first sentence to start my essay.
( for submission to get accepted.)




First of all, you better change the spelling to college. There is such a thing as a collage which is why the spell check didn't pick it up. Minor problem.

You did start your paper. You can write just what you said, only tighten it a bit.

The challenges I have overcome have made vast changes in ________.

What do you want to put in the blank? my thinking, my behavior, my what? What you say has to lead up to something.

Read the following sentence, using what you know about context clues to identify the meaning of the word quandary?

Risa complained that she was in quite a quandary, and I had to admit I didn’t know how she would get out of this predicament.

What type of context clue helps you understand the meaning of quandary?
A restating the word's meaning
B definition
C example
D a word with the opposite meaning





a word with the opposite meaning

Which prepositional phrase would add a necessary detail to the end of sentence 27?
O above his hand
O on the test
O near the class
O beside the paper


The correct answer is B. On the test.


A prepositional phrase is a grammatical structure that includes a preposition such as on, in, at, and, a noun. An example of this structure is "On the test" which includes the preposition "on" and the noun "test". Additionally, prepositional phrases can be used in sentences to complete an idea. In the case of sentence 27, the best option is "on the test" because this has the structure of a prepositional phrase and it fits the context because the speaker is mentioning grades, which are common in tests.

No food of any kind __________ into the examination room.
is to be
is to be taken
to taken
was to taking


Is to be taken into the examination room
Answer: Is to be taken

You all did love him once, not without cause:
What cause withholds you then, to mourn for him?
- William Shakespeare, The Tragedy of Julius Caesar
rhetorical appeal








got it right

Excerpt:Image: Kintsugi is a Japanese art form that involves repairing broken pottery by using adhesive mixed with gold, silver, or copper. This shiny material makes the cracks between the broken pieces sparkle and serves as a reminder that there is beauty in broken, imperfect things. Sophia is writing an essay and using text features as support. Read the excerpt from the essay and examine the image Sophia is including. How could she best make the text feature more effective? by changing the image to a diagram with dates about the history of pottery by adding a caption explaining exactly what the image shows by positioning the image so that the text surrounds it by changing the image to a cartoon illustration that is more engaging


Answer:B. By adding a caption explaining exactly what the image shows.


I just answered the question and got it right.

The way she could best make the text feature more effective is B. By adding a caption explaining exactly what the image shows.

What is a Visual Aid?

This refers to the use of images and photographs to tell a better story about something.

Hence, we can from the complete text, there is the use of a visual aid that contains an image to show Kintsugi which is a Japanese art form and the narrator can make the text feature more effective through the addition of a caption.

Read more about visual aids here:



she has got a lot of... in her bank account
A. currency B.coins C. money D. cash



cash I think


hope this will help u




She has got a lot of money in her bank account.

Keep smiling and hope u are satisfied with my answer.Have a good day:)

The story’s first sentence, a description of the family car shows the reader that —

the characters are not good with money
the family in the story is very conscious of material status
Charles is ungrateful for the good things his parents have given him
Charles’s parents have neglected routine repairs and maintenance



b). the family in the story is very conscious of material status.


The very beginning sentence of the story providing an explanation of the family car reflects the family's love and sensitivity towards their material status. The description of the car clearly reveals the family's materialistic nature and gives the readers an idea that the characters are highly inclined towards maintaining their shallow consumerist nature. This gives an idea that they are least likely to provide any importance to the emotions of generosity. Hence, option b is the correct answer.

critical thinking on the libary card?


Are you trying to get a library card or what is the question?

pls help I need help ​




copy the whole paragraph and put it on grammerly

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