Which statement correctly compares the number of protons and electrons in atoms of rubidium (Rb) and calcium (Ca)?

(1 point)

Rubidium has fewer protons and fewer electrons than calcium.
Rubidium has fewer protons and more electrons than calcium.
Rubidium has more protons and fewer electrons than calcium.
Rubidium has more protons and more electrons than calcium.


Answer 1


#1. number of valence electrons

#2. oxygen

#3. Rubidium has more protons and more electrons than calcium.

#4. 20

#5. helium (he)


Answer 2


Rubidium has more protons and more electrons than calcium.


for connexus honors chemistry unit 3 lesson 3 quick check :)

Related Questions

what is the definition of unit?definition of unit?​



The Reference standard with which we carry out the measurement of any physical quantity of the same kind is know as unit .



The standard quantity which is used for the comparison with an unknown quantity is called unit.

Unit is a known or standard quantity in terms of which other physical quantities are measured.

for examples;kilogram,metre,second,etc.


hope it helps you

Calculate the upthrust on a object immersed in water if the object displace water of mass 2 kg.(g=9.8m/s²) ​


Thrust is force

Mass=2kgAcceleration due to gravity=g=9.8m/s^2

Using Newtons Second law

[tex]\boxed{\sf Force=Mass\times Acceleration}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \qquad\quad\sf{:}\dashrightarrow Thrust=2(9.8)[/tex]

[tex]\\ \qquad\quad\sf{:}\dashrightarrow Thrust=19.6N[/tex]

We have that the the upthrust on a object immersed in water is


From the Question we are told that

mass= 2kg

Gravity g=9.8m/s^2

Generally the equation for the upthrust  is mathematically given as





For more information on this visit


calculate the potential energy stored in a meta ball of mass of 80 kg kept at a height of 15m from the earth surface . What will be the potential energy when the metal ball is kept on the earth surface Take (g- 9.8 m/s] ​



11760 J


cuz potential engery is PE = MHG

SO 80×15×9.8= 11760 J





mass(m)=80 kg


acceleration due to gravity(g)=9.8m/s^2


potential energy = m×g×h

= 80×9.8×15

= 11760j

According to Hooke's law
(a) stress x strain = constant
(b) stress / strain = constant
(c) strain / stress = constant
(d) stress = strain



According to Hook's law, we know,

strain/stress =Constant

Explanation: So, the ratio between stress and strain is always constant.

So, if stress is increased, then strain changes in that way so that this ratio always remains constant.

light travels 3,00,000 km/s . Is it velocity or speed?​





according to your question, your answer is speed

solve two questions under inclined plane using Newton 2nd law​



If the mass of the inclined plane is large enough, could N ever be equal to mgcosθ. Reasons?

So far I've come up with: mgcosθ−N=ma meaning if N were to equal mgcosθ, ma=0. Since the surfaces are frictionless and since N is acting on the inclined plane too(it'll have a horizontal component), this isn't possible. Am I right? Where am I going wrong?

A water heater marked 4 kW takes 4 minutes to heat 1 kg of water from 20 °C to 50 °C. The cost of electrical energy per kWh
is $0.120. What will be the total cost of energy consumption?


The total cost of the energy consumption for the given time period is $0.0364

The given parameters include;

power rating of the heater, P = 4 kW = 4000 Wtime taken to completely boil the water,[tex]t = 4 \min = 4 \min \times \frac{1 \ h}{60 \ \min} = 0.067 \ h[/tex]mass of the water, m = 1 kginitial temperature of the water, t₁ = 20 ⁰Cfinal temperature of the water, t₂ = 50 ⁰Cspecific heat capacity of water, c = 4200 J/kg⁰Ccost of electrical energy = $0.12

The total energy consumed in the process of heating the water;

Total electrical Energy  = Energy of the heater (kWh) + Energy of the heated water (kWh)

Energy of the heater (kWh) = power x time

                                = 4 kW x 0.067 h

                                 = 0.268 kWh

Energy of the heated water (J) = mcΔt


Δt is the change in temperature = t₂ - t₁

                                                      = 50 ⁰C  -  20 ⁰C = 30⁰C

Energy of the heated water (J) = 1 x 4200 x 30

                                               = 126,000 J

Electrical power of the heated water (Watts) = [tex]\frac{126,000 \ J}{4 \ \min} \times \frac{1 \min}{60 \ s} = 525 \ W[/tex]

Energy of the heated water (kWh) = [tex]\frac{525}{1000} \times 4\min\times \frac{1 \ hr}{60 \min} = 0.035 \ kWh[/tex]

Total electrical Energy  = 0.268 kWh  +  0.035 kWh

                                       = 0.303 kWh

The total cost of the energy consumed is calculated as;

[tex]Total \ cost = \frac{\$ \ 0.12}{kWh} \times 0.303 \ kWh = \$ \ 0.0364[/tex]

Therefore, the total cost of the energy consumption is $0.0364

To learn more about cost of electrical energy calculation, please visit: https://brainly.com/question/17924004

A bucket filled woth water seems light while it sinks into water.Also show their relation using formula


Answer: This phenomenon happens due to upthrust exerted by water.


We know that,

Liquid Pressure is directly proportional to the height of the vertical column in the liquid.(P∝h)

When a bucket filled water is sunk into the water container, there occur difference in the pressure in top and bottom of the water container. Due to this, water exerts an upward force on the bucket filled with water. This is called Uprthrust.

Upthrust on the bucket makes the bucket filled with water lose some of it's weight and causes apparent loss in weight.

Hence, the bucket filled with water seems light while it sinks into water.

(6). A car travels in a straight line from city A to city B at a speed of 60kmh-1

. Then return

from city B to city A along the original route at a speed of 40kmh-1

. The distance between

the two cities is 120 km. What is the average speed of the vehicle?

1. 30kmh-1

2. 45kmh-1

3. 48kmh-1

4. 60kmh-1​


i think that the answer is 4. 60kmh!

What volume of silver metal will have a mass of exactly 2500.0 g? The density of silver is 10.50 g/cm3.

*Include your units!

Round your answer to the nearest tenth.



The density of silver is 10.5g/cm3



238.1cm3 to nearest tenth.

I hope my answer helps. Please mark as brainliest.

For a given prism the angle of incidence is changed from 0° and 90', the angle of deviation [ ]
b) decreases
c) first decreases and then increases
d) first increases and then decreases
a) increases





please mark as brainlyest




State Ohms law in easy words



Ohm's law states that the current through a conductor between two points is directly proportional to the voltage across the two points.

The pressure at the ice point for a constant-volume gas thermometer is 4.81 x 10^4Pa.
While that at the steam point is 6.48 x 10^4 Pa.
What pressure would the thermometer indicate at 50°c?



0 deg C = 4.81E4     pressure at 0 deg

100 deg C = 6.48E4     pressure at steam point

100 deg C - 50 deg C = (6.48 - 4.81) * 10^4 = 1.67E4 Pa

50 deg C = 50 / 100 * 1.67E4 + 4.81E4 = 5.65E4 Pa Just the halfway point between the two given pressures

show how three identical 6 resistors must be connected tho have the following effective resistance values 9 and 4 ohms​



connect two 9 ohms resistance in series now it becomes 18 ohm

What is the voltage of the power source if a motor with a resistance of 20 2 draws a
current of 1.5 A?



190v I believe

hope this helped a little and if it did pls mark brainiest :)

Starting from rest, two skaters push off against each other on smooth level ice, where friction is negligible. One is a woman and one is a man. The woman moves away with a velocity of 1.9 m/s relative to the ice. The mass of the woman is 46 kg, and the mass of the man is 88 kg. Assuming that the speed of light is 3.0 m/s, so that the relativistic momentum must be used, find the recoil velocity of the man relative to the ice.


I’m sorry i don’t know

If the resistance reading on a dmm’s meter face is 22.5 ohms and the range selector switch is set to the R x 100 range what’s the actual measured resistance of the circuit
A.22.5 kohms

B.2.25 mohms

C.2.25 kohms

D.225 ohms





The mass of an object is 4kg and it has a density of 5gcm^-3. what is the volume ​



density =   mass/ volume

5=4000/ volume


volume=800 cm^-3

Observe the given figure and find the the gravitational force between m1 and m2.​



The gravitational force between m₁ and m₂, is approximately 1.06789 × 10⁻⁶ N


The details of the given masses having gravitational attractive force between them are;

m₁ = 20 kg, r₁ = 10 cm = 0.1 m, m₂ = 50 kg, and r₂ = 15 cm = 0.15 m

The gravitational force between m₁ and m₂ is given by Newton's Law of gravitation as follows;

[tex]F =G \cdot \dfrac{m_{1} \cdot m_{2}}{r^{2}}[/tex]


F = The gravitational force between m₁ and m₂

G = The universal gravitational constant = 6.67430 × 10⁻¹¹ N·m²/kg²

r₂ = 0.1 m + 0.15 m = 0.25 m

Therefore, we have;

[tex]F = 6.67430 \times 10^{-11} \ N \cdot m^2/kg \times \dfrac{20 \ kg\times 50 \ kg}{(0.1 \ m+ 0.15 \ m)^{2}} \approx 1.06789 \times 10^{-6} \ N[/tex]

The gravitational force between m₁ and m₂, F ≈ 1.06789 × 10⁻⁶ N

Question 3 of 10
Which image shows an example of the strong nuclear force in


Answer: The answer is B


There are 4 fundamental forces that hold matter together.

- Gravitational Force

- Electromagnetic Force

- Strong Nuclear Force

- Weak Nuclear Force

We have barely just scratched the info about nuclear forces but the reason why B is the answer to the question is that Strong nuclear force actually holds the protons and neutrons together in the nucleus of an atom, much like the picture in B.

Answer: B


304 divided by 2.52

8001 divided by 3.5

820 divided by 6.9



dude just use the calculator fr




please mark this answer as brainlist

People who get population education are also aware of health issues and environment education justify


I believe this statement is correct if not I am sorry

A ball is dropped from a height of 180m- Calculate the velocity of the ball when it strikes the ground



6s , 60mls


hope this helps love




When the object strikes the ground, it then becomes in uniform motion and when an object is in uniform motion, the velocity is 0

Please help have due very soon?thank you


The answer is :78 I think

Which type of reactions usually happens slowest?



option b is correct..................

Write the dimension of a / b in the x = at + bt2. Where x is the distance and t is the time?​


The dimension of a/b where x is the distance and t is the time is T

Given the expression

x = at + bt²


x is the distance

t is the time

Based on the homogeneity principle, the expression on the left-hand side must be equal to that on the right. Hence;

x = at

[tex]a = \frac{x}{t}[/tex]

Since x is the distance and distance is measured in metres, the dimension equivalent will be the length 'L'

Since t is the time and time is measured in seconds, the dimension equivalent will be the seconds 'T'



x  = bt²


Next is to get a/b;

[tex]\frac{a}{b} = \frac{L}{T} \div \frac{L}{T^2}\\\frac{a}{b} = \frac{L}{T}*\frac{T^2}{L} \\\frac{a}{b} =\frac{T^2}{T}\\\frac{a}{b} =T[/tex]

Hence the dimension of a/b is T

give reason
Husking rice in a rice mill is faster than husking with dhiki



Because rice mill is more advanced than dhiki.

It is the developed form of the dhiki.

What is the total distance covered during its complete motion? (CCT TYPE) *
2 points
350 km
20/3 km
50 km
40/3 km

What is the SI unit of speed? ( CCT type) *
2 points
None of the above

. In which period is the bus decelerating? (CCT type) *
2 points
0-5 min
8- 12 min
11-19 min
5-10 min

Only answer who knows, don't spam. because I am in hurry.​






These are the answers

Hope it’s help you

a stone attached to 1m long string is moving with the speed of 5ms in a circle find the centripetal acceleration of the stone​



The centripetal acceleration of the stone is 5 m/s²


The length of the string to which the stone is attached, r = 1 m

The speed with which the string is rotated, v = 5 m/s

The centripetal acceleration, [tex]a_c[/tex], is given as follows;

[tex]a_c = \dfrac{v^2}{r}[/tex]

Therefore, the centripetal acceleration of the stone found as follows;

[tex]a_c = \dfrac{(5 \ m/s)^2}{1 \ m} = 5 \ m/s^2[/tex]

The centripetal acceleration of the stone, [tex]a_c[/tex] = 5 m/s².

How do we find the weight of a beam



Standard weight: We calculate the standard weight as follows: G = L * mweight, where L is the length of the beam calculated as the difference between the extreme points of the beam body along the direction of the beam axis, taking into account all features except holes.


I want Brainliest plz!!

: Lili

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