Which type of electromagnetic wave is deliberately used in some
circumstances to cause damage to living cells in the human body?
A. Infra-red
B. Gamma rays
C. Microwaves
D. Radio waves.


Answer 1

Gamma rays

used in radiotherapy

Related Questions

Enlight the contribution of science and technology for current pandemic of Corona virus??​


The vaccine ofcourse. They helped in making the vaccine.

when you throw a ball
and it
bounces back to your hand,
is it elastic collision ? Explain.



The ground hits the ball with same force with which the balls hit the ground. That's why ball bounces back.

Gravity stops it from bouncing forever.

Hope this helps..

what is momentum
what is momentum in words​



It's a strength or force


the quantity of motion of a moving body, measured as a product of its mass and velocity


momentum is a quality define as the product of the mass and velocity of an object.

numerical filing method is more scientific why give me 4 reason ​



Numerical Methods are mathematical way to solve certain problems.Whether the equations are linear or nonlinear, efficient and robust numerical methods are required to solve the system of algebraic equations.

Analytical solutions are exact solutions based on mathematical principles.

However, the governing partial differential equations of fluid flow are complex and cannot be solved by analytical means. The partial differential equations are therefore converted into a system of algebraic equations that are subsequently solved through numerical methods to provide approximate solutions to the governing equations.

Although we rarely reach on exact answer , we can get really close to the exact answer much quicker than solve analytically.


oh my god


how long answer is this

Help me frfr I don’t understand


The points are



[tex]\boxed{\sf slope(m)=\dfrac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1}}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto m=\dfrac{0-10}{6-1}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto m=\dfrac{-10}{5}[/tex]

[tex]\\ \sf\longmapsto m=-2[/tex]

Write down the role played by four digestive juices in digestion and the
organs which secrete them.



Digestive juices secreted by various organs such as salivary glands in the mouth, stomach, liver and pancreas help in the process of digestion of food. Saliva secreted by the salivary glands in the mouth aids in the breakdown of starch present in the food to simple sugar


State any ten reasons why students in Uganda need to study physics?use examples of the possible technological advancements which can be made using the knowledge of physics



1.it also hleps us to became doctors becuase without physics you can't be a doctor

2.physics needs to be steady whether you like it or not it helps you in life so everybody must study physics no matter is in Uganda USA and plenty more countries there must be physics to dare to be studied

An iron weight, suspended by a string, is motionless. The tension
in the string is 4.75 newtons. What is the mass of the iron




If the mass hangs at the end of the string and the string can support the mass and doesn't break, and the mass hangs still, that means that the tension in the string is equal to the downward pull of the mass. However, we are given the tension in Newtons and the mass needs to be in kg. So we use the equation for weight:

w = mg where w, the weight, is the same as the tension in the string. Gravity is always 9.8 in the metric system:

4.75 = m(9.8) so

m = .48 kg


Answer: A

0.485 Kg


A train 90m long stops in a train station with its front buffers in line with a lamp post on the platform. Later it starts off with an average acceleration of 0.45m/s. What will be its speed in kilometers per hour when the tail buffers pass the lamp post P?​



The speed of the train when the tail buffers pass the lamp post is 9 m/s


The given parameters are;

The length of the train = 90 m

The initial velocity of the train, u = 0

The average acceleration of the train, a = 0.45 m/s²

When the tail buffer pass the lamp post, P, we have;

The distance travelled, s = The length of the train = 90 m

The kinematic equation of motion is given as follows;

v² = u² + 2·a·s


v = The speed of the train when the tail buffers pass the lamp post

∴ v² = 0² + 2 × 0.45 m/s² × 90 m = 81 m²/s²


v = √(81 m²/s²) = 9 m/s

The speed of the train when the tail buffers pass the lamp post, v = 9 m/s.

help with this physics question please :)



is that rm in you profile pic

Please help!! :)

For this circuit, what will be the voltage drop across R1?

A. 21.3 V

B. 14.2 V

C. 45.0 V

D. 9.47 V



Option D. 9.47 V


We'll begin by calculating the equivalent resistance of the circuit. This can be obtained as follow:

Resistor 1 (R₁) = 20 Ω

Resistor 2 (R₂) = 30 Ω

Resistor 3 (R₃) = 45 Ω

Equivalent Resistance (R) =?

R = R₁ + R₂ + R₃ (series connections)

R = 20 + 30 + 45

R = 95 Ω

Next, we shall determine the current in the circuit. This can be obtained as follow:

Voltage (V) = 45 V

Equivalent Resistance (R) = 95 Ω

Current (I) =?

V = IR

45 = I × 95

Divide both side by 95

I = 45 / 95

I = 0.4737 A

Finally, we shall determine, the voltage across R₁. This can be obtained as follow:

NOTE: Since the resistors are in series connection, the same current will pass through them.

Current (I) = 0.4737 A

Resistor 1 (R₁) = 20 Ω

Voltage 1 (V₁) =?

V₁ = IR₁

V₁ = 0.4737 × 20

V₁ = 9.47 V

Therefore, the voltage across R₁ is 9.47 V.




Just Took the Test

Tính công của dòng điện



CG gh sure er go b vh pxuh FPI OO c AM h kh

Las carreras de velocidad pura en el atletismo son:
A. Un ladrón perseguido por la policia
B.100 y 200 mts planos
C. salir corriendo cuando la mama lo va a castigar


La respuesta es la letra b

Two rams run toward each other. One ram has a mass of 44 kg and runs south with a speed of 6 m/s, while the other has a mass of 50 kg and runs north with a speed of 3 m/s. What will the momentum of the system made up of the two rams be after they collide? Assume the total momentum of the system is conserved.
A. 114 kg-m/s south
B. 414 kg-m/s south
C. 414 kg m/s north
D. 114 kg-m/s north


Answer = D. 114 kg-m/s north

20. A semiconductor is a
crystalline solid that conducts current under any condition
metallic solid that conducts current under any condition
metallic solid that conducts current under certain conditions
crystalline solid that conducts current under certain conditions



D. crystalline solid that conducts current under certain conditions


Semiconductors are crystalline solids that has the ability to conduct electrical currents but on certain conditions e.g heat. The conduction of semiconductors is less than that of conductors (metals) but more than insulators (nonmetals), hence, they are said to be intermediates of conductors and insulators in terms of electrical conductivity.

Examples of semiconductors are silicon, boron, carbon, germanium, arsenic etc.

state any two effects of gravitational force ​



The effect of gravity extends from each object out into space in all directions, and for an infinite distance. However, the strength of the gravitational force reduces quickly with distance. Humans are never aware of the Sun's gravity pulling them because the pull is so small at the distance between the Earth and Sun.


The Earth's gravitational force accelerates objects when they fall. It constantly pulls, and the objects constantly speed up.


A girl walks 55 m downhill in 3.2 s. What is her average velocity?



V = 17.2


Speed = distance(m) / time(s)

= 55m / 3.2s

=17.2 m/s

Define measurement with examples.​



Measurement is defined as the act of measuring or the size of something. An example of measurement means the use of a ruler to determine the length of a piece of paper. An example of measurement is 15" by 25". ... The dimension, quantity, or capacity determined by measuring.

Measurement refers to the comparison of unknown physical quantity with a known quantity.

for eg. measurement of body while sewing clothes.......

Why is it difficult to maintain constant speed of a vehicle?​



The road surface is always rough, so the frictional force between the tires and the road surface make it difficult to maintain constant speed because acceleration always changes.

Hey there!

Yes, it's difficult to maintain a constant speed of a vehicle.


Because, roads surfaces are not always smooth, they are rough too, for which friction occurs.

Hope it help you

the torque produced in a body is equal to the product of one of the force and the _______
(a) couple
(b) force
(c) like parallel force
(d) couple arm


It would be c, the parallel force is correct

A hockey puck has a mass of 0.21 kg. If the hockey puck
is moving with 74 J of kinetic energy, what is its speed?
Show all your work.



v = 26.54 m/s


Given that,

The mass of a hockey puck, m = 0.21 kg

The kinetic energy of the hockey puck, E= 74 J

We need to find the speed of the hockey puck. Let the speed is v. We know that, the kinetic energy is given by :



v is the speed


[tex]v=\sqrt{\dfrac{2E}{m}} \\\\v=\sqrt{\dfrac{2\times 74}{0.21}} \\\\v=26.54\ m/s[/tex]

So, the speed of the hockey puck is 26.54 m/s.

An object of mass 10 kg has a momentum of 15 kg m/s. Find the average force required to accelerate the object to 10 m/s over 20 seconds.



Force = 4.25 Newton


Given the following data;

Mass = 10 kg

Momentum = 15 Kgm/s

Time, t = 20 seconds

Final velocity, V = 10 m/s

To find the average force required;

First of all, we would determine the initial velocity of the object.

Momentum = mass * velocity

15 = 10 * velocity

Velocity = 15/10

Velocity = 1.5 m/s

Next, we would determine the acceleration of the object by using the first equation of motion;

V = U + at

10 = 1.5 + a*20

10 - 1.5 = 20a

8.5 = 20a

Acceleration, a = 8.5/20

Acceleration, a = 0.425 m/s²

Lastly, we would find the average force by using the formula;

Force = mass * acceleration

Force = 10 * 0.425

Force = 4.25 Newton

What's energy band theory???



Energy band theory is a basis for describing processes and effects in solid crystals under electromagnetic field impact.


Single atoms have a discrete energy spectrum, which means they can occupy only discrete energy levels. Part of these energy levels are filled with electrons in a non-excited condition. Part of these levels can be occupied only when electrons are excited.

The eficiency of a
simple machine can never be 100% why?​



Systems always tend toward a state of decreasing order unless more energy is provided into the system to counteract this tendency.

experiment to calculate the spring constant of a spring.


Experiment: Find the spring constant
The spring constant of a spring can be found by carrying out an experiment.
The unloaded length of a spring is measured.
Slotted masses are added to the spring.
Record each stretching force in N and the corresponding length of the spring.

Which is an outer planet?





Dwarf because it is very minut


I think Saturn.


I think the inner planets are Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars whereas the outer ones are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

A girl is travelling on her bike at a speed 2.59 m/s. If the
girl and her bike have a kinetic energy of 190 J, what is
the combined mass of the girl and her bike? Show all
your work



Mass, m = 146.72 kilograms


Given the following data;

Kinetic energy = 190 J

Velocity = 2.59 m/s

To find the combined mass of the girl and her bike;

Kinetic energy can be defined as an energy possessed by an object or body due to its motion.

Mathematically, kinetic energy is given by the formula;

K.E = ½mv²


K.E represents kinetic energy measured in Joules.

M represents mass measured in kilograms.

V represents velocity measured in metres per seconds square.

190 = ½*m*2.59

Cross-multiplying, we have:

380 = 2.59m

Mass, m = 380/2.59

Mass, m = 146.72 kilograms

Which sentence best describes how the horse is doing work?
A It is using motion to transfer energy and force away from the heavy object
B it is using force to apply power and decrease the energy of the heavy object
C it is using energy to apply the force needed to move the object over a distance
D it is using power to force the heavy object to move over A certain distance


The answer to the question is C

A river flows toward 90°. Mark, a riverboat
pilot, heads the boat at 297º and is able to go
straight across the river at 6.0 m/s.
a. What is the velocity of the current?
b. What is the velocity of the boat as seen
from the river bank?


If the boat's speed is s, and the river's speed is r, and the boat is traveling east (0 degrees),

(0,r) + (s cos297,s sin297) = (6,0)

now just solve for r and s.

Pls mark me as brainliest

I am struggling with the question below, pls help: What is the distance between the moon and the earth if the mass of the moon is 7.34 x 10²² kg and the force of attraction between the two is 2.00 x 10 ^ 20.

Thank you in advance!




What you forgot to include is the mass of the earth, which is 5.98 × 10²⁴ kg. NOW we can do the problem:

[tex]F=\frac{Gm_1m_2}{r^2}[/tex] where m1 and m2 are the masses of the objects experiencing this force of gravity, F. G is the universal gravitational constant. Filling in:


We are going to rearrange and solve for r before we do any math on this thing:

[tex]r=\sqrt{\frac{(6.67*10^{-11})(7.34*10^{22})(5.98*10^{24})}{2.00*10^{20}} }[/tex] and when we plug all that mess into our calculators we will do it just like that and then round to 3 significant digits at the very end.

Doing all of that gives us that

r = 3.83 × 10⁸ m

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