Who won the battle for the ownership of India land in the eighteenth century​


Answer 1

Answer: Brittish army

Explanation: vote me brainlyist

Related Questions

Which is a disadvantage of debt financing

Fluctuations in the currency exchange market can lead to ballooning interest payments.

Paying for the interest on a loan makes it the most expensive form of financing available.

Banks are usually unwilling to fund a business in its early stages of development.

Securing a loan involves a lot of paperwork and an extremely lengthy approval process.​​​



Option C, is the right answer.


There are two types of financing available for companies or businesses to meet the demand for capital for business needs. These two options are known as Equity Financing (whereby, the company sells a portion of its equity in return for money) and Debt Financing (whereby, the company borrows money and returns it with interest). There are different advantages and disadvantages of both types of financing. However, the most important disadvantage of debt financing is that banks shows less interest in funding a business in its early stage or phase of development due to the risk involved in it.

Which of these names is related to the founding of the Song dynasty in 960?

Li Yuan




hope it helped you!


the answer is A T'ai-tsu


I belive she is the only one on the list of the Song dynasty please give brainlest only if you want to

What's a ruling family called?



they created a mail service

What was one major similarity between the Marshall Plan and the Molotov
A. Both excluded Germany and Japan because of their roles in
starting World War II.
B. Both were designed to drain economic resources from Europe
following World War II.
C. Both represented unifying actions taken by the newly formed
United Nations.
D. Both were launched
because of the rivalry between the United
States and the Soviet Union.



the answer D. both were launched because of the rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union


One major similarity between the Marshall Plan and the Molotov Plan is that they both were launched because of the rivalry between the United States and the Soviet Union. Hence, Option D is correct.

What is Marshall Plan?

When a plan was made by the US, the aim of the plan is to provide help to the area of the Western Europe which was devastated because of the Second World War. That plan is known as Marshall Plan or the European Recovery Program. By providing a financial help of more that $15 billion, the plan was came into force in the year of 1948.

Basically, aid was provided so that the continent can be rebuilt. Just like all other plans, it also has aims. The first aim was to prevent the Western Europe from the spread of the communism and second aim was to stabalize and make the conditions favorable so that the development of political democracy and free-market economies will be possible in the international market.

Thus, Option D is correct.

Learn more about Molotov Plan from here:



6. How were American attitudes toward sex changing in the



The 1950s is often viewed as a period of conformity, when both men and women observed strict gender roles and complied with society’s expectations. After the devastation of the Great Depression and World War II, many Americans sought to build a peaceful and prosperous society. However, even though certain gender roles and norms were socially enforced, the 1950s was not as conformist as is sometimes portrayed, and discontent with the status quo bubbled just beneath the surface of the placid peacetime society. Although women were expected to identify primarily as wives and mothers and to eschew work outside of the home, women continued to make up a significant proportion of the postwar labor force. Moreover, the 1950s witnessed significant changes in patterns of sexual behavior, which would ultimately lead to the “sexual revolution” of the 1960s.



You had to live through it to understand it.

WWII had just ended. A lot of vets were turned loose. They wanted homes. They wanted children. The wanted peace. They most of all, did not want to fight in another war.  The entertainment turned very light. The heavy thinking was just not the order of the day. So you got conformity, because the vets were used to discipline.

But you also got Elvis who was away ahead of his time (much as I hate to say it). He revolutionized popular music, by bringing black music to the white community. You also got the Beat Generation who rebelled against staid America. Search Jack Kerouac and Alan Ginsburg.

For a better picture, if you live somewhere where there is a large library, try and get The Man in the Grey Flannel Suit. It reflects the values of the 1950s just about as well as anything and it has a terrific cast. That's one film that did think.

In 1802, the French people voted to keep Napoleon in power, giving him the right to
serve for fifty years.
choose his successor.
share supreme power with the Pope.
o choose his replacement as First Consul.



choose his successor.


The Triple Alliance and Triple Entente were formed through the signing of



The Triple Alliance and Triple Entente were formed through the signing of   treaties.


-The Triple Alliance consisted of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Italy.

(formed in 1882)

-Initially was formed with the goal to protest and increase the co-operation against the threat to Germany.

-Triple Entente was France, Great Britain and Russia (formed in 1907) Serbia also joined the Entente.

-It was formed due to the fear of Russia seeing the increasing growth of armies in Germany and the Triple Alliance.

Which statement would have most likely been made by someone associated
with the NAACP during the 1960s?



A)  "we can gain civil rights for African Americans through legal challenges to unjust laws."



A. "We can gain civil rights for African Americans through legal

challenges to unjust laws."

B. "The goal of Black liberation is not integration but self-reliance."

C. "Students are the best kind of civil rights leaders, as they are

sympathetic figures for whites."

D. "Violent resistance is a legitimate response to immoral laws."

The stock market crash signaled the beginning of the Great Depression, yet the causes of the Depression had been planted well before 1929. Explain what brought on the Great Depression and why Hoover was not able to properly address the crisis.



The causes of the Great Depression were the usage of credit, layaway, and the pursuit of American lifestyle standards. Unfair distribution of wealth because to population growth. Massive sequence of unemployment was soon to follow. People withdrew money from the bank, causing the bank fail. Due to the weakness of the American government, President Hoover accomplished virtually little. Congress agreed to what he desired, but he ignored the concerns of people.


Which aspect of the 2008 presidential election do you think will be remembered most 100 years from now?



I think Barack Obama will be remembered as the first African-American ever to be elected president of the United States.

TRhe aspect of the 2008 election thatwould be remembered years from now is that Obama was the first black President of the United States.

Who is President Obama?

This man became the 44th president of the United States. He is a democrat and stayed in office for two terms. From 2009 to 2017.

His election into office is historical because he broke the race barrier in the country. He is the nation's first black president.

Read more on Obama here: https://brainly.com/question/1125105


one effect of the encomienda system in Latin American was that it ?


Cause & Effect: The cause of the Encomienda system was the Spanish crown offering land and Indian slaves to conquistadors going to the new world. The effect was heavy depopulation of Indians from brutality and disease leading into African slaves becoming a new labor force. You just studied 15 terms!

From the article Women in Ancient Christianity - The New
Mary's "secret vision” showed her having a conversation with



an angel


thats what the Bible says

After the Mexican–American War, many Californios lost their land based on legal claims that
Group of answer choices
their titles to the land were legally insufficient.

Manifest Destiny granted the land to Anglo Americans.

squatters had a stronger right to the land.

the federal government needed the land to expand the railroad.


U got this I say the government has us under his eyes if u know what I mean

which of the following is true about water in the solar system​


Answer: water is source of life

Why abused children often grow up to be abusers themselves?



because they were treated horribly and their past affected them and they became abusers themselves and now they don't care about how other people feel. dont let your past affect you as your growing up and push your past away and become your own better person. dont let nothing get to you

They were treated so horribly so they think they someone else needs that hurt to

Rationalists (like Descartes) and empiricists (like Locke and Berkeley) differ on their epistemology approach because:

A. rationalists affirm we can never make mistakes when we appeal to the senses

B. both rationalists and empiricists doubt that there is anything that can be known with certainty;
C. rationalists say that reasoning is based on sense experience; empiricists say that sense experience is based on reasoning.
D. empiricists say that reasoning is based on sense experience; rationalists say that sense experience is based on reasoning.


Many things is possible but mos likely D

Select the best answer for the question. answer soon if u can pls!!! penn foste
1. Why was World War I a war of attrition?
O A. It was a war in which adversaries were worn down by a continuous loss of life and resources.
O B. It was a war that was characterized by revolutions and disorder.
O C. It was a war that was fought on a global scale.
O D. It was a war marked by new military technologies such as machine guns, tanks, and airplanes.


Sorry for the late response but the answer is choice A

cual fue la causa de la guerra de Troya y cuanto tiempo duro?



However according Homer, the Trojan War is being fought by Paris, the child of the Trojan king, and Helen, the spouse of the Greek king Menelaus, while they travelled to Troy alongside. To reclaim her, Menelaus enlisted the assistance of his cousin Agamemnon, who gathered a Greek army to destroy Troy.

Explain the historical and contemporary significance of
science in shaping understandings about race. What were the
consequence(s) of science relative to the construction of racial
categories and the human condition (i.e., life outcomes and
access to opportunities) of African Americans and other
people of color within the United States? (provide appropriate
cites where necessary).





Donald Trump’s election as the 45th President of the United States has been marked by the brewing storms of racial conflicts. A rise in racial incidents ensued in the immediate aftermath of Trump’s victory in November 2016. Since the beginning of 2017, over 100 bomb threats have been made against Jewish community centers and schools. Trump’s travel ban, signed in late January 2017, initially affected about 90,000 people from seven Middle Eastern countries; 87,000 of those banned were Muslims. Minorities such as American Muslims and black Americans have expressed fears over racial relations under Trump. Undeniably, the topic of race—and racism—has gripped America and the world throughout.

Over the last decade, there have been hopes that the US has become a post-racial society, free of racial prejudice and discrimination. However, the most recent months indicate the contrary: race remains an incendiary issue. Race and racism are not new issues, but in today’s 21st century Trump-era, discussions about race are distinct from those of the past in that they possess an entirely new dimension: that of genetics and DNA.

Race in the new era of human genetics research

In 2003, scientists completed the Human Genome Project, making it finally possible to examine human ancestry with genetics. Scientists have since tackled topics such as human migrations out of Africa and around the world. And it’s not just scientists who are excited about human genetics: widely affordable at-home ancestry test kits are now readily available from companies like 23andMe, Family Tree DNA, and Ancestry. For $99—around the price of a romantic dinner or a pair of Nikes—a customer can receive an analysis from 23andMe indicating that they are, for instance, 18.0% Native American, 65.1% European and 6.2% African.

The soaring popularity of ancestry testing bespeaks a widespread perception that we can use these tests to dissect, delineate, and define our ancestral composition. Indeed, social media is teeming with blog posts, and even livestream videos, from excited customers bursting to broadcast their test results and their reactions. Ancestry test kits are the new “it” item—and with their success is the tacit admission of our belief that our DNA can sort us into categories like the “five races:” African, European, Asian, Oceania, and Native American (Figure 1A).

Figure 1. ‘Race’ cannot be biologically defined due to genetic variation among human individuals and populations. (A) The old concept of the “five races:” African, Asian, European, Native American, and Oceanian. According to this view, variation between the races is large, and thus, the each race is a separate category. Additionally, individual races are thought to have a relatively uniform genetic identity. (B) Actual genetic variation in humans. Human populations do roughly cluster into geographical regions. However, variation between different regions is small, thus blurring the lines between populations. Furthermore, variation within a single region is large, and there is no uniform identity.  

Figure 1: ‘Race’ cannot be biologically defined due to genetic variation among human individuals and populations. (A) The old concept of the “five races:” African, Asian, European, Native American, and Oceanian. According to this view, variation between the races is large, and thus, the each race is a separate category. Additionally, individual races are thought to have a relatively uniform genetic identity. (B) Actual genetic variation in humans. Human populations do roughly cluster into geographical regions. However, variation between different regions is small, thus blurring the lines between populations. Furthermore, variation within a single region is large, and there is no uniform identity.

New findings in genetics tear down old ideas about race

Estimating our ancestral composition down to 0.1% seem to suggest that there are exact, categorical divisions between human populations. But reality is far less simple. Compared to the general public’s enthusiasm for ancestry testing, the reaction from scientists has been considerably more lukewarm. Research indicates that the concept of “five races” does, to an extent, describe the way human populations are distributed among the continents—but the lines between races are much more blurred than ancestry testing companies would have us believe (Figure 1B).

A landmark 2002 study by Stanford scientists examined the question of human diversity by looking at the distribution across seven major geographical regions of 4,000 alleles. Alleles are the different “flavors” of a gene. For instance, all humans have the same genes that code for hair: the different alleles are why hair comes in all types of colors and textures.

They all want it to there self

What was one effect of the Great Society Progams?



The infant mortality rate decreased.

Who would be the most likely be a plebeian in the Roman Empire?



A poor craftsperson would most likely be a plebeian in the Roman Empire.

Which people were involved in the War of 1812? Select all correct answers.
Henry Clay

James Madison

Andrew Jackson

Thomas Jefferson



Henry clay, james Madison, Andrew jackson, and thomas Jefferson were all involved in the war of 1812

What was the underlying cause of the Cold War?


Failure of the allies and tension

Professor Takaki refers to the "Master Narrative" in chapter one. What does he mean by the use of this term?

no give a full sentence from coping and pasting from the internet im gonna give you hundred tokens if you aswear this questions righf

Cultural Pluralism is very much like assimilation in that it requires a group to give up it's uniqueness and blend into the dominant group dynamic?

The emerging demographic diversity in America will perhaps have the greatest impact on?

Eric Foner states that the notion of what is an American is essentially a contested concept. This means?

What immigration law restricted American citizenship to "free white persons?

According to Professor Takaki, race in American society has been a social construction that historically?

Much like the Japanese during World War II, __________ Americans are currently subjected to greater scrutiny and discrimination?

Reconstruction expanded the definition of citizenship rights to incorporate women?

Out of World War II, in 1952, under pressure from lobbying groups including Japanese-American veterans?



as a kind of filter that some people place over the multicultural people in American history and in the current day so that "American" becomes synonymous with "white." In this narrative, those who aren't white are defined as the "Other" and are seen as inferior .



It talks of racism beyond the superiors and interiors as a ruler of the country.

I-lockey is to puck as tennis is to​





Tennis ball


The analogy is saying that Hockey uses the puck for it's ball/whatever it's called, so it is looking for the ball that is used in Tennis.

Not sure what the official name is, but I think it's literally called a Tennis ball.

Japan consists of ? islands​


The territory of Japan comprises the four large islands of Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu, and other smaller islands.

Japan consists of over 6,000 islands

How was Adolf Hitler able to take over the
A. Hitler attacked the area with the blitzkrieg, killing thousands.
B. Hitler was given the Sudetenland through the Munich Pact.
C. Hitler created the Sudetenland himself in Europe.
D. Hitler invaded France until they agreed to give the Sudetenland
to Germany.



its D


i need help asap in american government
please fast


you need to ask a question for use to help


sure let me see if I can help


Question 10 of 20 : PENN FOSTER PLEASE
Select the best answer for the question
10. One of the factors that helped the rise of industrialism in Great Britain was its
O A. government-run factories
O B. rich deposits of coal.
O C. egalitarian social structure.
O D. vast timber resources,
Mark for review



B. rich deposits of coal.


One of the factors that helped the rise of industrialism in Great Britain was its "rich deposits of coal."

This is because one of the major factors for the birth and rise of industrialization in Great Britain is the need for energy and power to be utilized in the production process.

Hence, the rich deposits of coal in Great Britain led to the mass exploration of coal and its usage on a large scale which helps in the advancement of industrialization.

a frog in the bathtub.
A. are
O B. is
C. are not
D. were


There “is” a frog in the bathtub.
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