why did artists choose to convey dreamlike images


Answer 1


they did because they had to



Related Questions

Which of the following statements is true?

(A) Active voice avoids responsibility and should never be used

(B) Passive voice avoid responsibility and should never be used

(C) Active voice takes responsibility and should be used the most

(D) Passive voice takes responsibility and should be used the most

Answer is C



active voice takes responsibility & should be used the most

How did Chiang try to modernize China?


Following the collapse of the Qing dynasty, the future of the new Chinese republic remained uncertain. Although Emperor Puyi had abdicated the throne, attempts to establish a legitimate centralized government were complicated by political turmoil and the ambitions of provincial warlords, who remained in control of large parts of the country.

If you were a president what things would you change with society



First, I will create an Office of Opportunity.

I would fix the crumbling infrastructure.

I would find The poor and the middle class jobs, jobs, and more jobs.

I would Progress on health care will take hard work and bipartisan cooperation. .

I would bringProductivity on the next president's agenda.

if u need any help, just let me know and can u plz mark me a brainliest please

The only records of the early dewllers are the __________ and __________ uncovered in archeological digs.



The only way to find or discover records of early civilization is by understanding the context of the said timeline along with artifacts and others things that were found near the site. So, it is safe to assume that the only records of the early dwellers are the artifacts and rubbish uncovered in archeological digs.

What might have made the
Rosenbergs seem dangerous to the US government of the 1950s?
• Both worked to create the first atomic bombs for the USSR.
• Both were connected to radical
© Julius had worked for the VENONA project.
O Ethel was a Russian immigrant who arrived after WWII.



A. Both worked to create the first atomic bombs for the USSR.


The Rosenbergs were convicted of spying on behalf of the Soviet Union. Their penalty was death by execution and they were accused of providing top-secret information about radar, sonar, propulsion engines as well as valuable nuclear weapon designs.

Happy learning!


The reason the Rosenbergs seemed dangerous to the U.S. government in the 1950s was because Both worked to create the first atomic bombs for the USSR.

Who were the Rosenbergs?

The Rosenbergs were American citizens who acted as spies for the Soviet Union and stole nuclear secrets.

These secrets allowed the Soviet Union to develop its own atomic bombs. When the Rosenbergs were caught, they were executed.

In conclusion, option A is correct.

Find out more on the Rosenbergs at https://brainly.com/question/933653.

what is the name of the first president of America​


George Washington
On April 30, 1789, George Washington, standing on the balcony of Federal Hall on Wall Street in New York, took his oath of office as the first President of the United States.


George Washington


because he was the first who was choosen

are the Indians scared to come near John Smith after he falls into a creek?




                    Unfortunately for the Native Americans, Smith believed that the English should treat them as the Spanish had: to compel them to "drudgery, work, and slavery," so English colonists could live "like Soldiers upon the fruit of their labor." Thus, when his negotiations for food occasionally failed, Smith took what he ...

Two to three sentences describing how African Americans contributed to the war effort and how these contributions impacted the outcome of the Revolutionary War



Great contribution.


African-Americans has a great contribution to the war effort and served in all combats alongside their white partners. African-Americans fought for both sides which providing manpower to both the British and the revolutionaries. Most of the African-Americans believed that victory by the British would lead to the end of slavery so this believed causes more people African-Americans slaves fight war from the side of British.


African Americans fought on both sides of the American Revolution. The African Americans also fought for the American side as well. Some were there because they believed in the cause, while others fought because they were paid. Some escaped from slavery and joined the fighting, while others fought in exchange for their freedom.​


Sandra was born in Tempe, Arizona to parents of Guatemalan decent. By which method is Sandra a citizen of the United States?
A) Naturalization
B) Dual citizenship
C) Jus sanguinis
D) Jus soli


Dual citizenship, a method, is used to Sandra a citizen of the United States. Thus, option (a) is correct.

What is citizen?

A person who holds legal nationality and is accorded that nation's rights and protections is referred to as a “citizen.”

Dual citizenship refers to having citizenship in two nations at once, sharing the rights and obligations of each nation's citizens. Based on its unique policies, each nation has its own nationality laws.

As a result, option (b) is correct.

Learn more about on citizen, here:



Which is an example of a religious influence of Judaism?



Monotheism, the covenant, the teaching of Abraham, Moses, and other prophets influence Jesus' message were examples of religious influence of Judaism. They believed in the existence of only one God.

Who did America fight in the War of Independence?



The Great Britain


The Revolutionary War (1775-83), also known as the American Revolution, arose from growing tensions between residents of Great Britain’s 13 North American colonies and the colonial government, which represented the British crown. Skirmishes between British troops and colonial militiamen in Lexington and Concord in April 1775 kicked off the armed conflict, and by the following summer, the rebels were waging a full-scale war for their independence. France entered the American Revolution on the side of the colonists in 1778, turning what had essentially been a civil war into an international conflict. After French assistance helped the Continental Army force the British surrender at Yorktown, Virginia, in 1781, the Americans had effectively won their independence, though fighting would not formally end until 1783.

Give some examples of things that slow interactions among groups




In the manor system, the upper class __________.
lived in castles in luxury
dispensed justice and looked after the land of their manor
lived in houses just outside of the manor walls
were expected to become knights


I think the answer to this is A


Explanation: The manor system is system that relies on the lord of the manor to provide for peasants who lived on their land.

What was the relationship between the magistrates and the tribune in the Roman republic?



The tribune could veto the magistrates' orders.

1) This image from the outside of a building suggests
an Islamic design because of



Answer in the link



What image ??????????????? She probably gives u butterflies I hope ur happy but like

who was king Luther??



Martin Luther King Jr. was an American Baptist minister and activist who became the most visible spokesperson and leader in the American civil rights movement from 1955 until his assassination in 1968.


Hope it helpsʕ•ٹ•ʔʕ•ٹ•ʔʕ•ٹ•ʔʕ•ٹ•ʔ

Adam Smith talks about two classes of society. What are those two classes, and
what is his argument concerning them?



the bourgeoisie and the proletariat.

Bourgeois : own factories, medias, universities, government, establishments, property

Proletariat are the poor


According to Adam Smith the two classes of people that are in the society are the workers and the capitalists.

This can be likened to the bourgeoisie and the proletariats. The bourgeoisie are the wealthy capitalists that have the power of making the proletariats work for them.

The capitalists are known to exploit the workers. These groups are the owners of the factors of production and the workers have to sell their labor to earn wages.

Read more on https://brainly.com/question/14357678?referrer=searchResults

Does roberts agree with the texas state gazette ?



yes. b. n. no nnhb


it does

Yes, he did support the gazette because of John Marshall, and as a result, he lost his position as governor.

What was the Texas State Gazette?

From the time before the Civil War to the time of Reconstruction, The State Gazette was one of Texas' most important publications. William H. Cushney started the newspaper as the Tri-Weekly State Gazette, and on August 25, 1849, he began publishing it in Austin. Its publishing frequency ranged from three times weekly to twice weekly to every day. Texas State Gazette and Weekly State Gazette were among their many titles.

As a result of political conflicts with Sam Houston during the stormy years leading up to secession, the daily developed a reputation for taking staunchly pro-states' rights viewpoints and serving as a spokesperson for the state Democratic Party. The Gazette's editorial stance was to "oppose a banking system, a high protective tariff, and internal improvements at taxpayer money." The newspaper also claimed to be "thoroughly democratic" politically.

Learn more about the Gazette here:



In Ancient Greece, the word tyrant referred to a leader who



In ancient Greece, a tyrant was simply a person who ruled a city-state by themselves, but who lacked the traditional or constitutional authority of a king or elected leader. This system of government emerged between the 7th and 5th centuries BCE, as traditional monarchies and aristocracies were challenged.

What was the long-term effect of the European reformation?



The Protestant Reformation in Europe had the long-term impact of irrevocably dividing Europeans into Catholicism and Protestantism. Catholicism was the original Religious organization that controlled Europe before to the Reformation.


Hope this Helps! Please Mark Brainliest!


Europeans were permanently divided into two religions, Catholicism and Protestantism.


How was the Immigration Act of 1924 a means of fulfilling the desire of some Americans to stop the spread of “undesirables”, and why did they want them stopped?



Immigration Act of 1924


The Immigration Act of 1924 limited the number of immigrants coming into the United States. For the first time, this act limited immigration in the country by establishing a national origin quota system. They tried to reduce immigration because of World War I and the dislike of foreigners particularly from Russia and Eastern Europe. The 1924 act excluded effect on Asian or African immigration.

Senator Meyer Jacobstein argued against immigration limitations in 1924 in a congressional speech. He gave his statement supporting the Constitution, which allowed everyone to be equal in America. According to him, the 1924 Act put specific people in the status of superior and another as inferior.


i just need some point


why brainly don't have answers for u.s history sem 2

how do you think farmers and workers were feeling about business and industry?



“We are fighting in the defense of our homes and our families. We have petitioned, and our petitions have been scorned. We have entreated, and our entreaties ...


Think about the benefits that trade and interconnectedness can bring you as a consumer. Also consider the drawbacks, if any, to this increasing globalization. Should the government care about how much trade the United States undertakes with other countries? When should the government seek to promote trade? When should the government seek to limit trade?



There are definitely up and downsides when it comes to trading, whether it be a lack of domestic product for down, or increased relations with other countries. Though it should be considered that trading with other countries is very important, whether it be the fact that you're trading with them or not trading with them that's sending a message. Trade should be promoted when it benefits other countries that are close to us in relationship, and we should limit trade against hostile countries or those that are defying our allies.


International trade is essential for any country's development. Governments must hold themselves accountable and maintain a balance of intent with various measures and initiatives.

What is trade?

The term “trade” is related to economic activity. The process of buying and selling commodities and services is referred to as “trade.” There are different types of trade, such as internal trade and international trade. The financial term, “trading,” refers to the purchase and sale of securities or other assets.

Trade influences government policies. Countries implement legislation to regulate and prohibit them. The major goal is to improve market access as imports and exports increase in economic activity. Trade policies generate economic opportunity for all participating countries. The trade is a legally binding agreement between all participating countries.

Hence, the significance of the trade is aforementioned.

Learn more about on trade, here:



What did the Supreme Court say in its Plessy v. Ferguson decision?
A. The Fourteenth Amendment did not apply to state law.
B. The facilities on the train were considered to be separate but
C. African Americans chose to see segregation in a negative way.
D. All of the above


The Supreme Court's Plessy v. Ferguson decision established "separate but equal" segregation and found that the Fourteenth Amendment did not apply to state laws mandating segregation.

The Supreme Court's decision in Plessy v. Ferguson, handed down in 1896, established the legal principle of "separate but equal" segregation in the United States.

The case arose from a Louisiana law requiring separate railroad cars for white and black passengers. Homer Plessy, who was 1/8th black, deliberately violated the law by sitting in a whites-only car and was arrested.

He challenged the constitutionality of the law, arguing that it violated the Fourteenth Amendment's guarantee of equal protection under the law.

In its decision, the Supreme Court rejected Plessy's argument, holding that the Louisiana law did not violate the Fourteenth Amendment. The Court reasoned that the separate accommodations for black and white passengers were constitutional as long as they were equal in quality.

The decision effectively sanctioned racial segregation and paved the way for a long period of legalized discrimination against African Americans in the United States.

In summary, the Supreme Court's decision in Plessy v. Ferguson upheld the principle of "separate but equal" segregation and found that the Fourteenth Amendment did not apply to state laws mandating segregation.

To know more about Plessy v. Ferguson here



What did early Americans believe about the government ?



A colonial legislature was elected by property holding males. But governors were appointed by the king and had almost complete authority — in theory. The legislatures controlled the salary of the governor and often used this influence to keep the governors in line with colonial wishes.

why did early humans use Flint to make tools ​



hey theree

see they used flint :p =>

Flint chipped easily and could be moulded into different shapes

Flint is a silica material not unlike glass and when it breaks, it creates very sharp edges

Over time man learned to make these sharp edged tools intentionally and then how to keep them sharp. With flint, they could butcher animals more efficiently, Hunt more efficiently, cut other materials more efficiently.

<3 brainliest :o


Flint chipped easily and could be moulded into different shapes

President William McKinley asked Congress to declare war on Spain mainly because a the business community favored the conflict. b the Spanish government had directly insulted the United States. c it became clear that there was no other way to obtain Cuban independence. d the Teller Amendment guaranteed that the United States would not establish colonial control of Cuba. e the American public and many leading Republicans demanded it.


Answer:  e the American public and many leading Republicans demanded it.


Thanks to yellow journalism twisting the facts of the explosion of the USS Maine at the Cuban capital of Havana in 1898, the American public were overwhelmingly in favor of going to war against the Spanish who tried their best to avoid this because they knew they would suffer defeat.

The efforts of the Spanish were fruitless however because many leading Republicans sided with their constituents and called for war in both House of Congress. President William McKinley then bowed to this pressure and asked for a declaration of war.

The numerous near-wars and diplomatic crises of the United States in the late 1880s and 1890s demonstrated a the hostile reaction to American expansionism. b that other nations were jealous of American power. c how weak America seemed to the rest of the world. d the failure of the Monroe Doctrine. e the aggressive new national mood.



e. the aggressive new national mood.


The numerous near-wars and diplomatic crises of the United States of America in the late 1880s and 1890s demonstrated the aggressive new national mood.

During the late 1880s and 1890s, the United States of America was mainly tensed up and aggressive towards other nations such as the Great Britain, India, etc. Thus, it took the actions of reasonable leaders (Presidents) to avert such near-wars and diplomatic crises in the United States of America.

A product or service for which people do not have to pay to consume or use is known as a _____ good A.) Free-Rider B.) Externality C.) Private D.) Public



C.) private



B.) Externality


trust me.

What are the distinctions of men, nature, and of heaven?

For common sense analysis



MANKIND being originally equals in the order of creation, the equality could only be destroyed by some subsequent circumstance: the distinctions of rich and poor may in a great measure be accounted for, and that without having recourse to the harsh ill-sounding names of oppression and avarice. Oppression is often the CONSEQUENCE, but seldom or never the MEANS of riches; and tho' avarice will preserve a man from being necessitously poor, it generally makes him too timorous to be wealthy.

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