Write the comparative form of the following adjectives.

· cold Answer

· big Answer

· difficult Answer

· bad Answer

· dry Answer

· early Answer

· good Answer

· high Answer

· hot Answer

· long Answer

· popular Answer

· small Answer

· sunny Answer

· wet


Answer 1




.more difficult



. earlier





.more popular

. smaller


. wetter

Answer 2


· cold - colder

· big - bigger

· difficult - more difficult

· bad - worse

· dry - drier

· early - earlier

· good - better

· high - higher

· hot - hotter

· long - longer

· popular - more popular

· small - smaller

· sunny - sunnier

· wet - wetter

Related Questions

He sometimes writes to me. (negative)​



He does not always write to me.


In case of transformation of sentences, if there is the word "sometimes " we eplace it with "not always"

What type of irony is shown in the following paragraph? “The rookie wide receiver has been the star of the team, leading the league in touchdowns, yet no one knew the wide receiver very well. No one talked to the wide receiver. No one knew where the wide receiver came from. No one knew about the ponytail the wide receiver had hidden in the helmet. No one knew Lucy Parker was the wide receiver’s real name. And no one could ever know. Women were not allowed to play, but Lucy was determined to show them that she had every right to play."


The Irony which best describes the paragraph is Dramatic Irony.

Dramatic irony occurs when the reader knows something the characters don't.

In the excerpt, neither the team nor the audience knew that the Wide Receiver was Lucy Parker.

She had concealed her identity because she is female, and women were prohibited from playing American Football.

Other forms of irony are:

a) Definition Irony. This occurs when there is a contrast between what is expected and what happens. This almost looks like it. However, the other side of expectation is occurrence. When something occurs it is most likely in the know of the people involved. Recall that no one on the team knows that Lucy is a woman yet. hence this answer cannot fly.

b) Situational irony. This is almost like the Definition of Irony. In this case, however, there is no expectation. Only a sudden occurrence of an event that was not expected to happen. If the team discovers that after winning the league that it was because of Lucy that they won, then a situational irony would have occurred. Remember,

Definition Irony is when Expectation is not equal to the occurrence.Situational Irony is when there is no pre-expectation of the event that happened.

c) Verbal Irony. This is the easiest to grasp. It is used when exactly the opposite of what actually exists is spoken of. For example, John Cena is not a wrestler. Or it snows in summer.

For more details about dramatic irony please see the following link:




Suppose you are the president of the Supreme Student Government in your School or the top 1 in your class. How will you show humility to others? What is the importance of being humble?​



you show humility by making your class realize how important and amazing they're by leading them through appropriate leadership and teamwork and not extreme levels of supremacy.

staying humble is intensively important because you get to build strong and healthy bonds with the people around you. you also get to win their trust and loyalty, promoting peace and unity.


I will give brainlest



The answer is thus or so

It so. Because it shown in the sentence

Click to read the passage from Beyond the Wall: Essays from the Outside, by
Edward Abbey. Then answer the question.
Which of the following best describes the tone of this passage?
A. Startled
B. Sad
O C. Sarcastic
O D. Cheerful


Based on the details given in the except by Edward Abbey, the tone can be best described as C. Sarcastic.

What is the tone of this excerpt?

Edward Abbey talks about how the wealthy in society should build roads and boats to get to places that they can walk to.

He therefore uses sarcasm to point out that there is no need to destroy nature to suit the whims of a few.

Find out more on Edward Abbey at https://brainly.com/question/4229214.


Putting patriotism ahead of pocketbooks





A plot that functions separately from the primary plot is called a ____________.

multiple plot line


main plot

side plot


A subplot is a secondary plot that adds complications to or puts obstacles in the way of the main characters

What is one reason the colonists had difficulty coming together to revolt against Britain



Because they weren't completely unified. Many of them disagreed on whether they should force Britain to give in to their demands or completely break free. And some of them didn't even want to break away from Britain.

Exercise 8. Add Predicates to these Subjects:

1 Our teacher
2. My friend
3. The pupil standing in the comer
4. The little girl, with a smile on her face.
5 The door of the next dassroom
6. An old man
7. The richest man in our village
8. Some mischievous children of our school
9. The shortest month of the
10 A large number of women and children​



1. Our teacher is a kind woman.

2. My friend likes pizza.

3. The pupil standing in the corner is innocent

4. the little girl with a smile on her face was actually sad.

5. the door of the next classroom was slightly open

6. Ab old man sat beside me in the train.

7. the richest man in our village is a businessman

8 some mischievous children' of our school broke the panes

9.the shortest month of the year is February

Which one of the follow g sentences is in past tense?
"Everyone in ENG 002 receives a resource guide to help them understand th
"ENG 002 has a pacing guide to help students stay on track."
"My ENG 002 instructor works with students during her office hours."
g "Yesterday, my ENG 002 instructor taught me how to use commas.



Yesterday, my ENG 002 instructor taught me how to use commas

“If you don’t revise, you will fail.” is what type of condition sentence



First Conditional


First Conditional sentences express a possible condition and its probable result in the future.

2.4. State which conditional is used in each of the following sentences. a) Lea will go to NUST next year, if she meets the requirements first Com b) If you freeze water, it becomes solid. Zero conditionals c) If I get $1 million in my life, I will marry the most beautiful woman in the univers d) Had I studied this course ten years ago, I would have become a lecturer. The e) If I hadn't withdrawn from the gang, I would also be in prison now. mike condition als​



a) Lea will go to NUST next year if she meets the requirements. First conditional.

b) If you freeze water, it becomes solid. Zero conditional.

c) If I get $1 million in my life, I will marry the most beautiful woman in the universe. First conditional.

d) Had I studied this course ten years ago, I would have become a lecturer. Third conditional.

e) If I hadn't withdrawn from the gang, I would also be in prison now. Second Conditional


There are four types of conditionals, each of them expresses different situations.

Zero conditional: we use it to talk about things that are always true. like sentence B, "If you freeze water, it becomes solid." To use the zero conditional, we use the If + clause in present simple,+ clause in present simple.First conditional: we use it to talk about things that may happen in the future or hypothetical situations. Sentence A, "Lea will go to NUST next year if she meets the requirements." uses the first conditional to talk about an event that is likely to happen in the future. Sentence c, "If I get $1 million in my life, I will marry the most beautiful woman in the universe." use this conditional to talk about a hypothetical situation. To write a sentence, we first use the If + clause in the present simple,+ will + clause with the verb in the infinitive. Also, we can write the if + clause at the end. In this case, we do not add a comma after the will + infinitive.Second conditional: we use this conditional to talk about an imaginary or hypothetical situation in the present or future. It is present in sentence E "If I hadn't withdrawn from the gang, I would also be in prison now.". To use it, we have to write the if + clause in past simple, + would + clause in the infinitive.Third conditional: we use this conditional to talk about something that we wish we had done in the past and its hypothetical outcome. It is present in sentence D "Had I studied this course ten years ago, I would have become a lecturer." We can see that the person is expressing a hypothetical situation in the past and how things would be. To use the third conditional, we write the if + clause in the past perfect, + would have + clause in the infinitive. In sentence D, instead of using if, there is an inversion of the auxiliary and the subject.

"Mom took the cookies out of the oven and placed them on the counter to cool." Based on the context of this

sentence, what does "cool" mean?

A. An adjective meaning slightly cold

An adjective meaning interesting or exciting

A verb meaning to become less hot

An adjective meaning relaxed



A verb meaning to become less hot!


True or False? The narrator of the story is the one who kills the old man?





To rid him of the "Evil eye"




I am pretty sure it is B.  

Please mark brainliest if correct.

In the sentence A modifier is placed correctly.

Does the government get its power from people, or do people get their power from the government


That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

somebody........ my keys


I think ( has stolen)

somebody has stolen my keys

What were the 7 commandment in animal farm?



"Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.

Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.

No animal shall wear clothes.

No animal shall sleep in a bed.

No animal shall drink alcohol.

No animal shall kill any other animal.

All animals are equal."

Credits to bookrags

I ____ a car next year.
A. buy B. am buying C. going to buy D. bought


b. am buying

because the statement says “i ____ a car next year. so the answer is “i am”

Negotiations _________ the artist and the overseas producer broke off over the issue of the penalties levied for copyright infringement.

Select one:
A. between
B. from
C. among
D. in



Hope this helps! Please make me the brainliest, it’s not necessary but appreciated, I put a lot of effort and research into my answers. Have a good day, stay safe and stay healthy.
it’s either A or C . but i think it’s A

What is a summary?

(They want me to add 20 letters too ask my question)



hey i think its answer would be last option .

hello all frnds


I think a retailling of the most important events in a text selection.


A summary is a brief statement or restatement of main points, especially as a conclusion to a work: a summary of a chapter. A brief is a detailed outline, by heads and subheads, of a discourse (usually legal) to be completed: a brief for an argument.

complete the gaps using either the present perfect or past simple form of the verbs in the bracket.? 1, we___(just, read) the book. New we can watch the film. 2, she___(buy) her car when she was working in business company. 3,None of my family members___(ever, visit) another country befor. 4,I first__(meet) my best firend three year ago.​



1, we__read_(just, read) the book. New we can watch the film.

2, she_bought__(buy) her car when she was working in a business company.

3, None of my family members_visited__(ever, visit) another country before.

4, I first_met_(meet) my best friend three years ago.​

Hope this helps

Can someone help me please



18. G

19. D

20. G


what did nehruji send indira priyafarshini for her birthdaywhat did Nehru ji send Indira Priyadarshini for her birthday ​



What did Nehruji send Indira Priyafarshini for her birthday?

what is jin wangs external conflict in American Born Chinese



Jin Wang’s internal conflict is derived from his inability to accept his identity as an Asian American in a majority white society. He wants to be accepted by his white peers, but at the same time, his desire for friends doesn’t include the other Asian students at his school. While the other Asian student Wei Chen wants to be friends with Jin, Jin doesn’t want to be associated with other Asians, as if separating himself from them would make his ethnicity less obvious.


Read this sentence from Abraham Lincoln's letter to a citizen of Kentucky:

...yet often a limb must be amputated to save a life, but a life is never wisely given to save a limb

Which of the following best describes the effect of this metaphor? (4 points)

It suggests a difficult decision with a painful outcome.

It suggests a life-saving treatment that comes too late.

It suggests a loss of functioning parts of a whole.

It suggests a process of curing that ultimately fails.




Based on the given sentence from

Abraham Lincoln's letter to a citizen of

Kentucky, the one that best describes

the effect of this metaphor is that,

it suggests a difficult decision with a

painful outcome. The answer for this

would be the first option.

It suggests a difficult decision with a painful outcome.

Explanation: He was letting the citizen of kentucky know that making some decisions can be very hard cause so much pain.

What is the authors purpose


Answer B is what I would choose!

PLZ HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!Which of the following sentences is written in active voice?
A. The virus was removed.
B. The buffalo was attacked by lions.
C. Larry saw a fox in our backyard.
D. The car was crushed by a falling tree.



Larry saw a fox in our backyard


C.. Larry saw a fox in our backyard.

Question 1. _______ raiding for camels was a significant part of Bedouin life has been documented in Wilfed Thesiger’s Arabian Sands.



The raiding for camels was a significant part of Bedouin life has been documented in wilfed3 thesiger's Arabian sands.

I. - Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in
a. We will pass (pass) the examination if we study hard.
b. If you______________________ (go) to see this film, you will
have a good time.
c. If he _______________________ (play) sport, he will live longer.
d. She _______________________ (not be) an architect if she
doesn’t go to university.
e. They ________________________ (ring) us if we give them our phone number.
f. If we ________________________ (not solve) the problem, we won’t get the prize.



a. pass

b. go

c. plays

d. will not be

e. will ring

f. do not solve


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