You are trying to persuade your brother to stop eating chocolate. Is it Ethos, Pathos, or Logos and why.


Answer 1


Logos or the appeal to logic is the use of logic or reason to persuade an audience. i.e. You should stop eating that chocolate or you will probably get sick?


Pathos appeals to the audience's emotions and evokes feelings.

Logos or the appeal to logic is the use of logic or reason to persuade an audience.

Ethos  It is an appeal to authority and credibility in persuasive language. Ensuring an audience of the speaker/or writer's argument's reliability or credibility. Making yourself (or your argument) appear credible and trustworthy will help you persuade your audience.

Related Questions

watering flower trees .. my hobby.
A. were



C. are


Watering flower trees .are. my hobby.

Watering flower trees is my hobby. A hobby is considered to be a regular activity that is done for enjoyment, typically during one's leisure time. Thus, option D is appropriate.

A hobby is a regular activity that is done for leisure, typically in one's free time. Hobbies can be anything from playing sports to participating in creative and artistic endeavors to collecting themed things and artifacts.

A hobby is a leisure activity that you enjoy. It is a hobby that relieves stress and anxiety. A hobby is just something an individual does for fun and enjoyment, typically outside of work.

Thus, option D is correct.

Learn more about Hobby here:


Select the correct answer.
Based on your knowledge of word parts, which word best completes this sentence?
Stephen's excellent performance in his French classes him to try speaking only in French during his trip to Paris.




Performance I think

How to be a good student and a good child?​


Be organized and responsible

Read the paragraph.
Shari is interested in ancient Egypt. She has an abundence of pictures that she has collected. One benifit of her interest is that she aces tests in our world history class!
The underlined words are misspelled. What is the common spelling error in these two words?
A. Consonants have not been doubled in each word.
B. A silent consonant has been left out of each word.
C. The wrong vowel has been substituted for the schwa sound in each word.
D. The wrong word from a pair of commonly confused words has been used.



C. The wrong vowel has been substituted for the schwa sound in each word

Explanation:Examples are abundence,benifit, instead of abundance and benefit


C. The wrong vowel has been substituted for the schwa sound in each word.


I took the quiz

Write a paragraph about yourself by using present tense



I woke up around 8:30 am in the morning yesterday. When I looked at the clock I said “ Oh, I am getting late for the Yoga class and my teacher is going to punish me for this”. It wasn’t the first time (for me to be) I was late for the class and my teacher would get angry with me just because of the same reason: coming late to the class. Anyway, I brushed my teeth and put on my clothes immediately and went to catch my bus. As soon as I reached there I was shocked to see that the bus had already left, taking all the passengers from the bus stop. I sat on the bench and I was very worried. I had been waiting (I waited)there for the next bus for an hour, but there was no sign of it. I felt so frustrated and disappointed, and I didn’t know what to do. Just then one a car stopped near me and my friend Charlie called my name. I was very excited (happy)(glad) to see him, because we hadn’t seen each other for the a long time. He asked me “What are you doing there (here) alone?” I told him the whole story and requested (asked) him to give me a ride to the Yoga school. He smiled and said he would be very happy to do that for that. He drove as faster as he could and we finally reached to the school. I handed him over my business card which had my address and telephone number on it. He smiled again and waved (his hand to say) good bye.


Can someone use trundle in a sentence


"the journey was just a trundle around the Northern line". Pls mark me brainliest


She trundled wheelbarrow down the streets


Try searching up the meaning

passive form of she was helping them



they were being hepled by her

god bless you.

They are helped by her
Hope this helps

Because of the cheap price, my wife insists on buying the television.
→ Because______________________________-.


Answer:Because the price is cheap, my wife insists on buying the television.


Because + clause= Because of + Noun Phrase

The natural disaster chosen for your script should be a real one.
Imagine that you are a character in the short film - through your dialogues,
show how the disaster was controlled or managed. (Minimum number of



First you need to understand the disaster and then decide on the problem and afterwards solve the problem.

Love is unstable, a bubble ready to burst, teardrops left behind. what two ideas are being compared?



Two Ideas that are being compared to love are:

1. a bubble

2. a teardrop

Excerpt from Some a rights of Children as Persons in school Education

Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.

Read the excerpt. Then choose the correct way to complete the sentence.

The underlined sentence in the excerpt is an example of _______

because the author ______

Options for the first sentence:

1. Hasty Generalization

2. logical appeal

3. Straw man argument

Second sentence options:

1. Gives no real evidence to support claim about society

2. Appeals to the audiences logical and reason

3. Responds to an argument that has not been made.



The Underlined sentence in the excerpt is an example of Hasty Generalization because the author gives no real evidence to support her claim.


Because I got it right on Edmentum :)  

4) By the time you get home I ____ the house from top to bottom. (a) will be cleaning (b) will clean (c) will have cleaned (d) would have cleaned

5) Non-smokers’ risk of heart attacks ____ roughly half ____ of people who smoke. (a) are; that (b) are; those (c) is; that (d) is; those

6) The pass rate was ____ 70% in 2021 compared ____ 62% in 2019. (a) over; by (b) over; to (c) little over; to (d) at; with

please answer these questions correctly ​



4. Would have cleaned

5. are; that


1. laboratory/ Minh Nam/ spending/ love/ a/ do/ hours/ to/ and/ an experiment./ in/ I



Minh Nam and I love an experiment spending a hours to do in Laboratory

Today was my first time behind the wheel. My father was my instructor for the day, and he picked me up. We were reviewing road signs and practiced turn signals before we started




What we have to find

Choose five famous scientists and state their invention.

(need to pass it asap)​



1. Isaac Newton - During Newton's formative years, it was common place for the young man to develop various devices while attending school. His devotion to studies and high marks in school were impressive to many. Although his mother attempted to make a farmer of him by removing young Isaac from school, the schoolmaster and his uncle suggested to his mother that he return to school to finish his education. Isaac Newton attended Cambridge University upon finishing school in 1661. He developed a variety of scientific methods and discoveries including those in optics and colors.

2. Albert Einstein - In his younger years, Albert Einstein had always shown a great interest in mathematics and science. Einstein attended the Swiss Federal Polytechnic examinations in Zurich. Although his scores were below standard in many of the required subjects, his mathematics and physics skills were exceptionally high. From there, Albert Einstein attended Aargau Cantonal School in Aarau, Switzerland where he graduated with passing grades in some subjects and receiving the highest grade scale possible in mathematics and physics. His theories have laid the ground work for many scientists of today and is most notable for the Theory of Relativity.

3. Galileo Galilei - While at the University of Pisa studying for a medical degree at the age of 17, Galileo Galilei became enthralled with how movements of air currents could cause a chandelier to sway in a rhythmic pattern. Setting up a set of differentiating pendulums, Galileo discovered that regardless of the size difference the pendulums kept time with each other. The young man changed his degree from medical sciences to mathematics after attending a lecture on geometry. A the age of 22, Galileo published a book on the design of a hydrostatic balance he had invented.

4. Aristotle - In the 3rd Century BCE, Aristotle had made great contributions to nearly every subject of study. At the age of 18, he attended Plato's Academy where he studied nearly every subject offered at the time. For 20 years he remained at the Academy until eventually quitting. With his vast knowledge of subject material, Aristotle had completed encyclopedias of information opening the doors for many

5. Blaise Pascal - Did you know that your Windows-based computer system has a tool installed that was invented 350 years ago? Blaise Pascal began work on calculating devices and prototypes at the age of 16, in 1642. Although the centuries have developed calculators that are digital, solar powered, scientific, and software-based Pascal set the wheels in motion with the development of earlier versions of our calculating devices. What computer or smartphone would be complete without a calculator of some kind?

1. This exam was easier/ more easy than old one.
2. Vung Tau is boreder/ more bored than Nha Trang.
3. She is prettier/ more pretty than Nina.
4. She is lazier/ more lazy than I am.
5. The well is deeper/ more deep than I think.
6. I love this bag because it is comfortabler/ more comfortable.
7. This film is boringer/ more boring than I expect.
8. He is taller/ more tall than I am.
9. Bikes are cheaper/ more cheap than cars.
10. January is colder/ more cold than June.


1. easier
2. more bored
3. prettier
4. lazier
5. deeper
6. more comfortable
7.more boring
8. taller
9. cheaper
10. colder

Which of the following is a definition of genre?
A. Ideas taken from texts that have similar characteristics
B. A category of texts that share similar conventions and
C. The meaning of a text according to its rules and conventions
D. A characteristic found only in science-fiction films and literature


Genre is “a category of texts that share similar conventions and characteristics”. So the correct answer is B.

Answer: B. A category of texts that share similar conventions andcharacteristics


1. a. myth b. cycling c. itchy d. allergy

2. a. headache b. spread c. health d. weak

3. a. fat b. leaf c. of d. safe

4. a. flu b. sunburn c. junk d. much

5. a. wash b. wear c. wake d. wrap


2? but what’s the question asking ?

You want to tell your English friend jack about your holiday . Write an email to jack in your email * Say where you are * Tell jack about the place * Ask jack about last holiday


Hey Jack! How've you been? I spent this Thanksgiving with my friends and  extended family at my cousin's house. I couldn't have been in a place that was more relaxing. How was your holiday?

Dear Jack

I hope this E-mail finds you in good health and happiness. I want to tell you about where I went to spend holidays with my family. I went to Rishikesh and the weather was very peaceful there. On first day we went for river rafting and then next day to the main temple of that area. The next day we went to local market. It was a holiday well spent and I look forward to hearing from you about your last holiday.

Give my regards to your parents.

Yours sincerely


What is E-mail?

E-mail is the acronym for electronic mail. It can be used to exchange information via electronic gadgets like mobile phones and computers.

What is health?

Health is a state of overall well-being of a person.

Learn more about E-mail here


Read the sentence.

Select the word from the drop-down menu that best completes the sentence.

After the car accident, Natalie was barely ________








Read the information in the chart based on "Music Gets Personal,” and answer the question.
Which sentence best completes the paraphrase of the passage?

In 1877, Thomas Alva Edison solved the problem of capturing sound when he made the first sound recording.
In 1877, Thomas Alva Edison took the first steps toward making a personal music player.
Thomas Alva Edison made a sound recording, and he became wealthy after this invention.
Thomas Alva Edison invented a way to help people hear musical performances.


The correct answer is A. In 1877, Thomas Alva Edison solved the problem of capturing sound when he made the first sound recording.


Paraphrasing is rewriting in your own words what has been read or learned without distorting the main meaning. According to the information in the table, it can be inferred that the sentence that best completes the paraphrase of the passage is A. "In 1877, Thomas Alva Edison solved the problem of capturing sound when he made the first sound recording" because It includes all the details and the appropriate supplementary information to summarize all the topics covered in the text that were not mentioned in the paraphrase chart incluiding the name of the inventor and the year. So the answer is A.

You should spend about 35 minutes in this part.
You have been talking about Teacher's Day with your classmates.
In about 120 words, write an essay on how your school celebrated Teacher's Day.
You may use the notes below to help you.
Speech by



Teachers play a significant role in everyone's life. They motivate kids to pursue their dreams and also make them better personalities.

For kids, showing their affection to teachers matter the most. With no doubt, they are ready to do anything to impress their teachers — be it in the form of cards, speech, gifts, chocolates etc.

However, the headache goes to parents as they need to prep their kids for the Teacher’s Day. Most of the parents would be running here and there to train their little one for the celebration.


where is the pink lake situated ?​





the pink lake is situated in Australia.


In Western Australia pink lake situated.

Read the paragraph.

High school students are busy juggling responsibilities and fun. They often go to bed late and wake up early. This is a mistake because teenagers need about nine hours of sleep each night. Sleep strengthens every part of the body, including the brain and muscles. Students who get enough sleep have better memories and healthier bodies. Without sleep, young people are distracted and are more likely to have accidents.

The topic of the paragraph is


The topic is about sleep and why it's important for students to have enough sleep, as they often stay up late.

what was Gregor’s biggest priority in life before he turned into an insect?


Before he turned into an insect, Gregor's biggest priority in life was to work hard and pay off his family's debt.

I need help with coming up with a thesis for Wonder Woman and Black Panther, I want the focus to be about each of their compassion I just don't know how to piece together a good thesis statement for my essay. Pls help thank u :)


“A good example of strong compassion for people around them would be found within the characters of Black Panther and Wonder Woman, who both put themselves in the way of harm everyday to keep the greater population safe.”

what type of figurative language is ''november'' by Alice Cary?


The type of figurative language used in the initial line and the one following it in the poem "November" by Alice Cary is Personification.

There are other figurative languages such as Hyperbole, Onomatopeia, and Simile. None of them properly matches the type of literary device which was used in those lines.

The first and second line of that poem reads thus:

"The robin will wear on his bosom"

"a vest that is bright and new"

Ideally, only human beings wear vests. When actions that typically relate to human activities are used on a non-human noun, then personification has been used.

Another example of personification is:

The cat danced and smiled like it was listening to jazz music.

Learn more by visiting the following links:

write a story that ends with the expression:so it pays to be kind to strangers



One day, when I was walking home from school, I found a group of four little kids (around 8-9) standing around a storm drain, and they were looking down. One of the boys was crying, and saying how mad his mom was going to be if they couldn't get their kitten down from the storm drain. He was too scared to call his mother for help, or call 911 so the fire department can get it down. So instead he and his friends were trying to get the kitten out by luring it up with some food.

 "She can't climb, you idiot! She's too tiny." one of the boys said, and I stopped to watch as one of the girls reached as far as they could into the drain. The cat meowed and sounded so scared.

 "Let me help, guys. Does anyone have a crowbar I can use? And maybe a ladder?" The crying boy nodded, and I told him it was going to be okay, because I will help him get the cat up. He ran to his house, and got a small ladder and the crowbar I asked for with the help of his friend.

"What is the cat's name?" I asked the boy who was standing there, watching.

"Uh, I think her name is Mittens."

 The storm drain was the kind that had the manhole on the top, so I used the crowbar to pry it open, and carefully climbed down the manhole using the ladder. The cat meowed at me, and started clawing its way up my pant leg.

"Come here, Mittens," I say, and grab the little kitten, then carefully climb back out.

 By then, a few of the children's parents had come out to watch, and I handed the cat to the boy who was cheering with his friends. The adults thanked me, and the cat was returned to the boy's house safe and sound.

 The mother of the boy decided to let me babysit for her two children, Craig and Tina. Every week I babysit when ever they need me to, and I get paid well. So it really does pay to be kind to strangers.

This is actually a true story! I changed their names, obviously, but I babysit for them all the time. I hope you like it :)

Read this passage:
MACBETH. Be innocent of the knowledge, dearest chuck,
Till thou applaud the deed. Come, seeling night,
Scarf up the tender eye of pitiful day;
And with thy bloody and invisible hand
Cancel and tear to pieces that great bond
Which keeps me pale! Light thickens; and the crow
Makes wing to the rooky wood:
Good things of day begin to droop and drowse;
While night's black agents to their preys do rouse.
Thou marvellist at my words: but hold thee still;
Things bad begun make strong themselves by ill.
So, prithee, go with me.
- William Shakespeare, Macbeth, Act III, scene ii
What does the audience learn from the lines "Be innocent of the knowledge,
dearest chuck, / Till thou applaud the deed"?




There is a whole lot going on in this scene, but I think there are 2 things you should keep in mind:

The power is shifting. Macbeth no longer needs Lady Macbeth to goad him on. He is hiding from her a key piece of this thinking. The first lines of the speech tell you that. Be innocent of the knowledge, Till thou (can) applaud the deed. He is planning the murder of Banquo and he really doesn't want her input. He is telling her that she must wait till the murder is done and then what he has been doing will be apparent. Everybody comments on those lines because it is a foreshadow of many things to come. One of the most obvious is Lady Macbeth's madness.The rest of the speech has to do with his walk in the path of evil. He prefers night to day, because all is hidden by night.

What two words make up the contraction in this sentence?

We’d hate to have to cancel the trip after so much planning.

A. We had

B. We would

C. We have

D. We did



g go cuhfdhjhfdyikbbsduhvgjk
We would hate because that’s pretty much the one that makes the most sense
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