1Which element of plot comes after the conflict has already been established, but before the outcome can be predicted? *


Answer 1
Climax: Point of highest emotion; turning point; the point at which the outcome of the conflict can be predicted. 4. Resolution: (Denouement) Rounds out and concludes the action; struggles are over.
Answer 2

A story's plot is a series of interconnected events, each of which has a specific purpose. A storyline is all about making connections, and speculating on causes.

What is the significance of a climax?

A climax is crucial in a story because it signifies the end of the action. As a result, the climax provides a story with a high point that adds excitement and a reason to be invested in the plot.

The climax exists to relieve tension. It can provide details to the protagonist and reader that explain the relevance of the story's events. In a nutshell, it's the resolution of a struggle that has formed the foundation of the entire story.

Thus, Climax is correct.

For more information about Climax refer to the link:


Related Questions

Identify the adjective in the following sentence. Then determine whether it is a noun, possessive noun, or pronoun being used as an adjective.

Mr. Smith's suit was indigo blue.
Adjective Use



indigo blue


possessive noun because it explains about noun or subject.

write a speech to be delivered on your schools graduation day on the school achievement and failures in the academic year.


This is really hard to answer since it’s personalize to your experience but I recommend looking back at the entirety of your year and what you could’ve done better or different and the things you’re most proud of.

“Comrades!” he cried. “You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege? Many of us actually dislike milk and apples. I dislike them myself. Our sole object in taking these things is to preserve our health. Milk and apples (this has been proved by Science, comrades) contain substances absolutely necessary to the well-being of a pig. We pigs are brainworkers. The whole management and organization of this farm depend on us. Day and night we are watching over your welfare. It is for YOUR sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples. Do you know what would happen if we pigs failed in our duty? Jones would come back! Yes, Jones would come back!”

–Animal Farm,

George Orwell

Which details support the central idea that people in power use lies and deceit to control others? Check all that apply.

“‘Comrades!’ he cried.”
“You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege?”
“We pigs are brainworkers.”
“Day and night we are watching over your welfare.”
“It is for YOUR sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples.



2 4 and 5 :D


“You do not imagine, I hope, that we pigs are doing this in a spirit of selfishness and privilege?”“It is for YOUR sake that we drink that milk and eat those apples.”

These two details support the central idea that people in power use lies and deceit to control others. Thus, option A and D are correct.

What is the meaning Central idea?

The central idea is the main point or message that an author is trying to convey in a piece of writing, speech, or other forms of communication. It is the overarching theme that ties together all of the details, examples, and arguments presented in the work.

The central idea can also be referred to as the main idea, thesis, or primary purpose of the work. It is usually stated explicitly or implicitly in the introduction or conclusion of the work, and serves as a guide for the reader or audience to understand the purpose and direction of the piece.

Learn more about Central idea here:



Read this sentence from the first paragraph.
The banks did not think they would ever be paid back.
What did the banks learn in the end?
A. People needed time to pay their loans back.
B. Most people would pay their loans back.
C. Most people only wanted small loans.
D. People needed loans to build a better life.



Because people are in different situations and some could put back quicker than others
Hi! I think the answer is option A. or People needed time to pay their loans back. I think this because when you get a loan you don’t already have that money and that’s why you are getting a loan. You need to work to be able to pay back the loans. Option B. can’t be correct because the loans have to be paid back or they will go to jail. Option C. Doesn’t really match with the banks did not think they would be paid back. Option D. also doesn’t match with the banks did not think they would ever be paid back. I hope I explained this well enough and Goodluck :)

How long / Georgina/ live/ Copenhagen ? (for)



She lived there for long time.

I hope I helped you^_^

She lived in Copenhagen for 7 years.

What is Copenhagen?

Known as the "city of fairy tales," Copenhagen. Copenhagen, which is reputed to be the happiest city in the world, is well-known for its canals, delicious cuisine, Tivoli Gardens, and for having formerly been the residence of children's author Hans Christian Andersen. 

The coastal islands of Zealand and Amager are where Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, is located. The refund Bridge connects it to Malmo in southern Sweden. The Amalienborg Palace of the royal family is located in Frederiksstaden, an 18th-century rococo neighborhood, which is part of Indre By, the city's historic core. Christiansborg Palace and Rosenborg Castle, built in the Renaissance era and housing the crown jewels, are nearby.

Learn more about Copenhagen here:



Thank God for the good things in life. Ask God for one miracle that you want in your life. Your miracle might come true as well. Dear God I want to thank you for...................... ...............................................can you please .....................​ ...........



Dear God I want to thank you for everything you have been providing with. The only miracle I want is my talent to bring out more can you please help me with that,


Câu 27:I….. say this much for him; he's very generous.
A. could B. may C. might D. will




guess the songs:do you get deja vu oh.....



deja Vu by olive Rodriguez


I have not clue I'm mainly early 2000s type of music dude

4) Fill in the blanks with a, an or the where necessary:

a) Have you seen Principal? Yes, he is talking...... visitor.
b) What is..... average height of .....Nepalese males?
c) We had to wait for ....hour and half.... d) ......rice is in ......uncovered dish.
e) ........Rapti flows through..... Royal Chitwan National Park.​



A. a

B. the, no article

C. an

D. no article, an

E. no article, the


Hope this will help you. If any answer is incorrect please forgive me.

write dialogue about planning a birthday party for your grandfather​



Me: Its a great idea to give a grandpa a surprise party, but we need to plan it all

(Whoever you like): Yes, and that too very secretively

Me: Absolutely, We have two weeks time to prepare party for him

Person:Yes, but two weeks are not enough time

Me: why not?

Person: Because first we need to decide many things, then order them, receive and sanitize them and finally put them to use .

Me: what are the most important things we need to decide on ? The cake?

Person: Well Yes, this is important, not as half as deciding his birthday gifts and decorations, i will order them

Me: That's sound good, so the gifts get postponed tomorrow

Person: what kind of cake he like ?

Me: He likes coffee cake. I will order one kg coffee cake

Person: Done ! this is your responsibility. what do you have in mind for decorations

Me: The regular party things like balloons and steamers

Person: This is so basic, don't you have any tech ideas?

Me:Oh yes ! i can put together slideshow of pictures

Person: This is a fantastic idea, i think we have the main plan in place. tomorrow we will work out the final details and order will be placed

Me: Alright I'm so excited about it


Which choice best defines citing evidence?

attempting to understand the background of the author
explaining the steps you took to interpret the text
referring to the text to support your interpretation of a text
indicating the extra sources you used to understand the text



D indicating the extra sources you used to understand the text

what fasion trend do you like and why you like it?​



I like baggy clothes in general because anyone can wear baggy fashion, all shapes and sizes sure to be comfortable in this stylish trend. The ease and comfort of slipping into loose clothing and the air of nonchalance accompanies every outfit.

What is the controlling idea ? It seems


please provide more information

Which two things about the hawk are correct? A It was the hunter's favorite hawk. B It was the only pet the hunter had. C It was trained to hunt. D It was twice the size of most hawks. It was an unusual color.​



B and C


It was the only pet the hunter had

It was trained to hunt.


it was twice the size of most hawks it was an unusual color

Write an essay on a wedding you attended last year in 450 word



Explanation:The marriage of my friends brother came off in Nov. I was cordially invited to attend that. It was the grandest marriage, I had ever attended. It afforded great joy and mirth to every member of the procession. It is an unforgettable experience.

On the day of marriage, the house of my friend was tastefully decorated with multi colored flowers, bunting and balloons. A served with juice, sweets, dry fruits and coffee. In the evening at about 4 p.m., some ceremonies, prior to the departure of the Barat were performed. Everybody was putting on his best suit. There was joy and cheer everywhere.

The priest put a coronet decked with flowers on the bridegroom’s head. The women started singing songs. The bridegroom was made to ride a mare decked with ornaments’ of silver. The best band of the city created sweet sensations by its tunes of modern films. The Barat started on foot towards the bride’s house. It was at a distance of half a mile. The party of jolly young boys and girls began to dance and twist to the tunes of the band. There was a drum beater surrounded by lust young bachelors chancing and jumping at the head of the barat, crackers were also let off. The on lookers were looking at the Barat with eager eyes from both the sides of the roads.  

The Barat reached near the bride’s house. Multi colored bulbs, flowers and buntings decorated the house and it looked as if it were a place in paradise. The seating arrangement was made under a very big canopy. The Barat received the heartiest reception.

The priest recited verses from the scriptures. The bride’s father and bride groom’s father embraced each other amidst shouts. The automatic camera took photographs. The bride groom was made to ride a mare decked with ornaments of silver. The best band of the city created sweet sensations by its tunes of modern films. The Barat started on foot towards the bride’s house. It was at a distance of half a mile.

The marriage was solemnized amidst Vedic mantra’s before the holy fire. In the early dawn the bride parted from her parents with tears in her eyes to start a new life in her in laws house.

Help me please………………………



A create emotional responses

change the following to indirect speech
1)"can you help me with this?said Ada

2)"you should obey your parents,said James

3)"The sun sets in the west."the teacher said.​



1) Ada said can i help her with this.

2) James said that i should obey my parents.

3) The teacher said that the sun sets in the west.

Kumon D2 101 Old Yeller By Fred Gipson


Soooooo where’s the

write a folktale that you have heard or read. ​


Once upon a time, there lived a widow woman and her son, Jack, on their small farm in the country.

Every day, Jack would help his mother with the chores - chopping the wood, weeding the garden and milking the cow.  But despite all their hard work, Jack and his mother were very poor with barely enough money to keep themselves fed.

"What shall we do, what shall we do?" said the widow, one spring day.  "We don't have enough money to buy seed for the farm this year!  We must sell our cow, Old Bess, and with the money buy enough seed to plant a good crop."

"All right, mother," said Jack, "it's market-day today.  I'll go into town and sell Bessy."

So Jack took the cow's halter in his hand, walked through the garden gate and headed off toward town.  He hadn't gone far when he met a funny-looking, old man who said to him, "Good morning, Jack."

"Good morning to you," said Jack, wondering how the little, old man knew his name.

"Where are you off to this fine morning?" asked the man.

"I'm going to market to sell our cow, Bessy."

"Well what a helpful son you are!" exclaimed the man, "I have a special deal for such a good boy like you."

The little, old man looked around to make sure no one was watching and then opened his hand to show Jack what he held.

"Beans?" asked Jack, looking a little confused.

"Three magical bean seeds to be exact, young man.  One, two, three!  So magical are they, that if you plant them over-night, by morning they grow right up to the sky," promised the funny little man.  "And because you're such a good boy, they're all yours in trade for that old milking cow."

"Really?" said Jack, "and you're quite sure they're magical?"

"I am indeed!  And if it doesn't turn out to be true you can have your cow back."

1. He couldn’t find his passport. Later, it……………..among his friend’s books. 1 point turned off 2.held out turned 2.out turned up.

2. When it is raining hard, we can hardly…………….what the teacher is saying. 1 point make off put up with make out Make up

3. “Hypothesis” means: 1 point postulates fact Guess theory 4.

Amphibian can live both…………water and………….land. 1 point on, on in, in in, on on, in

5. Everyone should look ahead and save…………..money each year for when he retires. 1 point A few a little much a many

6. ………………. carelessness, she performed well. 1 point In spite of Despite of However Though

7. We are not……………to carry the burden. 1 point enough strength strong enoughly strong enough enough strong

8. We should ………. from his house early in the morning. 1 point set down set up set off set about

9. Do you mind………………. the door? 1 point To open opened opening to opening

10. The police have caught the man who…………. the bank. 1 point had stolen stole robbed had robbed

11. The meaning of the word MITIGATE is: 1 point to protest to alleviate to justify to imitate

12. This is the most fascinating novel…………. 1 point ever James Joyce has written James Joyce ever writes James Joyce ever has written James Joyce has ever written

13. A widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time is: 1 point Pandemic Endemic Plague Epidemic

14. He gave………….. 1 point an assignment very tough to the class the class tough assignment a tough assignment to the class to the class a tough assignment

15. Rotation refers to the turning of the Earth……revolution refers to its movement around the sun. 1 point beside and in addition to besides Questions 16-20 are based on the following passages:  16. The passage mainly discusses the 1 point effects of interviewing on job applicants inadequacy of interviewing job applicants techniques that interviewers use for judging job applicants judgments of interviewers concerning job applicants 17. The word “hindrance” is closest in meaning to 1 point encouragement assistance procedure interference 18. According to the passage, the halo effect 1 point exemplifies who one good characteristic colors perceptions. stands out as the worst judgmental error. helps the interviewer’s capability to judge real ability. takes effect only when a candidate is well dressed. 19. According to the passage, the first impression 1 point can easily be altered. has been repeatedly demonstrated to the applicant. is the one that stays with the interviewers. is unrelated to the interviewer’s prejudices. 20. The word “confirm” is closest in meaning to 1 point recollect verify misrepresent conclude​


1. The correct phrase is turned up.

2. The correct phrase is make out.

3. “Hypothesis” means theory.

4. The correct prepositions are in and on.

5. The correct phrase is a little.

6. The correct phrase is In spite of.

7. The correct phrase is strong enough.

8. The correct phrase is set off.

9. The correct word is opening.

10. The correct word is robbed.

11. The correct meaning of the word MITIGATE is alleviate.

12. The correct phrase is James Joyce has ever written.

13. Epidemic means a widespread occurrence of an infectious disease in a community at a particular time.

14. The correct phrase is the class a tough assignment.

15. The correct phrase is around the sun.

16. The passage mainly discusses the techniques that interviewers use for judging job applicants.

17. The closest meaning of the word “hindrance” is interference.

18. The halo effect stands out as the worst judgmental error.

19. The first impression is the one that stays with the interviewers.

20. The closest meaning of the word “confirm” is verify.

Thus, when the correct words or phrases are used in sentences, they are always suitable.

Learn more about filling gaps with suitable words and phrases at https://brainly.com/question/2074221

An effective thesis statement includes…
an outline of the argument
indirect quotations
points that counter the main argument
specific information



an outline of the argument.


The thesis should argue for something and be clear. It shouldn't include unnecessary information.

change these sentences into negative and interrogate sentences​



1. Does he goes to the market?

He does not goes to the market

2. Does Ram plucks the mango?

Ram does not plucks the mango

3. Do you sing a song?

You do not sing a song

4. Do they play  in the garden?

They do not play in the garden

5. Do I write a letter?

I do not write a letter


A student conducts an experiment to determine how the temperature of water affects the time for sugar to dissolve. In each trial, the student uses a different amount of sugar and a different temperature of water.

What is wrong with this experimental design?

The student changed too many variables.

The student does not have a dependent variable.

The student needs to perform more trials.

The student did not change enough variables.



the dont change



Sometimes people say silly things they do not intend to be mean.

Identify the choice that corrects this run-on sentence.


“ Sometimes people say silly things. They do not intend to be mean.”

Sometimes people say silly things they do not intend to be mean! This option correctly splits the independent clause in a complete sentence by adding an exclamation point at the end to indicate the speaker's tone. So, the correct option is C.

What is Sentence?

A sentence is a semantically complete unit of speech composed of one or more words that expresses an entire thought, idea, or message. It usually has a subject and a predicate and might be a statement, an inquiry, an order, or an exclamation.

A set of words must meet specific grammatical conditions in order to be termed a sentence. A subject (the person, place, thing, or idea about which the sentence is about) and a predication (the part of the sentence that indicates what the subject does or what is being done to the subject) are examples of these. A phrase must additionally possess a logical structure and express a complete notion on its own.

Therefore, the correct option is C.

Learn more about Sentence, here:



Your question is incomplete, most probably the complete question is:

Read the sentence:

Sometimes people say silly things they do not intend to be mean.

Identify the choice that corrects this run-on sentence.

Sometimes people say silly things, they do not intend to be mean.Sometimes people say silly things; they do not intend to be mean.Sometimes people say silly things they do not intend to be mean!Sometimes, people say sill they not intend to be mean.

4 Fill in the correct form of the verbs in brackets.1 I wish I2 If only I......3 Steve wishes he4 If only she..5 Tom wishes he6 I wish I7 I wish she8 Mrs Jones wishes she9 If only badn't forgotten......(not/forget) her birthday.(have) the money to buy a new car..... (speak) so rudely to his boss because he fired him.(tell) him the truth. He wouldn't be so angry with her.(not/have) so much homework to do.(not/break) my sister's doll. She wouldn't be sad now.(stop) interrupting me all the time.(speak) a foreign language.I(be) taller. I would join the basketball team.(not/crash) his father's car. Now his father is upset.10 He wishes he11 I wish Mum(let) me go to the party next week.



1. I wish I could fly.

2. If only she had seen the doctor earlier.

3. Steve wishes he were a doctor:  

4. If only she worked harder.

5. Tom wishes to become a professional football player.

6. I wish I had not run so fast. hadn't run so fast.

7. I wish she would come

8. Mrs Jones that she can study computer science next school year.


The rest I don't get. You jumbled everything together.

18. Cahina ...... an economic crisis at this moment.
O encountered
O encounters
O encounter
O will encounter
O is encountering​



is encountering​


what is the intersection of culture and interpersonal communication of how you see me





bfeif2ipfb42ifbeivb3eifb2ee fewbfe


Why is the title of the story: The Good Samaritan? Explain.



Finally, a Samaritan happens upon the traveler. Although Samaritans and Jews despised each other, the Samaritan helps the injured man. ... The phrase "Good Samaritan", meaning someone who helps a stranger, derives from this parable, and many hospitals and charitable organizations are named after the Good Samaritan.

Which sentences in the list below demonstrate correct use of
Patty's new husband, Joe, is a mechanic who teaches at my school,
Out of six cousins, my cousin Jesse is the only one who wants to become an engineer
Cousin Estella, who has blue hair, loves to rebuild old cars.
Among the 25 students in my home economics class, only my classmate, Cassie, actually knows how
to cook
The auto shop class, that meets in the afternoon, rebuilt a roadster last year, this year, the morning
class will rebuild a motorcycle



1, 3 and 4 are correct

I think

not soo sure


2. Out of six cousins, my cousin Jesse is the only one who wants to become an engineer.

3. Cousin Estella, who has blue hair, loves to rebuild old cars.

4. Among the 25 students in my home economics class, only my classmate, Cassie, actually knows how to cook.


1. Patty's new husband, Joe, is a mechanic who teaches at my school.

2. Out of six cousins, my cousin Jesse is the only one who wants to become an engineer.

3. Cousin Estella, who has blue hair, loves to rebuild old cars.

4. Among the 25 students in my home economics class, only my classmate, Cassie, actually knows how to cook.

5. The auto shop class, which meets in the afternoon, rebuilt a roadster last year. This year, the morning

6. The class will rebuild a motorcycle.

Fixed all grammar errors above

why is cursing someone in authority bad?




As children we're taught that cursing, even when we're in pain, is inappropriate, betrays a limited vocabulary or is somehow low class in that ambiguous way many cultural lessons suggest. But profanity serves a physiological, emotional and social purpose — and it's effective only because it's inappropriate.


Other Questions
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