2. Find F(x)+g(x)
4 options to pick from


Answer 1


first option

3x³ - 6x - 4



Related Questions

decide if the first number is a factor or the second number with a yes or no.

a. 9; 74,520

b, 3; 876


both are yes i believe, let me know if it works


(−2,2) under a translation is

(−3,5). Find the coordinates of the image of the point

(−3,1) under the same translation.



kslskd बोडलालामसूनिविवल

Find $ \left(\frac{5}{12}\right)^{4}\left(\frac{12}{15}\right)^{3} $.

If thats to hard to read its (5/12)^4 (12/15)^3


Question:- Find




Taking power inside the bracket

[tex] \frac{5^{4} }{ {12}^{4} } \times \frac{ {12}^{3} }{ {15}^{3} } [/tex]

[tex] \frac{ {5}^{4} }{ {12}^{4 - 3} } \times \frac{1}{ {(5 \times 3)}^{3} } \\ \frac{ {5}^{4} }{12} \times \frac{1}{ {5}^{ 3 } \times {3}^{3} } \\ \frac{ {5}^{4 - 3} }{12 \times {3}^{3} } \\ \frac{5}{4 \times 3 \times {3}^{3} } \\ \frac{5}{4 \times {3}^{4} } = \frac{5}{4\times81 } \\ Answer-> \frac{5}{324} [/tex]

[tex]Power\:Form-> \frac{ 5 }{12 \times {3}^{3} } [/tex]

From the Rule y = -4x+1 fill in the following table



y: 1, -3, -7, -11, -15

Step-by-step explanation:

Substitute the value of x in the chart for the formula given:

y = -4x + 1

For the first column in the x-row, do the following

y = -4(0) + 1

y = 1


y = -4(1) + 1

y = -3

And so on.

Qualitative manpower is the most valuable assets of an organization




Step-by-step explanation:

Office resources can be defined as all those means, facilities or equipments, including manpower that are utilized in the operation of various office procedures on a daily basis. Thus, office resources comprises means of communication, means of transportation, manpower (workers or employees), furniture, computer, etc.

Basically, the proper and efficient utilization of office resources determine the level of success that would be achieved in any office.

In Business management, office resources are generally grouped into five (5) main categories and these include;

I. Communication.

II. Transportation.

III. Material and office supplies.

IV. Sources of income (finance).

V. Manpower (human resources).

Manpower is also referred to as human resources or office personnels and it can be defined as the total number of people working from the lower hierarchy to top hierarchy of an organization, engaged in various jobs or tasks at different levels.

Basically, manpower is considered to be the most important type of office resources because it is vital for achieving the organizational goal.

This ultimately implies that, the most valuable assets of an organization is its qualitative manpower because it comprises human competence, skills and knowledge.

How do you fine the answer ? Help me pls




Step-by-step explanation:

Find the measure of x




Step-by-step explanation:

The angle in a semicircle is 90° , then

x = 180° - (90 + 47) = 180° - 137° = 43° → B


B. 43

Step-by-step explanation:

ignore the other triangle with the y angle. it is just there to confuse us.

the main information is given already by the main triangle with the angles x and 47 degrees.

because it's baseline is the diameter of a circle, and its top point is also on the circumference of the same circle.

all triangles that can be inscribed into a circle that way are by definition right-angled triangles.

so, the angle at the top point is actually 90 degrees.

and as we know, the sum of all angles in a triangle is always 180 degrees, we can simply calculate :

180 = 90 + 47 + x = 137 + x

x = 43 degrees

that's it.

I was told that 3x- was -12 but I can’t understand how they got -12:/




Step-by-step explanation:

They got 3x-12 because they took

3(x - 4)

and they distrubuted the 3 to the numbers in parenthesis,

how they did this was they multiplied 3 by x and got 3x then they kept the subtraction sign that is in the parenthesis. Then they multiplied 3 by the 4 and got 12.

then the equation was 3x - 12/2 = 6



Step-by-step explanation:

[tex] \frac{3(x - 4)}{2} = 6[/tex]

Multiply 3 by what's in the bracket

[tex] \frac{3x - 12}{2} = 6[/tex]

Multiply through by the LCM of all the denominators

[tex] \frac{2(3x - 12)}{2} = 2 \times 6[/tex]

=The numerator 2 will cancel the denominator 2

[tex]3x - 12 = 12[/tex]

Grouping like terms

[tex]3x = 12 + 12[/tex]

Dividing both sides by 3

[tex] \frac{3x}{3 } = \frac{24}{3} [/tex]

[tex]x = 8[/tex]

A man was traveling by air is allowed a maximum of 20kg luggages .The man has four bags weighing 3.5kg ,15 kg ,2kg and 1.5kg .Find excess weight of his luggage. 2 . Express the excess weight as a percentage of his maximum weight allowed.



See explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

Maximum weight = 20 kg

Bag 1 = 3.5kg

Bag 2 = 15 kg

Bag 3 = 2kg

Bag 4 = 1.5kg

Total weight of bags = 22 kg

Excess weight of his luggage = Total weight of bags - Maximum weight

= 22 kg - 20 kg

= 2 kg

Express the excess weight as a percentage of his maximum weight allowed = excess weight / maximum weight × 100

= 2/20 × 100

= 0.1 × 100

= 10%

Express the excess weight as a percentage of his maximum weight allowed = 10%

divide a sum of rs 1110 between A,B and C so that for every rs 8 given to A,B may get Rs 5 and for every Rs 7 given to B ,C may get rs 4​


In this question, an amount is divided between three parts. From this, relations between the variables are used to find the amount corresponding to each part.

Sum of 1110 between A, B and C:

This means that:

[tex]A + B + C = 1110[/tex]

For every rs 8 given to A,B may get Rs 5

This means that:

[tex]\frac{A}{B} = \frac{8}{5}[/tex]

And thus:

[tex]5A = 8B[/tex]

[tex]A = \frac{8B}{5}[/tex]

For every Rs 7 given to B ,C may get rs 4​

This means that:

[tex]\frac{B}{C} = \frac{7}{4}[/tex]

And thus:

[tex]7C = 4B[/tex]

[tex]C = \frac{4B}{7}[/tex]

Amount of B:

Replacing into the original equation:

[tex]A + B + C = 1110[/tex]

[tex]\frac{8B}{5} + B + \frac{4B}{7} = 1110[/tex]

[tex]\frac{56B + 35B + 20B}{35} = 1110[/tex]

[tex]111B = 1110*35[/tex]

[tex]B = \frac{1110*35}{111}[/tex]

[tex]B = 350[/tex]

Amounts of A and C:

A and C are given as functions of B, so:

[tex]A = \frac{8B}{5} = \frac{8*350}{5} = 560[/tex]

[tex]C = \frac{4B}{7} = \frac{4*350}{7} = 200[/tex]


The amount given to A is of Rs 560, to B is of Rs 350 and to C is of Rs 200.

For another problem involving divisions given ratios, you can check https://brainly.com/question/23857756.

A, B and C receive RS. 560, RS. 350 and RS. 200, respectively.

In this problem, we must translate the sentences into mathematical expression. Please notice that systems of linear equations are resoluble if the number of formulas equals the number of variables. In other words, we must have three linear equations for three variables:

1) Divide a sum of RS 1110 between A, B, C:

[tex]a + b + c = 1110[/tex] (1) Var: 3, Eqs: 1  

2) So that for every RS 8 give to A, B may get RS 5:

[tex]\frac{a}{b} = \frac{8}{5}[/tex]

[tex]5\cdot a - 8\cdot b = 0[/tex] (2) Var: 3, Eqs: 2

3) And for every RS 7 given to B, C may get RS 4:

[tex]\frac{b}{c} = \frac{7}{4}[/tex]

[tex]4\cdot b -7\cdot c = 0[/tex] (3) Var: 3, Eqs: 3

Now we solve the resulting system, the solution set of the system is:

[tex]a= 560[/tex], [tex]b = 350[/tex], [tex]c = 200[/tex]

A, B and C receive RS. 560, RS. 350 and RS. 200, respectively.

(100 PTS!!) Match the following vocabulary



Step-by-step explanation:

1. arc length

2. semicircle

3. minor arc

4. arc measure

5. circumference

6. radius

7. diameter


Answer:arc length

2. semicircle

3. minor arc

4. arc measure

5. circumference

6. radius

7. diameter

Step-by-step explanation:

LCM of two even number is 220, find their sum​



Two consecutive even terms and LCM = 180

Let’s assume the two terms:

1st term : 2x

2nd term : 2x + 2

There is a rule which states that

If ‘a’ and ‘b’ are two numbers, then their product is equal to the product of their LCM and HCF.


a∗b=HCF∗LCM  - (i)

We can logically say that the HCF of any two consecutive even numbers is always equal to ‘2’ provided that the smallest no. is at least ‘2’.


HCF of ‘2x’ and ‘2x + 2’ is ‘2’ - (ii)


from (i) and (ii),

2x∗(2x+2)=  HCF * LCM




Solving the quadratic equation we get,

x=9,−10 (we discard -10 since it is negative)

Therefore, the numbers are

2∗9=18  (1st no.)

2∗9+2=18+2=20  (2nd no.)

Answer :  18,20

Step-by-step explanation:




Domain is (-4, 3]Range is (-5, 5]



The domain is the set of allowed x input values, aka the set of all allowed x coordinates of the points. We see that [tex]-4 < x \le 3[/tex]. It might help to draw vertical lines through the endpoints until you reach the x axis. Note the open hole at x = -4 to indicate we do not include this as part of the domain (hence the lack of "or equal to" for the first inequality sign).

The interval [tex]-4 < x \le 3[/tex] then can be condensed into the shorthand form (-4, 3] which is the domain in interval notation.

It says: x is between -4 and 3. It can't equal -4 but it can equal 3.

So the use of parenthesis versus square brackets tells the reader which endpoint is included or not.


The range describes all possible y outputs. We see that y = 5 is the largest it gets and y = -5 is the lower bound. It might help to draw horizontal lines through the endpoints until you reach the y axis. The open hole means -5 is not part of the range.

The range as a compound inequality is [tex]-5 < y \le 5[/tex]. This condenses into the shorthand of (-5, 5] which is the range in interval notation.

Verbally, the range is the set of y values such that y is between -5 and 5. It can't equal -5 but it can equal 5.



Step-by-step explanation:

Domain(f)= ]-4;3]={x€R | -4<x≤3}

Rang(f)=]-5;5]={y€R | -5< y ≤5}

[tex]x^{2} +5x+3[/tex]+2x^{2}+10x-15=0


x²+5x+3+2x²+10x15 =0x²+2x²+5x+10x+3+15=03x²+15x+18=03(x²+5x+6) =0 because 3 is common factor3(x²+3x+2x+6) spill the middle term3(x(x+3)+2(x+3) take the common factor from term3(x+2) (x+3)

answer is 3(x+2) (x+3)

please mark this answer as brainlist

WILL GIVE BRAINLEST!Two machines are printing shirts. The first machine can produce 2.400 shirts in 150 minutes. The second machine can produce 2.400 shirts in 120minutes. If the two work together, how long will it take them to produce 6,480 shirts? If necessary, round your answer to the nearest whole number.


Step-by-step explanation:

see the answer in attached picture

pls mark me as brainliest pls


If two machine works together it takes 180 minute to complete 6480 shirts

Step-by-step explanation:

2400 ÷ 150 = 6

So here,

1st machine produces 20 shirts per minutes

let, x=minutes for shirt's production





Therefor, x=180 minutes

A and B are squares. The length of one side of square A is 4. The length of one side of square B is twice the length of a side of square A. What is the average (mean) area of the 2 squares?




Step-by-step explanation:

So square A has a side of 4, therefore its area is 16 because you square the side length.

Square B has a side of 2 times Square A's side. So Square B has sidelength 8 as 4*2 = 8.

If Square B has side length 8, it has an area of 64.

The average is found by adding the two area and then dividing by 2. So,

64 + 16 = 80

80/2 = 40

Will give Brainly
Find the probability that a
selected point within the circle falls
in the red shaded area.
r= 4 cm
[? ]%
Round to the nearest tenth of a percent.



mate....where is red shaded region....

probably this will help ..... ;)

find the probability that a randomly selected point within the circle falls in the red shaded area


Show that 1.272727... = 1.27 can be expressed in the form , where p and q are integers and q not equal to 0.​




Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]1.272727....=1.\overline{27}\\\\=1+\dfrac{27}{99} \\\\=1+\dfrac{3}{11} \\\\=\dfrac{11+3}{11} \\\\=\dfrac{14}{11} \\[/tex]

One other way:

Let say x=1.272727...






Set up the appropriate trigonometric ratio to determine the value of the safety angle.


Step-by-step explanation:

sin/cos=tan theta.It is the value of the safety angle

Please help me!!!!!
What are the answers




Step-by-step explanation:

The equation of the line is y=3x

A hemispherical tank is filled with water and has a diameter of 16 feet. If water weighs 62.4 pounds per cubic foot, what is the total weight of the water in a full tank, to the nearest pound?


Answer: 133,827 lb/ft^3

Step-by-step explanation:

V = (4/3) (3.14)(8^3) = 133,827

Given the equation, 1 + 6k = 25, for some value of k, what is the value of k +7 for the same value
of k?


Step-by-step explanation:


collect like terms



divide both sides by 6


;- k= -4

Wich graph is the result of the reflection f(x) =1/4(8)^x across the y axis and then across the x- axis



I assume that the function is:

[tex]f(x) = \frac{1}{4}*8^x[/tex]

Now let's describe the general transformations that we need to use in this problem.

Reflection across the x-axis:

For a general function f(x), a reflection across the x-axis is written as:

g(x) = -f(x)

Reflection across the y-axis:

For a general function f(x), a reflection across the y-axis is written as:

g(x) = f(-x)

Then a reflection across the y-axis, and then a reflection across the x-axis is just:

g(x) = -(f(-x)) = -f(-x)

In this case, we have:

[tex]f(x) = \frac{1}{4}*8^x[/tex]


[tex]g(x) = -f(-x) = -\frac{1}{4}*8^{-x}[/tex]

Now we can graph this, to get the graph you can see below:

(a) The radius of a circle is 5.6 cm. Find the angle in degrees subtended by an arc of 22 cm at the
centre of the circle.




225 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

Given the following data;

Radius, r = 5.6 cmLength of arc = 22 cm

To find the angle in degrees subtended by an arc;

Mathematically, the length of the arc of a circle is given by the formula;

S = rA


S is the length of the arc.A is the angle measured in radians.

Substituting the values into the formula, we have;

22 = 5.6 * A

[tex] A = \frac {22}{5.6} [/tex]

A = 3.9286 radians.

Next, we would convert the value of the angle in radians to degrees;


[tex] 1 \; radian = \frac {180}{\pi} \; degrees [/tex]

[tex] 3.9286 \; radians = X \; degrees [/tex]

Cross-multiplying, we have;

[tex] X = \frac {180}{\frac {22}{7}} * 3.9286 [/tex]

[tex] X = \frac {180 * 7}{22} * 3.9286 [/tex]

[tex] X = \frac {1260}{22} * 3.9286 [/tex]

[tex] X = 57.2727 * 3.9286 [/tex]

X = 225.0015 ≈ 225 degrees

order the equations by the steepness of the slopes of their graphs from greatest fj least.


steepest slope: 2x+3
flattest slope: -1/5x+2

Suppose that the function h is defined, for all real numbers, as follows.



gsgdjdjchdvvdbdjzjsjsushsvvsvsvs I don't know


see explanation

Step-by-step explanation:

h(- 3) with x = - 3, that is x ≠ 1 , then

h(- 3) = - [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] (- 3) + 2 = [tex]\frac{3}{2}[/tex] + 2 = [tex]\frac{7}{2}[/tex]

h(1) with x = 1 , then

h(1) = 1

h(3) with x = 3, that is x ≠ 1 , then

h(3) = - [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex] (3) + 2 = - [tex]\frac{3}{2}[/tex] + 2 = [tex]\frac{1}{2}[/tex]

If SP = Rs 100 and CP = Rs 800 find profit %. ​




Step-by-step explanation:

8³ x 2⁷= •••


Answer: B:2^16

Step-by-step explanation:2^16=65536 and 8^3 x 2^7 = 65536

[tex]\boxed{\huge\text{Hey there!}}[/tex]

[tex]\huge\boxed{\mathsf{8^3 \times 2^7= \boxed{?}}}[/tex]

[tex]\huge\boxed{8^3}\\\huge\boxed{= 8\times8\times8}\\\huge\boxed{= 64 \times8}\\\huge\boxed{= \bf 512}[/tex]

[tex]\huge\boxed{2^7}\\\huge\boxed{= 2\times2\times2\times2\times2\times2\times2}\\\huge\boxed{= 4\times4\times4\times2}\\\huge\boxed{= 16\times8}\\\huge\boxed{= \bf 128}[/tex]

[tex]\huge\boxed{512 \times 128}\\\huge\boxed{= \bf 65,536}[/tex]

[tex]\huge\boxed{\textsf{ORIGINAL answer: \bf 65,536} \mathsf{\ and\ the}}\\\huge\boxed{\mathsf{EXPONENTIAL \ answer: \bf 2^{\mathsf{\bf 16}}}}\huge\checkmark[/tex]

[tex]\huge\boxed{\mathsf{Therefore, your\ answer \ is: Option\ B. 2^{16}}}\huge\checkmark[/tex]

[tex]\huge\boxed{\textsf{Good luck on your assignment \& enjoy your day!}}[/tex]


Art class has 444 tables. There are 999 pencils at each table.
Ava multiplied 4\times94×94, times, 9 to find the total number of pencils.
Finn multiplied 9\times49×49, times, 4 to find the total number of pencils.
Who is correct?
Choose 1 answer:



Both Ava and Finn are correct

Step-by-step explanation:

There are 4 tables and 9 pencils at each table

4 ( 9) = 36

9 * 4 = 36

Both Ava and Finn are correct

Find a recursive rule for the nth term of the sequence.

-7, -42, -252, -1512, ...




Step-by-step explanation:

The sequence is -7*6^n.

A few examples of this are the following,


-7*6^0 = -7

-7*6^1 = -42

-7*6^2 = -252

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