anjana has long hair. transitive/intransitive or linking verb​


Answer 1
qjakagaaganwvakscaajam!aoa apaahajowesisksossha

Related Questions

Help me please………………..





4. Change the following into yes/no question. a. They are catching fish. ​


Answer: Are they catching fish?


Since it is asked to change to a simple yes/no question, therefore, only changing the linking verb to the front of pronoun.

Other kinds of questions such as [who, why, where, when, what, how], would not be a simple answer.

Hope this helps!! :)

Please let me know if you have any questions

Talk about how you can reduce your stress. Come up with five ways to help you de-stress


Exercise. It's a cliché for a reason: exercise really does prompt your body to release feel-good hormones like endorphins, which can help you to feel less stressed. ...

Organise. ...

Breathe. ...

Take a time out. ...


what are the top 50 most used words in english


the, be, to, of, and, a, in, that, have, I, it, for, not, on, with, he, as, you, do, at, this, but, his, by, from, they, we, say, her, she, or, an, will, my, one, all, would, there, their, what, so, up, out, if, about, who, get, which, go, me


the he at but there

of was be not use

and for this what an

a on have all each

to are from were which

in as or we she

is with ine when do

you his had your how

that they by can their

it I word said if


50 Most Used Words In English^^

Read the passage from Animal Farm.

Meanwhile life was hard. The winter was as cold as the last one had been, and food was even shorter. Once again all rations were reduced, except those of the pigs and the dogs. A too rigid equality in rations, Squealer explained, would have been contrary to the principles of Animalism. In any case he had no difficulty in proving to the other animals that they were NOT in reality short of food, whatever the appearances might be. For the time being, certainly, it had been found necessary to make a readjustment of rations (Squealer always spoke of it as a "readjustment," never as a "reduction"), but in comparison with the days of Jones, the improvement was enormous. Reading out the figures in a shrill, rapid voice, he proved to them in detail that they had more oats, more hay, more turnips than they had had in Jones's day, that they worked shorter hours, that their drinking water was of better quality, that they lived longer, that a larger proportion of their young ones survived infancy, and that they had more straw in their stalls and suffered less from fleas. The animals believed every word of it. Truth to tell, Jones and all he stood for had almost faded out of their memories. They knew that life nowadays was harsh and bare, that they were often hungry and often cold, and that they were usually working when they were not asleep. But doubtless it had been worse in the old days. They were glad to believe so. Besides, in those days they had been slaves and now they were free, and that made all the difference, as Squealer did not fail to point out.

How does this passage demonstrate the use of propaganda? Select two options.

It demonstrates repetition because Squealer reminds the animals that they are free at the farm because of the work they are doing.
It demonstrates hyperbole because Squealer exaggerates the figures related to positive developments of the farm.
It demonstrates bandwagon because Squealer convinces the animals that life is better now than it was before, and everyone agrees because the report says so.
It demonstrates plain folks because Squealer explains why the pigs and dogs deserve better food rations than the other animals.
It demonstrates glittering generalities because Squealer does not explain the claim that equality in rations would be contrary to the farm’s ideals.



bandwagon - he convinces them that their life is better, but is it really?

glittering generalities - he changes his mind frequently and cuts back on food when he makes it seem like everyone will have to cut back; very unfair  -


why would one person or animal get food when the other does not?

people meet me at party. they were frindly.​


People met me at a party, they were friendly.


People met me at the party and they were friendly.


This sentence is past tense. You must also spell friendly correctly. And you must add the conjunction "and."

Read the paragraph. Then answer the question that follows.

Perhaps you wanted pizza for dinner, but were out voted by the rest of the family who wanted chili. This is similar to what happens in a community. One person has to give up a right for the good of the group. Sometimes citizens' duties and rights conflict with each other. A good example is a public protest. People have the right to meet in groups and share ideas. However, a protest can disrupt traffic or other normal activities. A city must provide extra police protection to keep people safe. Therefore, the city has the right to require permission in advance for a protest. Government must make laws to balance the rights of individuals and different groups of people.

What type of connection is used in the paragraph?




I think it's Analogy.


Analogy by definition is basically comparing two things. Here, you're comparing rights of individuals and the rights of different groups of people.

I need to stop (doing/to do) my homework last at night.​


Fill in the blanks? Is thats what their asking to pick between those

write a letter to reply to a brother or sister who need money to buy book​



39, eighth avenue,

7th crossroad,

Mumbai, India.

26th July 2018.

Dear brother,

How are you doing over there? How about your friends and coursemates? I hope this letter meets you all well? I am doing great here as well.

I got your message about the money you need to buy the required book. Firstly, I will like to show my sincere joy concerning the progress you have made so far and regarding your previous results. I know you must have put in a lot of work to get to that grade of yours and I hope you finish on a good note.

Concerning the money you need, I will be sending the required amount needed by the end of this month so that you can quickly get them because I understand how germane they are for you to succeed. Along with the cash, I will also be attaching the gift that our mother asked me to give you.

Our prayer is that you finish excellently well. Looking forward to seeing you on your graduation day.

With Love,


Read the excerpt from the Dalai Lama's Nobel Prize
acceptance speech
Which statement best explains how the structure of the
excerpt supports the speaker's message?
With the ever-growing impact of science on our lives,
religion and spirituality have a greater role to play by
reminding us of our humanity. There is no contradiction
between the two. Each gives us valuable insights into
the other. Both science and the teachings of the
Buddha tell us of the fundamental unity of all things.
This understanding is crucial if we are to take positive
and decisive action on the pressing global concern with
the environment
O The cause-and-effect structure shows how religious
beliefs influence the way people relate to science.
O The cause-and-effect structure explains the reasons
why science and religion are important.
O The compare-and-contrast structure shows the
similarities and differences in how religions view
O The compare-and-contrast structure shows science
and religion have similar goals, even if they have
different beliefs.
Save and Exit
Mark this and retum



The compare-and-contrast structure shows science

and religion have similar goals, even if they have

different beliefs.


The excerpt is essentially explaining how both science and religion are impacting our lives significantly. "With the ever-growing impact of science on our lives, religion and spirituality have a greater role to play by reminding us of our humanity." It then goes on to say that there is no contradiction between the two, implying that many think that one cannot be said/done/acted upon with the other. "Each gives us valuable insights into the other."

The statement is comparing the two in order to show that they can both be acted upon and have similar goals.

stories on prevention is better than cure​


I think the fable of ant and tge grasshopper is best example on prevention is better than cure......

Which sentence has grammatical or spelling errors?

If we find that we should've shipped your order sooner, you'll be eligible for
a full refund.

When they finished eating, all of the boy's faces were covered in tomato



When they finished eating, all of the boy's faces were covered in tomato sauce.


A sentence can be defined as a group of words that comprises of both a subject and predicate used to convey a logical information. Sentences are classified into four (4) main categories and these includes;

I. Simple sentence.

II. Compound sentence.

III. Complex sentence.

IV. Compound-Complex sentence.

In this exercise, you're required to identify the sentence that contains a grammatical or spelling errors.

Although, none of the sentence contained a spelling error.

However, the second sentence contains a grammatical error because their isn't a subject-pronoun agreement.

A pronoun is one of the parts of speech in English language and it can be defined as a word that replaces a noun in a sentence. Some examples of a pronoun are he, she, you, I, who, it, them, ours, etc.

In English language, a subject can be defined as the person, thing, idea or place that performs an action.

A subject-pronoun agreement refers to the situation in which there is an agreement between a subject and a pronoun in terms of number.

This ultimately implies that, if a subject is singular, its pronoun should also be singular and if the subject is plural, the pronoun must be plural.

Further, a pronoun referring to the singular subject should also be in singular form, so as to connote an agreement of words (concord).

In this scenario, they (plural) was wrongly used for a singular object (boy) and as such, it connotes a grammatical error.

the best organiza plan and best type of message for persuading someone to donate to a community project that feeds the homeless is a


Group of answer choices.

a. direct, oral message.

b. direct, written message.

c. indirect, oral message.

d. indirect, written message.


d. indirect, written message.


A persuasive essay can be defined as a type of essay in which the aim or goals of the writer is to convince the readers (audience) to accept their own point of view, perspective, ideas or opinions.

The main purpose of a persuasive essay is to inform an action in the minds of the potential readers by accepting all or part of the ideas, views, or perception being expressed by the writer.

Basically, the three (3) goals or elements of a persuasive essay are;

I. Convince: this is to make the readers or audience believe the views being expressed through the use of evidence, superior arguments or logic.

II. Stimulation: this is simply to create excitement and enthusiasm in the minds of potential readers while believing the writer.

III. Actuate: this is simply to cause the readers (audience) to take an action. It motivates, incite or compels the readers to do something.

Hence, the best organizational plan and message type for persuading a person to make donations to a community project that is aimed at feeding the homeless is an indirect, written message.

An indirect, written message is a text-based that is typically written in an informal manner.

(d) Write a short story which ends with, "He caught the gleam of happiness in his eyes and won the competition."​



It was not his dream, but the dream Mina watched endlessly every night. It was not a dream anymore. But had become an obsession. Madhav did not long for anything more than to become a IAS. To drag his mother from the miseries of a low lying life. His mother Meena who was a mere widow, who lost her husband before she could know what was actually being one, and who had lost her youth by this time, when she became a mother at the tender age of 17. A widow and a victim of child marriage, she had no life of her own. But she had dreams. The dreams which she saw through Madhav's eyes.

At the age of 14 whrn Madhav was about to give away his board exam, all that he had in his mind was to become a bus conductor. The bus of his uncle, who tried to win him over by lurring him with a small amount of money and in return wanted to have a full time servant.

But his mother never ceased dreaming.

Madhav had no importance for her mother's dreams, all he knew was to find himself some money at the end of the day.

So Mina finally did something that was unexpected. One morning when Madhav went to school sulkingly, and ha the shock o his life, his mother standing on the gate as the gatekeeper. He was ashamed to the core. Questioning his mother he was faced with only one answer, her dream which was put to shame by her only son. Gradually as time passed, he saw his mother toil hard doing odd jobs for saving money for him. Slow realisation an guilt sank into him, and a change o heart had begun. Yet the journey was still a ling way.

12 years down the line a pannel of interviewers ask a candidate a question in the civil mains. Why do u want to become a IAS? And comes the answer" Because the school gatekeeper wanted to prove that the red light vehicle is not reserved only for upper class". After he received the call letter by post after some months, a glint of happiness caught his eyes. He had won tje competition and proved his mother right.


•Our guests can go to the pool during the day

•They can also go to the gym during the day

•Finally, they can go to the hotel restaurant at night

Which sentence best restates this information?

A) The pool and gym are for daytime hotel guests, and the restaurant is for night time hotel guests.

B) The gym, pool, and restaurant are options for our hotel guests.

C) Guests can go to the gym or the pool during the day and the restaurant at night.

D) Guests can go to the pool or gym before going to the restaurant at night.

E) Guests can go to the gym or the pool before they go to the restaurant at night


D) Guests can go to the pool or gym before going to the restaurant at night

describe about your family


I love my family.My family loves me

Read the passage from "Marriage Is a Private Affair" by
Chinua Achebe.
How does Okeke's change in attitude challenge the
Then one day he received a letter from Nene, and in
spite of himself he began to glance through it
perfunctorily until all of a sudden the expression on his
face changed and he began to read more carefully.
... Our two sons, from the day they learnt that
they have a grandfather, have insisted on being
taken to him. I find it impossible to tell them that
you will not see them. I implore you to allow
Nnaemeka to bring them home for a short time
during his leave next month. I shall remain here in
The old man at once felt the resolution he had built up
over so many years falling in. He was telling himself
that he must not give in. He tried to steel his heart
against all emotional appeals. It was a re-enactment of
How does Okeke’s change in attitude challenge the patriarchy?
Okeke has no desire to see his grandsons because
they come from a marriage he did not approve.
o Okeke is insulted and disturbed that Nene has sent
him such a rude letter
O Okeke wants to see his grandsons even though they
are not the product of a traditional arranged
O Okeke is surprised that his son and daughter-in-law
have refused to let him see his grandsons.


The challenge to the patriarchy by Okeke's change in attitude happened this way: O "Okeke wants to see his grandsons even though they  are not the product of a traditional arranged marriage."

In some traditional societies, the oldest man (patriarch) in the family ultimately determines all issues.  He approves, for example, the spouses that his family members would marry.

However, this patriarchal cultural practice would be challenged as young men and women migrate to the cities, where they meet other young men and women from various cultural backgrounds.

There is bound to be intermarriages, which would draw the ire of patriarchal traditionalists.  This is exactly what happened in "Marriage is a Private Affair," a short story by renowned novelist, Chinua Achebe.

In the story, Okeke refused to allow his son Nnaemeka to get married to Nene, who was not from his Ibo tribe.  But Nnaemeka would not be dissuaded from the marriage with his heartthrob.  Instead, he risked being ostracized by his family and tribe.

Fortunately, Okeke was a man of conscience who could not continue to insist on patriarchy when he longed earnestly to meet his grandchildren, the products of the unapproved marriage.

Learn more about Okeke's attitude in "Marriage is a Private Affair" by Chinua Achebe here:


C. is the correct option I believe.

Grammar Exercises ). Choose the correct answer from a, b, cord: * My daughter.....her teacher had given her a reward that day. a) agreed b) told c) said d) complained​


C. said

none of the other options make sense since his daughter had told him that she received an award from her teacher.

.......students have come into the classroom.(A few,Many)​


A few

Hope this helps

A few students have come into the classroom.




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This is a homework app for students, experts and parents. Ask any question and it will probably get responded in the first 20 minutes or ask a pro. To get started, you’ll start answering questions if you want to help and grow the community better, we need you to answer a question with full explanation. If your question gets reported, it is because there was a mistake on your question or maybe because you copied it from another user. Next time please ask a homework question. Do be always providing unnecessary questions otherwise you will bet banned
Hello. Welcome to brainly! Yes I came here to welcome you. Have a nice day/night. :)

what is meaning of quality​



the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something.


How good somethings is


The nesxt simple quetions tell me Ans.︶︿︶ 5) He crossed the broken bridge ____ warning.
A) in spite of
B) in spite off
C) on
D) about , 6) The train ____ as fast as the bus.
A) went
B) running
C) moves
D) going. 7) He was seen _____ to the school.
A) went
B) going
C) gone
D) go​


selam hello




good lesson uday

5) He crossed the broken bridge in spite of warning.

6) The train moves as fast as the bus.

7) He was seen going to the school.

What is Fill in the Blanks?to put information into blank spaces: to deliver missing details Please fill in the blanks on the questionnaire. —sometimes used figuratively At the end of the movie, the narrator goes back and fills in (all) the blanks.

Steps to close 'Fill in the Blanks'

Try to fill in the absent word without looking at the options: Once you are done reading the sentence, try to fill the blank without glancing at the alternatives first.

Choose the best option from the options: Re-read the correction:Hit and Practice: Elimination:

Fill in the blanks is an illustration of an objective-type test. There are different types of tests, according to the type of queries used in that test. Similarly, a test that contains the objective type of queries is known as objective test.

To learn more about Fill in the Blanks, refer to:


At one point in Psalm 23, the speaker says, "My cup runneth over." What is the meaning of this remark?



My joy in God knows no bounds; my righteous life is full of joy

The movement of the progress bar may be uneven because questions can be worth more or less (including
Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
Watch out for the falling branches overhead?
Watch out for the falling branches overhead,
Watch out for the falling branches overhead.
Watch out for the falling branches overhead!



watch out for the falling branches overhead!

I think this is the answer because this question is more like an exclamation from someone.

I hope this helps

The last option is most likely the correct answer.

thank you scholarship thank you letters



The two sides should resolve the remaining 10 percent in less than 72 hours if they want to reach a final ________ before the 7 a.m. deadline on March 31.

Select one:
A. agreements
B. agree
C. agreed
D. agreement



D. agreement


It wouldn't be "agreements" because it says "a final" which suggests that there is only 1 agreement.

It wouldn't be "agree" because it wouldn't read right.

It wouldn't be "agreed" because that is past tense and they haven't yet reached an agreement.

So it would be D. agreement

Hope this helps :)

what is a high quality program in early Childhood education?​


I’m not exactly sure what you mean but from the definition on a high quality program it says “teachers engage children with learning strategies that are tailored to the age of the child and use and appropriate curriculum to structure the learning experience.”

What have you learned from the text on health and fitness. Write a short paragraph explaining all that you have learned from the passage. The topic sentence has been provided to help you.

I have learned important lessons from the text on health and fitness.​


I have learned important lessons from the passage given about Health and fitness. Health is very important in a persons life.

A person may have lots of money to spend but if he is not healthy he cannot eat expensive food and buy luxury products. Fitness is also referred to as physically as well as mentally fit.

If a person has good physical health but is going through some depression he will not be called as Fit, because he cannot perform daily function with ease and his performance will be impaired.

A person has great importance of health and fitness in his life.

Learn more at

she was not beaten by me (change to passive)​


She was not beaten by me answer is i did not beat her.

There were a (pare, pair, pear) of students that were always falling asleep during lectures. Of course, they failed miserably and lost their financial aid.





It would be pair because that means 2 sets of the same object that are together. However, a pear is the fruit and a pare means to cut something off, so it wouldn't be them.

Hope this helps :)

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