Ayuda doy coronita
por favor

Ayuda Doy Coronita Por Favor


Answer 1




2 Jo est sous Napo.

3  Jo est à côté de Napo.

  4 Jo est sur la lampe au-dessus de Napo.

5 Jo est devant Napo.

6 Jo est entre Napo et Léo.

Answer 2



1. Jo est sur Napo.

2.  Jo est sous Napo.

3. Jo est à côté de Napo.

4. Jo est sur la lampe au-dessus de Napo.

5. Jo est devant Napo.

6. Jo est entre Napo et Léo.

Related Questions

Célestine's stepbrother bought a new car. Vrai ou faux ?




The correct answer is Faux


correct on edge

Create a “Guide to a Healthy Visit” brochure in French for tourists from French-speaking countries who plan to visit your hometown this year. Your brochure should contain 3-5 relevant images and describe the following: healthy foods they can eat and where they can find them in your hometown physical activities and exercises they can do to stay fit during their visit where should they go in case they get sick during the visit minor illnesses they’re at risk of contracting what to do in an emergency. Survival Guide to Safe and Healthy Travel. Remember that the goal of this activity is to practice the vocabulary you learned in the unit. How to create and submit your brochure:


itz me sushil i don't know what happened when I need guild of measurement? I'm going to the same technology that I remember you my friend is the

Robert is writing some checks. Write the numbers in numerals.


quatre cent (400) soixante- treize (73)= 473
mille (1000) huit (8) cent (100)= 1,800
sept (7) cent (100) mille (1000)= 700,000
deuz (2) millions (1,000,000)= 2,000,000
huit (8) millions (1,000,000) trois (3) cent (100) vingt-neuf (29) mille (1000) deuz (2) cents (100)= 8,329,200

Which question is polite?
Qu'est-ce que vous voulez
Que voudriez-vous ?



In French: Que voudriez-vous est plus poli parce que vous demandez gentiment et poliment


In English: What would you like which is the second question is more polite becuz your asking nicely and politely

Believe it!!!

Pls follow me.



Que voudriez-vous ?

Fill in the blank in the following sentence with the appropriate form of the verb malgrir below. Est-ce que tu en ce moment? O A. maigrissez O B. maigris O C. maigrissent O D. maigrit​





Est-ce que tu maigris  en ce moment?



Est-ce que tu maigris en ce moment ?

Verbe "maigrir" au présent :

je maigris

tu maigris

il/elle/on maigrit

nous maigrissons

vous maigrissez

ils/elles maigrissent

Question 14 Multiple Choice Worth 2 points)
(03.03 LC)
Choose the correct sentence in negative form:
O Je n'aime pas la glace.
O Je ne aime pas la glace.
O J'aime pas la glace.
O J'aime la glace pas.


The first one is correct


Form negative :

Je n'aime pas la glace.

Choisissez le bon mot pour compléter la phrase.

Nous allons (rendre visite à or visiter)_____notre tante (dans, en, au, á) _____





Nous allons rendre visite à notre tante en Provence.



Nous allons rendre visite à notre tante en Provence.

Select whether each sentence is true (vrai) or false (faux).

1. L’Ottawa est la plus grande province du Canada.



2. Le Québec est la province francophone la plus importante du Canada.



3. Aux États-Unis, on parle français dans plusieurs communautés près de la frontière canadienne et en Louisiane.



4. Montréal est la capitale et la plus grande ville de la province du Québec.



5. Plus de 25 % de la population du Canada habitent au Québec.







1. L’Ottawa est la plus grande province du Canada.


2. Le Québec est la province francophone la plus importante du Canada.


3. Aux États-Unis, on parle français dans plusieurs communautés près de la frontière canadienne et en Louisiane.


4. Montréal est la capitale et la plus grande ville de la province du Québec.


5. Plus de 25 % de la population du Canada habitent au Québec.


The phone rings. You pick it up, but you can't talk right now. What do you say? O A. Je ne te derange pas? B. Qui dois je annoncer? C. Tu peux me rappeler plus tard? D. Je vous remercie



noedatr el pase  ltei e



The answer is C


Tu peux me rappeler plus tard is Can you call me back later

. Parlez-vous français?



1. vous allez

2. nous sommes

3. chante

4. adore

5. a

6. marche

7. rangent

8. achetons

9. commences

10. arrivons







a 30 ans






La nuit

les moustiques

la maison

la porte!

anti- valores que representan la Francofonía Africana?





- suite du colonialisme

- disparition des langages locaux

- réservé à une élite

Which one out of these is part of French culture.
Cinéma, château, architecture espagnole, montagnes


espagnole is the answer


Which one out of these is part of French culture.

- cinéma

How to write my favourite game in french



Exemple :

Mon jeu préféré est le (le poker, le tarot............)

L'avion vlent juste d'arriver senegal?



L'avion vient juste d'arriver "du" Sénégal ?


the question states 'Is the plane going to arrive in Senegal?'

a possible answer may be yes the plane is going to arrive in Senegal. which is: Oui, l'avion va arriver au Sénégal.

or a negative, no the plane is not going to arrive in Senegal. which is: Non, l'avion ne va pas arriver au Sénégal.

if the question needs to be fixed gramatically, it should be: L'avion va-t-il atterrir au Sénégal ?

bonne journée :)

(have a great day)

hope I helped <2+1

Please produce a 90 word written answer using the photo above - What are the problems of the environment in your region ?


J’habite à Nîmes dans le sud de la France. J’y habite depuis sept ans. C’est une grande ville historique et il y a beaucoup de sites touristiques. Nîmes est une ville agréable et elle est jolie, surtout dans le centre. En été, il fait chaud, mais en hiver, il y a du vent et il gèle.

Bien que Nîmes soit jolie, il y a aussi des problèmes écologiques. Je trouve que la circulation est un grand problème parce qu’il y a toujours des embouteillages au centre-ville. Nous avons beaucoup d’espaces verts où on peut faire des promenades, mais il y a un problème en ce qui concerne les détritus. Les personnes qui jettent des déchets dans la rue ne s’inquiètent pas de l’impact que ça a... Malgré ces problèmes, j’adore habiter à Nîmes.

translate the text below into French.

it is the weekend and I like to prepare breakfast for my 2 children. they are very picky when it comes to food but I am used to it now since I am a single parent. during the week the maid does everything while I'm at work so I dedicate the weekends to my children.

my first child's name is Genevieve Jacobs, she is 13 years old, And my last born is Ezio Jacobs, he is 8 years old. Genevieve likes to have eggs and bacon for breakfast While Ezio likes to eat sausage and mushrooms. Ezio hates eggs because of how they smell so he doesn't eat them. Genevieve does not eat mushrooms because of their texture. In short, I have to cook two different meals for both of my children.

parenting has to be the hardest job for anyone to have but I am grateful for my children.



c'est le week-end et j'aime préparer le petit déjeuner pour mes 2 enfants. ils sont très pointilleux quand il s'agit de nourriture mais j'y suis habitué maintenant puisque je suis un parent célibataire. pendant la semaine la femme de ménage fait tout pendant que je suis au travail donc je consacre les week-ends à mes enfants.

le nom de mon premier enfant est Genevieve Jacobs, elle a 13 ans, et mon dernier né est Ezio Jacobs, il a 8 ans. Geneviève aime manger des œufs et du bacon au petit-déjeuner, tandis qu'Ezio aime manger des saucisses et des champignons. Ezio déteste les œufs à cause de leur odeur, donc il ne les mange pas. Geneviève ne mange pas de champignons à cause de leur texture. Bref, je dois cuisiner deux repas différents pour mes deux enfants.

être parent doit être le travail le plus difficile pour quiconque, mais je suis reconnaissant pour mes enfants.


ok this is you ans bro

c'est le week-end et j'aime préparer le petit déjeuner pour mes 2 enfants. ils sont très pointilleux quand il s'agit de nourriture mais j'y suis habitué maintenant puisque je suis un parent célibataire. pendant la semaine la femme de ménage fait tout pendant que je suis au travail donc je consacre les week-ends à mes enfants.

le nom de mon premier enfant est Genevieve Jacobs, elle a 13 ans, et mon dernier né est Ezio Jacobs, il a 8 ans. Geneviève aime manger des œufs et du bacon au petit-déjeuner, tandis qu'Ezio aime manger des saucisses et des champignons. Ezio déteste les œufs à cause de leur odeur, donc il ne les mange pas. Geneviève ne mange pas de champignons à cause de leur texture. Bref, je dois cuisiner deux repas différents pour mes deux enfants.

être parent doit être le travail le plus difficile pour quiconque, mais je suis reconnaissant pour mes enfants.

Which verb form best completes this sentence?
Tu t'_______ au cours de danse?

A. es inscrite
B. inscrit
C. inscrivait
D. inscrivais




Tu "t'es inscrite" au cours de danse ?

A. es inscrite




es inscrit

Need help urgent answering this question















Mes amis et moi, nous passons beaucoup de temps ensemble. Mon ami Thierry aime sortir avec des amis. Moi, je préfère inviter des amis à la maison où nous mangeons ensemble. J'envoie souvent des textos à mes amis pour les inviter chez moi. Et toi? Tu invites souvent des amis à la maison? Tes amis et toi, vous aimez sortir ensemble? Ou est-ce que tes amis restent souvent à la maison? Est-ce que tu regardes souvent la télé?

all these verbs are conjugated in the present tense. hope this helps

From the white landowners above him there had not been handed to him a chance to learn the meaning of
loyalty, of sentiment, of tradition. Joy was as unknown to him as was despair. As a creature of the earth, he
endured, hearty, whole, seemingly indestructible, with no regrets and no hope. He asked easy, drawling
questions about me, his other son, his wife, and he laughed, amused, when I informed him of their destinies. I
forgave him, and pitied him as my eyes looked past him to the unpainted wooden shack,
What does this excerpt suggest?



From the white landowners above him there had not been handed to him a chance to learn the meaning of loyalty, of sentiment, of tradition. Joy was as unknown to him as was despair. As a creature of the earth, he endured, hearty, whole, seemingly indestructible, with no regrets and no hope.


I Hope this is it might not tho

Fill in the blank. Please do not guess.



sont arrivées


"arriver" is a verb that relates to movement so it needs to be accompanied by "être".

"elles" is a feminine noun so it needs the second "e"

Select the correct answer.
Which phrase best completes the second sentence?

C’est ma première visite en Afrique. ______________ faire des safaris.
Je dois
Il est obligatoire de
Je voudrais bien
Il est nécessaire de


It’s c please give me brainliest

Form a correct sentence by unscrambling the following jumbled words:



et voici la petite clé.




et voici la petite clé = and here is the little key (with proper French grammar)

I teach French

Choisissez le bon adjectif superlatif. (Choose the correct superlative adjective)

Gérard Depardieu est l'acteur _____________________ de France.

le moins grand
le plus petit
le plus doué



Gérard DEPARDIEU est l'acteur "le plus doué" de France.




1. attendent

2. je conduis

3. rendez

4. répondez

5. perdez

6. conduis

7. mettent

8. perdons





je conduis







Please produce a 90 word written answer using the photo above - What are the problems of the environment in your region ?


Answer:                100

Explanation:espor que es una sama

Complete the following conversation at a café according to the instructions in parentheses.





Moi, je vais au café  pour avoir  un sandwich au jambon et des frites.

Alors pour moi, ce sera un jus de fruit .

Ecoute, es-tu libre samedi soir?

Use the impératif.
1. être sympa (nous)
2. ne pas envoyer trop d’e-mails (Mark)





1. être sympa (nous)

Soyons sympas!

2. ne pas envoyer trop d’e-mails (Mark)

N'envoie pas trop d'e-mails!

Need help with this French assignment




1. les frites

2. la bière

3. le café

4. l'eau minérale

Complete the statements to say where things in the illustration are located. You are entering the room and standing in the doorway.









à côté

A friend is calling his sister from his parents’ house to talk to her about what means of transportation various people are using to come visit their parents to celebrate their 50th anniversary. Using the image and person or people indicated, write a sentence telling how each of them is coming. Use the verb venir.



3. Ton mari et toi venez en bateau.

4. Moi, je viens en bus.

Other Questions
1. Open the start file EX2019-ChallengeYourself-9-3. The file will be renamed automatically to include your name. Change the project file name if directed to do so by your instructor, and save it.2. If the workbook opens in Protected View, click the Enable Editing button in the Message Bar at the top of the workbook so you can modify the workbook.3. Use Consolidate to create a summary of real estate sales for all property types. Place the consolidated data on the Summary worksheet in cells B3: C15. Use the Average function to consolidate the data from cells B2: C14 in the Condo, Townhouse, and Single Family worksheets. Include links to the source data.4. Import individual sales data from the tab-delimited text file Select Sales Data 2019-2020. Import the data as a table in cell A1 of the Select Sales worksheet.5. Remove the data connection when the import is complete.6. In the Select Sales worksheet, add data validation to restrict values in the House Type columns (cells B2: B139) to the values in the cell range named PropertyTypes. Include a drop-down list of values in the cells to assist in data correction.7. Add the following input message to cells B2:B139: Select a property type from the list.8. Add the following error alert to cells B2:B139: Not a valid property type.9. Apply data validation circles to any values that violate the data validation rules you just created.10. Add a comment to cell B1 in the Select Sales worksheet that reads: This needs to be fixed.11. Add a hyperlink from cell B1 in the Select Sales worksheet to link to the named range (defined name) PropertyTypes. Test the link.12. Use Flash Fill to add a new column of data to the Select Sales worksheet to display the number of bedrooms/the number of bathrooms.a. In the Select Sales worksheet, cell F1, type the heading: BR/BAb. Complete the column of data using this pattern in cell F2: 1 BR/1 BAYou will need to enter at least two samples in order for Flash Fill to suggest the correct autofill data. Check your work carefully. Sales Summary 2019-2020 Number of Sales Average Selling Price 123 One BR, One BA 4 One BR, Two BA + 5 Two BR, One BA 6 Two BR, Two BA 7 Two BR, Two BA + 8 Three BR, One BA 9 Three BR, Two BA 10 Three BR, Three BA + 11 Four BR, One BA 12 Four BR, Two BA 13 Four BR, Three BA+ 14 Five BR-. One BA 15 Five BR+ Two BA+ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 how do you think earths large temperature gradient affects the speed of its convection currents how would this speed change if earths core was cooler Find the place value of 8 in 2456.1387.TenthsHundredthsThousandthsThousands 1. The product of two consecutive numbers is 42. What are the numbers? Read the following passage written by a teen hero:I want to be a vocal advocate for nature.I reject the idea that I am too young to make a difference.I recently helped a group with a river cleanup.I was mortified to see the destruction of animals and plants.When I got home, I composed a letter to my state politicians and asked them to allocate more money to the local river cleanup effort.I believe my vocation is to help citizens see that we are at a junction.We can decide to subject nature to abuse, or we can decide to be a benefactor to nature.I won't let obstacles detract from my mission.The prefix and root in the word "reject" as they are used in sentence 2 give us an approximate definition. Which of the following definitions is accurate? (5 points)Select one:a. To pull towardb. To throw awayc. To resist the pulld. To throw toward Which of the proportions below could be used to convert 2500 kilograms to grams? A. 1000/1 = x/2500 B. 100/1 = x/2500 C. 1/100 = x/2500 D. 1/10 = x/2500 Fill in the blanks with suitable preposition:1. It suddenly became so dark as the train went ________ the tunnel. 2. The restaurant is ________ the bank and the post office. 3. What language do you speak ________ English? 4. You are not going out ________ you finish your homework 5. The book was written ________ Mark Twain. 6. I will show you the picture ________ the palace. 7. The TV is ________ the corner of the room. 8. Many of us eat ________ fork and spoon. 9. There is a good restaurant ________ the end of the street. 10. He is fond ________ TV. 11. The cat jumped ________ the fence. 12. He has a positive attitude ________ his work. 13. The artist dipped his brush ________ the bright colours. 14. What do you think ________ the concert? in the afternoon the temperature was 52 degrees. a strong arctic cold front caused the temperature tio drop 38 degrees in 4 3/4 hours. if the temperature continues to drop at thre same rate what will the temperature be after 2 hours? The value of (2+3)(2-3) is cho hnh thang vung abcd vung ti A v D c AD= a cn 3, DC=3,AB= 2a. chng minh AC vung gc vi BD name any two organization working to solve drug abuse in nepal Find X in the picture Norma gives her elderly mother a ride to the grocery store once a week when she does her own grocery shopping. On a form at work, she lists this as a community service and hides the fact that it's her own mother she's helping because she knows her boss values volunteerism and actively encourages all employees to contribute to the community. When her boss praises her for her commitment to community service, Norma feels pleased and optimistic that she will soon get a raise. According to virtue-based ethics, why is Norma's action unethical?a. She is acting out of a sense of compassion and goodwill. b. She is prioritizing monetary gain over honesty. c. Lying is always wrong. d. She is not cultivating any virtues by helping her mother. Who said the following, and what does it mean? Conceit, more rich in matter than in words, Brags of his substance, not of ornament. They are but beggars that can count their worth; But my true love is grown to such excess I cannot sum up half my sum of wealth. (II. vi. 33-37) Juliet; she is saying that she doesn't care about money. Lady Capulet; she is reminding Juliet how lucky she is to be marrying Paris. Romeo; he is saying that true understanding has made him realize how very lucky he is to be marrying Juliet. Juliet; she is saying that true understanding is enriched by reality and worth more than outward appearances. where are parabolas on your hand? PLS HELP ME WITH MY PYTHON HW Which of these numbers are greater than 24? Check all that apply.O A. 12B. 15O C. 42D. 41E. 13D F. 18 We don't need society to survive. Statements. Health Hi, I need help. Im supposed to say why we dont need society to survive health in statements Find the greatest common factor 2. In a certain company, the senior employees have an average of 16 years of work experience and the junior employees have an average of 4 years of work experience. If the average number of years of experience for all the senior and junior members is 7 years, then what is the ratio of senior members to junior members at the company