Casimir Pulaski Day is an important holiday in Chicago, which has more Polish Americans than anywhere else in the United States. Although not well remembered in the rest of the country, Pulaski was a Polish-born hero of the American Revolution and a cavalry general. What concept helps to explain why this holiday is so much more important to people who trace their ancestry to Poland


Answer 1


- Symbolic ethnicity


''Symbolic ethnicity'' is described as the nostalgic loyalty, love, and pride that one possesses towards his/her culture, ethnicity, and tradition.

In the given situation, the 'Casimir Pulaski Day' would be a significant day for the ones who possess ancestry towards Poland because of the symbolic ethnicity they have towards their native country and for the ones who've made the struggle in the revolution for their country. The ones who have a sense of belongingness to Poland will not only feel a sense of gratitude and honor for him due to the contribution Pulaski made but also feel proud of having such a great revolutionary in their country.

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What is a state? and what are the essential elements of state​



State is defined as a territory with its own government borders with large country

The essential elements of state are as follows

Government PopulationTerritorySovereignty

I HOPE your day goes great.

In ancient India, there were no written land records. true or false​






False, because India was a very old and beautiful place back them

Does anyone know this pls
What official at the state level is the equivalent of the president at the federal level?
vice president


B. Governor

- Senators and Vice Presidents are under the Federal government.

- Mayors are under local governments.

q: prepare an assignment on traditional agriculture methods & modern agriculture method also make diagrams associated with the topics. give detailed description of both the methods​



Difference is given below:


Traditional Methods of Farming and Modern Methods of Farming are the following:

The old methods of farming used from ancient times are known as traditional methods of farming whereas New methods of farming which are used nowadays are known as modern methods of farming.  Traditional agriculture methods consume more time and having low in production whereas modern agriculture methods are quick and less time consuming and having higher production.  In traditional agriculture methods traditional seeds are used and farmyard manure and other natural manure are used as fertilizers whereas in modern agriculture methods, HYV seeds, irrigation, chemical fertilizers, pesticides etc. and chemical fertilizers are pesticides are used.

has improved access to information.
has created faster production times for many goods.
Over the years, technologies such as
have allowed for faster distribution



The Internet has improved access to information. Automation has created faster production times for many goods. Over the years, technologies such as airplanes have allowed for faster distribution.


The Internet




edg gang

Society good! Environment of equality, justice and inclusiveness is one of the most essential elements of the modern society. Present your views.​



Because a modern society is one with rapid and easy communication and travel. In a world with rapid and easy travel and powerful weapons technology the result of inequality, injustice and exclusion will be genocidal war and extinction. This can occur on the global scale or the national/regional scale. There are no options.

Pam is auditing the accounts payable account of her client, Roadrunner Training Company (RTC). Pam has decided to perform her testing at interim and to use smaller sample sizes. Which of the following pairs of information about the combined assessed level of inherent risk and control risk and detection risk best fits this scenario?
A : Combined assessed level of inherent risk and control risk » low; detection risk » high
B : Combined assessed level of inherent risk and control risk » high; detection risk » low
C : Combined assessed level of inherent risk and control risk » low; detection risk » low
D : Combined assessed level of inherent risk and control risk » high; detection risk » high


Answer:the answer would be C


what do the terms cooperation mean​



you are able to work with other people


you are also able to work with not just your friend s

description the role played by the citizens in achieving sustainable development.​



As primary agents of their development and the ultimate beneficiaries of the Sustainable Development Goals, citizens have a pivotal role to play not only in terms of the effort and action towards the achievement of the goals but also in terms of the associated monitoring of the progress towards these goals.

Common argument for voter ID laws & the common argument against voter ID laws



The common arguments in favor of voter ID are:

It helps ensure a one-vote-per-person system.It solves the problem of multiple votes by people registered in multiple states. It solves the problem of deceased registered voters being used to cast a ballot fraudulently. It solves the problem of non-citizens voting despite not holding the legal right to do so.

The common arguments against voter ID include:

Not everyone has a photo ID or the ability to get one easily. Voter ID requirements disproportionately disadvantage black and Latino voters as well as the elderly, and students.Voting fraud is not as usual as to require an ID.


In some electoral districts, voters must verify their identity and eligibility before they cast their ballot, which has arisen a debate over this requirement.

As Mr. Donahue finishes the day's topic, he realizes many of his students have quizzical looks that reflect confusion. After a question-and-answer period, Mr. Donahue is still not satisfied his class fully understands the lesson. He then proceeds to ask students to reflect on their lesson from the first semester that related to the topic at hand. After carefully explaining the connection between the two subject matters, he notices students begin to smile and show evident relief for finally grasping the new concept. What type of transfer has Mr. Donahue led students to engage in



The type of transfer Mr. Donahue led students to engage in is: backward-reaching transfer.


This question refers to transfer as the ability to apply to new contexts knowledge or skills learned in another context. When it comes to backward-reaching knowledge, students will think back to a previous situation to try to find the knowledge or information that will help them in this new situation. That is what Mr. Donahue has asked his students to do. Once they make the connection between the two subjects, they are able to grasp the new concept.

Decentralization in india ensures more and effective participation of the people in decision making process. Comment


Answer and Explanation:

India's decentralization does indeed ensure greater participation by people in the political decision-making process. This is because decentralization diminishes the power of the federal and state government and transfers a part of that power to local governments, which are closer to citizens and are able to understand more efficiently how political decisions must be taken for citizens to be beneficiaries. These citizens, in turn, have greater freedom to express their opinions to the local government than to the state and federal government, which guarantees their participation in decision-making.

Which of the following will cause movement along the demand and curve



B. a decrease in the product price

A decrease in the price level is the cause of movement along the demand and curve. Hence, option B is correct.

What is demand curve?

Demand curve is consist of the quantity of the goods and service in comparison to the price demanded for the specific period of time.

The amount required will be shown on the horizontal axis and the price will be displayed on the left vertical axis.

The options are missing from the question-

A. An increase in consumption.

B. a decrease in the price level

C. an increase in net exports

D. a decrease in consumption

Thus, option B is correct.

For more details about demand curve, click here:


hilight the importance of modern legislature in democratic system





Legislative or Law-making Functions:

The first and foremost function of a legislature is to legislate i.e. to make laws. ... However, in the contemporary era of democracy, legislature is the chief source of law. It is the legislature which formulates the will of the state into laws and gives it a legal character.


What is the importance of federalism in 6 points ?​



Services to people on their doorstep.

Economic development.

Social development

What is nationality ?How can we enhance it? ​


Your nationality is the country you come from: American, Canadian, and Russian are all nationalities. ... A person's nationality is where they are a legal citizen, usually in the country where they were born. People from Mexico have Mexican nationality, and people from Australia have Australian nationality.


Nationality is a legal identification of a person in international law, establishing the person as a subject, a national, of a sovereign state. It affords the state jurisdiction over the person and affords the person the protection of the state against other states


When we perform above and beyond expectations by helping others at work, our efforts aggregate over time, which benefits our organization’s effectiveness and often helps us receive more favorable performance evaluations. Our attitudes, how we are lead, and to a much lesser degree our personality affect our willingness to be good citizens at work. job satisfaction and organizational commitment are the two biggest drivers of citizenship behaviors. This is great news because we can change our attitudes. We should seek work that we enjoy, people we enjoy working with, and people to work for who treat others fairly. When we reach the point where we can say “I want to be here doing this important work with you,” our citizenship

Cody is in a group meeting with Charlotte and a few other employees to talk about improving sales. Charlotte seems to have a lot to share and takes up most of the meeting time. Normally, Cody speaks up with his ideas, but since Charlotte has taken the floor he holds back. Cody is a good example of showing a high degree of what type of personality dimension



a. Self-monitoring.


Self-monitoring is a personality attribute that an individual makes or does to monitor how he/she behaves and to monitor and regulate one's behavior. This allows the person to be conscious of the way he/she behaves or responds to social environments and situations.

In the given case of Cody refraining from speaking up about his ideas, he's exhibiting the self-monitoring personality dimension. This means that he's monitoring himself, holding himself from expressing his ideas. Rather, he patiently keeps quiet and listens to Charlotte speak.

Thus, the correct answer is option a.


a. Self-monitoring.


Hope this Helps

write the advantages of federal government
Long answer please. ​



the political system in which a country is divided into different states or provinces with autonomous power is called federal system.The advantage of it are:

1:It maintain close relations bet6the state and its person

2:optimum use of means and resources

3:conflict may settle at local level

4:decentralized of power

5:less dependency on central government


hope this helps

Mostly the innocent girls and children becomes the victim of human trafficking. Why?



they are easier to manipulate and trick


lack of awareness

lack of poverty



Renaissance humanists Group of answer choices celebrate the human being as the central fact in all the created world. intensify the otherworldliness embedded in medieval culture by emphasizing that human perfection is possible only in the life to come. tend to be pessimistic about humanity's prospects. see clearly that a good human life, as represented in the classics, is incompatible with Christianity.



Principles of United Nations

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These principles include the equality and self-determination of nations, respect of human rights and fundamental freedoms and the obligation of member countries to obey the Charter, to cooperate with the UN Security Council and to use peaceful means to resolve conflicts. › wiki

Chapter I of the United Nations Charter - Wikipedia


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Each of the following represents a market EXCEPT:
a yard sale
International Red Cross



D. International Red Cross




What does fair discrimination mean?



The discrimination which is based on affirmative action, inherent requirement of a particular job, productivity and compulsory discrimination by law are termed as fair discrimination.

the human resources available is the base of development for a nation​



it's helpful to you


it's helpful

What tye of society do you prefer to live in? give any 4 reason​



The type of society that I want is where the citizen is given equal political, religious, economic, and social needs and fulfilled of the people. People will have more economic stability. There should be no discrimination among the people based on gender, caste, and creed.

I would want to live in a society where everybody is equal. Everyone is treated with respect regardless of race, religion, or sexuality.

Why is collective responsibility called essential factor of society? Write in 10 points.​



simple life territorywe-feeling natural birth and development specialised namesize pride towards historical deedssecurityaffinityresponsibilitycooperation friendliness loveobedience of rules and regulations

Suggest practical solutions on how unprotected sexual behaviour can be addressed or reduced​



Interventions to reduce unprotected sex include individual counseling, social and behavioral support (such as peer education, assertiveness and relationship support, discussing attitudes and beliefs, videos).

what are the reason for the development of most of the old human Civilizations on the banks of rivers​



Civilizations developed around rivers because their waters provided places to hunt and fish. Also, as the rivers flooded, the lands around them became fertile. This allowed them to support farming


if my answer helps you then mark me as a brainliest

what do you understand by empathy ?
: Empathy is the ability and quality of a person to understand another person's thoughts, feeling, experience or state,etc in almost the same way that the way they feel​



its the feeling to be one with others feeling


to understand


briefly discuss the reasons behind nepal going into federal republic set up.​



Federalism has been seen as the answer to solving regional inequality and reducing the economic, social and religious discrimination; the country has transformed into a federal structure as a result.

was nepal successful in executing the millennium development goals?​



Nepal achieved MDG 1 as extreme poverty and hunger halved within two and a half decades..




As Nepal MDGs Progress Report 2013 points out, the Government of Nepal's commitment to achieving the MDGs, coupled with required policy reforms has borne fruit. Nepal is on track and is likely to achieve most of its MDG targets, despite the prolonged political instability.

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