Complex poles and zeros. Sketch the asymptotes of the Bode plot magnitude and phase for each of the listed open-loop transfer functions, and approximate the transition at the second-order break point, based on the value of the damping ratio. After completing the hand sketches, verify your result using Matlab.

L(s)= 1/s(s^2+ 3s+ 10)


Answer 1
The answer in image

Don't forget put heart ♥️
Answer 2

The asymptotes of the open loop transfer are:

Horizontal: y = 0

Vertical: x = -10 and x = -100

How to plot the asymptotes?

The open loop transfer function is given as:

f(s) = 100(s + 1)/((s + 10)(s + 100))

Set the numerator of the function to 0.

So, we have:

f(s) = 0/((s + 10)(s + 100))


f(s) = 0

This means that, the vertical asymptote is y = 0

Set the denominator of the function to 0.

(s + 10)(s + 100)  0


s + 10 = 0 and s + 100 = 0

Solve for s

s = -10 and s = -100

This means that, the horizontal asymptotes are s = -10 and s = -100

See attachment for the graph of the asymptotes.

Therefore, The asymptotes of the open loop transfer are:

Horizontal: y = 0

Vertical: x = -10 and x = -100

Read more about asymptotes at:


Related Questions

there are many different values associated with an AC sine wave which one of the following continually changes throughout the cycle?

A. instantaneous value
b. effective value
c. peak value
d. average value​


A. The instantaneous value (of voltage for sure and also possibly of current) continually changes thought the cycle.

Sine waves are by far the most common type of alternating current waveform employed in electrical engineering. The correct option is A.

What are Sine Waves?

Sine waves are by far the most common type of alternating current waveform employed in electrical engineering. An AC Waveform is the shape formed by charting the instantaneous ordinate values of either voltage or current against time.

There are many different values associated with an AC sine wave but the one that continually changes throughout the cycle is the instantaneous value.

Hence, the correct option is A.

Learn more about Sine Wave:


Why do we use radians in numerical methods? What is the problem of using degrees?


Radians make it possible to relate a linear measure and an angle measure. ... The length of the arc subtended by the central angle becomes the radian measure of the angle. This keeps all the important numbers like the sine and cosine of the central angle, on the same scale.


radians make it possible to relate to Linear measures and an angle measure

Suppose we have 999 records of employees Emp1, Emp2, Emp5, Emp6 and so on up to Emp998 and Emp999 stored in a sequence. Hence, records are nothing but a row in the table. In the employee table, we want to insert new records Emp3 and Emp4 in the sequence, and once we have done insertion we need to update and retrieve the record efficiently to optimize the performance of a database by minimizing the access time when query is being executed.


The records in the table represents the employee ID of each employee. Assume the table name is EMPLOYEES and the field name of employee IDs is ID, the following SQL query inserts Emp3 and Emp4 into the employees table.

INSERT INTO EMPLOYEES (ID) values (Emp3), (Emp4)

The complete question requires that we list the pros and cons of solving the problem using Index sequential access method (ISAM).

The advantage of using ISAM is that priorities are given to the indices of the records being inserted. So, Emp3 and Emp4 will be inserted immediately after Emp2.

However, a major disadvantage of using ISAM is that it is very expensive to keep the indices in a sequential order;

See attachment for the illustration of Index sequential access method (ISAM).

Read more about Index sequential access method (ISAM) at:

Calculate the pressure of dry O2 if the total pressure of O2 generated over water is measured to be 698 Torr and the temperature is 30.1 oC. P(H2O) = 19.8 torr.
If the volume of the O2 sample in the question above was 56.3 ml, what volume would the dry O2 occupy at 755 torr (assume the temp was unchanged).





From the question we are told that:

Pressure over Water [tex]P=698 Torr[/tex]

Temperature   [tex]T= 30.1 \textdegree C[/tex]

Pressure of Water   [tex]P(H2O) = 19.8 torr.[/tex]

Volume of O2  [tex]O_2=56.3[/tex]

Pressure of Dry O2  [tex]P_(0)=755torr[/tex]

Generally the equation for Total Pressure is mathematically given by

[tex]P_t = P_O + P_H[/tex]





Generally the equation for Ideal gas is mathematically given by

[tex]P_1*V_1 = P_2*V_2[/tex]



[tex]V_2=\frac{ 618.2*56.3}{755}[/tex]


Hence,The  volume would the dry O2 occupy at 755 torr


There are some sections of the SDS that are not mandatory

True or false





There are 16 in all and 4 are not mandatory

There are some sections of the SDS that are not mandatory. Thus, option A is correct.

What is SDS?

A Safety Data Sheet, previously known as a Material Safety Data Sheet, is a thorough instructional report written by a dangerous product's producer or exporter. It gives a description of something like the product's chemical and physical characteristics.

Sections 1 through 11 and 16 must be used; sections 12 through 15 are optional but could be included. the section which will are not compulsory are:

Section 12: Environmental data

Section 13: Guidelines for Recycling

Section 14: Documentation regarding mobility

Section 15: Relevant data about regulations

In Safety Data Sheet, all the sections are not compulsory or mandatory. this statement is true. Therefore, option A is the correct option.

Learn more about Safety Data Sheet, here:


Side milling cutter is an example of ______ milling cutter.



special type


As per the classification of milling cutters. This cutter can handle deep and long open slots in a more comfortable manner, which increase the productivity.

answer this qustion plz



click here and I'm so happy I have been doing this weekend I can see the same way you could come back in a bit and then we are all of you to know you do for a bit of time with me or

Problem 89:A given load is driven by a 480 V six-pole 150 hp three-phase synchronous motor with the following load and motor data. Determine the voltage E௙ necessary for this operating condition. Note: assume that the rotational loss torque is negligible. Load: T௅ൌ0.05∗????௥ଶ????mMotor: E௙ൌ400 V; Xௗൌ1ΩAnswer: Eത௙ൌ400∠-17.36° V





From the question we are told that:

Load [tex]V=480[/tex]

Poles [tex]p=6[/tex]

Power [tex]P=150hp[/tex]






Generally the equation for Synchronous speed is mathematically given by


[tex]N_s=1200rpm\\\\N_s=125.66 rads/sec[/tex]





We have


[tex]T_l=789.52 Nm[/tex]


Load Power



Generally the equation for Load Power is mathematically given by


[tex]\theta=17.4 \textdegre3[/tex]




Which tool is used to measure movement automotive




It shows our speed, or how fast we're moving.

The end of the industrial robotic arm extends along the path (r = 2 + 2 cos (5t)) m. At the instant ( 0 = 0.8t ) radians. When the arm is located at (t = 0.85) second Determine the velocity and acceleration of the object A at this instant.​



  v = 8.95 rad / s,    a = 22.3 rad / s²


This is an exercise in kinematics, where we must use the definitions of velocity and acceleration

          v = dr / dt


we perform the derivative

          v = 0+ 2 (-sin 5t) 5

          v = -10 sin 5t

we calculate for t = 0.85 t,

remember angles are in radians

           v = -10 sin (5 0.85)

           v = 8.95 rad / s

acceleration is defined by

           a = dv / dt


we perform the derivatives

          a = -10 (cos 5t) 5

          a = - 50 cos 5t

we calculate for t = 0.85 s

          a = -50 are (5 0.85)

          a = 22.3 rad / s²

The base of an aluminum block, which is fixed in place, measures 90 cm by 90 cm, and the height of the block is 60 cm. A force, applied to the upper face and parallel to it, produces a shear strain of 0.0060. The shear modulus of aluminum is . What is the displacement of the upper face in the direction of the applied force


The question is incomplete. The complete question is :

The base of an aluminum block, which is fixed in place, measures 90 cm by 90 cm, and the height of the block is 60 cm. A force, applied to the upper face and parallel to it, produces a shear strain of 0.0060. The shear modulus of aluminum is [tex]3.0 \times 10^{10} \ Pa[/tex] . What is the displacement of the upper face in the direction of the applied force?

Solution :

The relation between shear modulus, shear stress and strain,

[tex]$\text{Shear modulus, S =} \frac{\text{Shear stress}}{\text{shear strain}}$[/tex]

Shear stress = shear modulus (S) x shear strain

                     [tex]$=3 \times 10^{10} \times 0.0060$[/tex]

                     [tex]$=1.80 \times 10^8$[/tex] Pa

                     [tex]$=180 \times 10^6$[/tex] Pa

                     [tex]$=180 \ MPa$[/tex]

The length represents the distance between the fixed in place portion and where the force is being applied.


[tex]$\text{Displacement} = \text{shear strain} \times \text{length}$[/tex]

                     = 0.006 x 60 cm

                      = 0.360 cm

                      = 3.6 mm

Thus, the displacement of the upper face is 3.6 mm in the direction of the applied force.

Hydraulic fracturing is: Select one: a. a first step in storage of high-level radioactive waste b. a way of extracting natural gas shale formations c. a step in oil refining where oil is separated into different viscosities d. none of the above


The answer is B - a way of extracting natural gas shale formations.

Hydraulic fracturing is “a way of extracting natural gas shale formations.”

Shale and other types of "tight" rock, or impermeable rock formations that lock in oil and gas and complicate the production of fossil fuels, can be extracted of their natural gas or oil using the modern high-volume hydraulic fracturing process. Thus, option B is correct.

What are the factor involving in Hydraulic fracturing?

Shale gas is extracted through a procedure called hydraulic fracturing, also referred to as “fracking.” Due to the fact that shale reserves are often dispersed horizontally rather than vertically, deep holes are first drilled into the shale rock, then horizontal drilling is used to reach more of the gas.

A mixture of sand, chemicals, and water is pushed at high pressure down a borehole during hydraulic fracturing. The released gas can flow out of the rocks and back up the borehole because the water pressure causes cracks in the rock to widen, and the sand particles settle into the openings to keep them open.

Therefore, a way of extracting natural gas shale formations.

Learn more about Hydraulic fracturing here:


You toss two coins. If you get heads with the first coin, you stop. If you get tails, you toss it again. The second coin is tossed regardless. What is the ratio of heads to tails?





A coin has either a head or tail.

Thus, probability of head = ½

Probability of tail = ½

The first coin is tossed twice and probability of head or tail on both tosses is still ½. Thus, they will have a ratio 1:1.

The second coin is still tossed regardless and thus continuously and so should have same ratio of 1:1.

Therefore, the ratio of the both of them must, also be 1:1.

Consider the following lines of Python:

>>> x = input()

>? 12

>>> x + “abc”

What is the output?



I don't know


The output will be an error message since the input() function in Python always takes input as a string, even if the entered value is an integer like 12.


It cannot directly concatenate a string with an integer.

In order to fix this, we need to convert the input string into an integer using the int() function,


x = int(input())

x = x + "abc" # this will give an error message

```If we fix the code, the correct output will be:

`>>> x = int(input())`


`>>> x + "abc"`

`TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'`

Know more about python,


A bird is flying in air. It is stretching its wings all along the sky and is flying in a certain direction Flying a bird is an example of: a. Composition of vector b. Collinear vector c. Addition of vector d. Multiplication of vector



a. Composition of Vector.


When a bird flies in the air, it stretches its wings into air and this movement helps it move in a certain direction. This is an example of composition of vector. Air strikes the wings in opposite direction and bird wing movement helps it move against the wind.

17- The cathodic polarization is ..... *
a- activation.
b- concentration
O c- both.


I think its c the both one

biến tần là gì trong công nghiệp


Nguồn điện là một yêu cầu thiết yếu của các ngành công nghiệp. Biến tần là một thiết bị độc lập có chức năng chuyển đổi điện áp một chiều thành điện áp xoay chiều. Biến tần đảm bảo rằng việc cung cấp điện không bị gián đoạn và liên tục. ... Các ngành công nghiệp yêu cầu sử dụng bộ nghịch lưu công nghiệp để hoạt động liên tục của các hoạt động trong ngành.

If a corporation is socially responsible, it will develop and implement a sustainability plan and communicate it to stakeholders.






All big companies are pretty much required in today's day and ages to complete these reports whether they truly believe it.

can you guys please introduce yourself​


Answer: why?


hi i’m kira and i need points so i can pass this class. i hope you’re having a good day

số bit của pic 16f887



what does it mean



plz write in English

What is the following diagram called?





because shopping has great income


is ur question right


is ur question right

is ur question right

Troy must keep track of the amount of refrigerant he uses from a 50-pound cylinder to ensure that accurate
records are kept. He used 13 pounds on a systein for Ms. Jones and 9 pounds on a system for a commercial
client. How many pounds should he have left in the cylinder?
Troy should have
pounds of refrigerant left in the cylinder.
baon naid Thamar basic
محمود احمد مجد
اهداء ما در



Amount of gas still in cylinder = 28 pound



Amount of gas in cylinder = 50 pound

Amount of gas used in Ms. Jones system = 13 pound

Amount of gas used in client system = 9 pound


Amount of gas still in cylinder


Amount of gas still in cylinder = Amount of gas in cylinder - Amount of gas used in Ms. Jones system - Amount of gas used in client system

Amount of gas still in cylinder = 50 - 13 - 9

Amount of gas still in cylinder = 28 pound

What is the following diagram called?



flow chart


it's a flow chart right ? don't know the explanation cause I am not even sure I am right

Uses of P-N junction




Two that come to mind:

a semiconductor diode is essentially a PN junctiona transistor is made of two pn junctions.

A steam turbine generator unit is used to produce electricity, where steam enters the turbine with a velocity of 30 m/s and enthalpy (internal energy) of 3348 kJ/kg. The 1 steam leaves the turbine as a mixture of vapor and liquid having a velocity of 60 m/s and an enthalpy of 2550 kJ/kg. The flow through the turbine is adiabatic, and changes in elevation are negligible. Determine the work output from the turbine, if the mass flow rate is 5kg/s.



3.983 MW


Given that:

At the inlet:

Velocity (v₁) = 30 m/s

Enthalpy (h₁) = 3348 kJ/kg

At the outlet:

Velocity (v₂) = 60 m/s

Enthalpy (h₂) = 2550 kJ/kg

Mass flow rate (m) = m₁ = m₂ = 5kg/s

According to the steady flow energy equation:

[tex]Q+ m_1 (h_1 + \dfrac{v_1^2}{2000}+ \dfrac{gz_1}{1000} )= m_2(h_2+\dfrac{v_2^2}{2000}+\dfrac{gz_2}{1000})+W_{shaft}[/tex]

Since the elevation (z) is negligible and flow via the turbine is adiabatic:


Q = 0 and z₁ = z₂

[tex]W_{shaft} = (mh_1-mh_2) + (\dfrac{mv_1^2-mv_2^2}{2000})[/tex]

[tex]W_{shaft} = ((5*3348) -(5*2550)) + (\dfrac{(5*(30)^2)-(5*(60)^2)}{2000})[/tex]

[tex]W_{shaft} = (16740-12750) + (\dfrac{4500-18000}{2000})[/tex]

[tex]W_{shaft} = (16740-12750) + (-6.75)[/tex]

[tex]W_{shaft} = 3983.25 \ kW[/tex]

[tex]\mathbf{W_{shaft} = 3.983 \ MW}[/tex]

A mechanic claims to have developed a car engine that runs on water instead of gasoline. What is your response to this claim?​


The claim will be impractical. The reason behind this is provided below throughout the explanation segment.

Inside the same combustion chamber, fresh water can't be pressurized even more than fuel as well as air. Consequently, the cylinder does not burn due to a problem with the compressor.To accomplish the development processes, a machine requires any sort of combustible which might cause combustion as well as create a tremendous quantity of power.

Thus, the idea of using water instead of petroleum appears unworkable throughout traditional engines.

Learn more:

which type of clectrical circuit is represented by this diagram?​





All components in this circuit are tied in parallel. Each component experiences the same voltage from one terminal to the other. It is a parallel circuit.

if a person is injured at the hospital during a natural disaster a correct action to take is ​


first check that you and the casualty aren't in any danger. If you are, make the situation safe. When it's safe to do so, assess the casualty and, if necessary, dial 999 or 112 for an ambulance. You can then carry out basic first aid and shift to another hospital

That’s what I learnt sooo..

Why is logging done during drilling?



Logging while drilling (LWD) is a technique of conveying well logging tools into the well borehole downhole as part of the bottom hole assembly (BHA). ... In these situations, the LWD measurement ensures that some measurement of the subsurface is captured in the event that wireline operations are not possible

You are given a pot of hot tea (350 mL) at a temperature of 85°C and a quantity of ice at -12°C. Determine the absolute minimum amount of ice you can add to the hot tea so that at equilibrium you have iced tea (ie. a very, very small amount of ice and some water). You can assume tea has the same density (1.00 g/mL) and specific heat (4190 J/kgK) as liquid water. The heat of fusion of H2O is 3.33x10^5 J/kg. The specific heat of ice is 2090 J/kgK.



348 g


The heat gained by the ice equals the heat lost by the hot tea.

Also, since we require a very, very small amount of ice and some water, to still have some ice, the temperature of the hot tea has to decrease to the melting point of ice which is 0°C. So, the final temperature of the mixture is 0 °C.

So, mc(T - T') + mL = -MC(T - T") where m = mass of ice, c =  specific heat of ice = 2090 J/kgK., T = final temperature of mixture = 0 °C, T' = initial temperature of ice = -12 °C, L = heat of fusion of H2O = 3.33 × 10⁵ J/kg, M = mass of hot tea = ρV where ρ = density of tea = 1.00 g/mL and V = volume of hot tea = 350 mL. So, M = ρV = 1.00 g/mL × 350 mL = 350 g = 0.350 kg, C = specific heat of tea = 4190 J/kgK and T" = initial temperature of tea = 85 °C.

Making m subject of the formula, we have

mc(T - T') + mL = -MC(T - T")

m[c(T - T') + L] = -MC(T - T")  

m = -MC(T - T")/[c(T - T') + L]

substituting the values of the variables into the equation, we have

m = -MC(T - T")/[c(T - T') + L]

m = -0.350 kg × 4190 J/kgK(0 °C - 85 °C.)/[2090 J/kgK(0 °C. - (-12 °C)) + 3.33 × 10⁵ J/kg]

m = -1466.5 J/kK(- 85 °C)/[2090 J/kgK(0 °C + 12 °C)) + 3.33 × 10⁵ J/kg]

m = 124652.5 J/[2090 J/kgK(12 °C) + 3.33 × 10⁵ J/kg]

m = 124652.5 J/[25080 J/kg + 3.33 × 10⁵ J/kg]

m = 124652.5 J/358080 J/kg

m = 0.3481 kg

m = 348.1 g

m ≅ 348 g

So, the minimum amount of ice to be added is 348 g.

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