discribe your mother


Answer 1
she was very gorgeous and the kindest person i’ve known.

Related Questions

What is the similar meaning of home in nepali language​



The similar meaning of home in nepali language is "Ghriha"


Ghara is home

O A. 歩いと
O B. 歩く
Oc. 歩いた
OD. 歩いて

Help me



危ない所へは一人で( [tex]\boxed{\underline{\bf \: B. 歩く}}[/tex] )たりしないでください。



चोरी की घटनाओं के कारण मुहल्ले की सुरक्षा हेतु पत्र



चोरी की घटनाओं के कारण मुहल्ले की सुरक्षा हेतु पत्र

i want the answer in tamil now​



I am having the same problem

2. निम्र में से द्वित्वाक्षर शब्द नहीं है.​




पूर्व संध्या



Cross out the sentence that contains a noun clause.
A.a. What the newspaper reported was incorrect.
B.b. Nam is the boy whose hair is black and curly.
C.c. He is the most handsome man that I have ever met.
D.d. The gloves which she is wearing are warm.




Because it answers the question'who?' which is what all nouns answer

B is an adjective because it is describing the boy Nam so it can't be B

The sentence listed above that contains a noun clause is .a. What the newspaper reported was incorrect.

A noun clause:

Is the dependent clause of the sentence.Can be the subject.Functions as a noun to refer to an person, place, or thing. Usually start with words such as "what," "how," "who," and "whom."

The first option is a noun clause because the newspaper report is the noun clause and it begins with the word, "what."

In conclusion, option A is correct.

Find out more about noun clauses at https://brainly.com/question/13474925.

write down provisions regarding passenger baggage allowance​



Portable Electronic Device,

Medical Supplies

weight measure etc

Chọn vị trí chính xác cho các từ trong ngoặc
1.明天的唱歌比赛…你们….准备….了…..吗? (好)
2. 今天早上我….睡….九点, 所以….来….了。 (到)
3. 我答A对B一道C题D. (了)
4. 我去A了书店 B三趟, 也没C 买D那本词典。 (到)
5. A 书店里B有C 三D 个人。 (只)
6. 桌子A 上B 三C 本书和D 两支笔 。 (有)
7. A 你B 瘦, 还C 想D 减肥。 (这么)





Hope this helps!

Add punctuation :-
King Charles walked and talked half an hour after his head was cut off.
Hint- [ Insert a full stop , a capital letter and a comma ]





Tú y tu amigo Juan están de visita en Oruro, Bolivia y mientras esperan el autobús que los llevará allá, comienza esta conversación. Todo lo que tu amigo diga estará escrito, pero tu tendrás que escribir las partes en blanco. Recuerda que debes estudiar las palabras del vocabulario de la lección 51 y después repasar la voz pasiva en la lección 53 para que puedas contestar lo que tu amigo te pregunte.

Si encuentras una palabra subrayada (underlined), debes usar la voz pasiva en el espacio siguiente.

Si encuentras una palabra en inglés que esté entre paréntesis, debes traducirla al español.

Por ejemplo: Todo lo que está en rojo es lo que tú debes escribir.

-Miguel ¿cómo estás?

-Muy bien y tú?(you).

-Tengo una pregunta

- Dime

-¿Cuándo se fundó la Ciudad de México?

-La Ciudad de México fue fundada en 1520.

Ahora es tu turno. ¡Buena suerte!

-Hola Benito


-Estoy muy triste. Anoche perdí mi maleta.

-¿Qué?. ¿Tu maleta (2)______ ___________?

-Sí, y en ella estaba mi pasaporte y sin él no puedo (3)________(to return) a mi país.

-Vamos a (4)_________ (to see) lo que podemos hacer.

-Bueno, señorita, necesito(5) _______(to know) si ya llamó a la policía

-Si señor, la policía ya(6) ___ ____________.

-Benito, por favor llama un taxi.

-Está bien. Pero eso va a(7) ________ (to depend) si la policía llega pronto.

-Me pregunto cuándo construyeron este hotel.

-Eso es fácil, ahí dice que este hotel (8)_____ ___________ en 1975.

-Ahí viene la policía. Y traen tu maleta.

-¿Señor Lobo?

Sí, y esa es mi maleta ¿el ladrón la fue a (9)_________?(to return an object)

Sí, esta maleta (10)_______ _________ en el Aeropuerto de Oruro anoche.



1. Como estas

2. La perdistes

3. Regresar

4. A ver

5. Saber

6. Lo sabe

7. Depender

8. Fue construido

9. Devolver

10. La perdi

Instructions: In this section, use complete sentences. (It is understood that you want to learn to debate.) Elaborate using at least 10 sentences. Prompt: What are your expectations of this class? What is it that you want to learn? Additionally, you may tell me anything else you feel I need to know



well start with an introduction then move to something captivating to get the audience's attention

Recommend FIVE strategies that South Africans can out into place to stop gender-based violence​



1. Listen to and believe survivors

2. Teach the next generation and learn from them

3. Call for responses and services fit for purpose

4. Learn the signs of abuse and how you can help

5. Fund women’s organizations


1. A. 有您我身边,我可安心多了。

B. 一开学,咱们就要安心下来学习了。

C. 小宋总是不安心自己的工作。

D. 我也想写文章,可就是安心不了。




Auto mechanic. what is alternators ?​and



An alternator is an electrical generator that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy in the form of alternating current.


Please mark me as brainliest

A person signing "headache" while clenching their jaw and raising an eyebrow is likely communicating

extreme pain

light pain

medium pain

unbearable pain

This is for American sign language



medium pain


in personal experience

Hãy chọn câu sai *
4 điểm
1.영화에 나오는 사람들의 말이 너무 빨라요.
2.춤은 잘 추지만 노래를 잘 못 불어요.
3.이 식당 음식값이 많이 올랐어요.
4.신문에 모르는 단어가 많아요



I can't understand but I guess the answer is number 1

1.- Un artículo de revista acerca de la tecnología en los últimos diez años.
El propósito del autor es:


Si un autor escribe un artículo de revista acerca de la tecnología en los últimos diez años, el propósito de este es de informar.

Esto es así ya que si relata los cambios y novedades en la tecnología durante diez años está explicando cuáles fueron estos cambios a lo largo del tiempo y, por lo tanto, está informando al lector de la revista.

¿Qué es informar?

Informar es describir, dar a conocer algo o a alguien para que otra persona, quien recibe esa descripción, se informe.

En este caso, un artículo que busca informar sobre la tecnología a lo largo del tiempo probablemente incluya una serie de fechas y datos que sitúen al lector y le permitan un mejor entendimiento de la información.

En el siguiente link se puede encontrar más información acerca de este tema https://brainly.com/question/22835526?referrer=searchResults

cách bố trí hàng trong kho



Đánh dấu vị trí hàng hóa trong kho. Dùng các chữ cái như A, B, C… ...

Sử dụng các chỉ dẫn để nhận diện hàng hóa. ...

Sắp xếp theo mã SKU. ...

Sắp xếp kho hàng theo hạn dùng và cách bảo quản. ...

Ghi chú điểm lưu kho cho sản phẩm.

Explanation: ......

Nhóm EXO có mấy thành viên



EXO has several members.


it's in English for your Vietnam sentence

Which of the following is used as a solidifying agent for media



"Agar agar"


"Agar agar" is a natural polysaccharide produced by marine algae and is the most commonly used solidifying agent added to media (end concentration usually 1.5 % w/v).

4. ಈ ಪದಗಳನ್ನು ಗುಣಿತಾಕ್ಷರ ರೂಪದಲ್ಲಿ ಬರೆಯಿರಿ. 2 ಎ. ಸರಸ ಬಿ. ಅನನ್ಯ​



4. Write these words in multiplicative form. 2A. Sarasa b. Unique

Some American politicians always live in the self touted image of the so-called "beacon of democracy", obsessed with interfering in the internal affairs of other countries under the guise of democracy and trying their best to infiltrate ideology abroad. What the United States should do is to pay more attention to the thoughts and thoughts of its people, reflect on itself, face up to and solve its own democratic problems.



I completely agree, but the government has all the say-so. It kinda sucks because regular citizens can't do much except vote people out every 4 years or so.

Please answer this given question below.... please, don't send unnecessary answers, please, please, please. WRITE AS FORMAL LETTER


I remeber when you first came in to help me,save me. The times that hurt my heart immediately vanished and your care healed it. I am so grateful for you. Without this organisation, I wouldn’t have a life. So i would like to thank you for everything you have done for me

३. अर्थ स्पष्ट हुने गरी वाक्यमा प्रयोग गर : शोकाकुल, भाइ फुटे गवार लुटे​


3. Use it in sentences that make the meaning clear: mournful, brother burst into tears

By using the given Telugu alphabet make words









only 6 i got

Select the correct answer.
Which institution initiates the process of socialization in a child's life?
OC. community
OD. family




because family must be the first learner and mom is the first teacher

NEW YORK, July 19 (Reuters) - A rapid rise in new cases in the United States and other countries has heightened fears of a renewed outbreak and triggered a shockwave in the stock market as the highly contagious Delta variant of the virus began to spread and vaccinations lagged in several U.S. states.






why do you think that teaching job is the most important? give reasons​



I think that teaching job is most important because teaching of all walks of life and subject have ability to shape our opinions and form idea about society life and personal goals. Teacher can also expands students limits and push their creativity. Teaching is a tough job, but it is one where you can make the most impact in another life.


Yes it is.


Because the knowledge we are provided by teaching profession as well as mother is a guide which help us to become creative and successful in life.Thus teaching is most important job either it's formal or informal.

everyone of the workers receive same benefits (correct the sentence)​


The correct sentence would be: Every one of the workers receives the same benefits.
All of the workers received the same benefits.

thị trường khách du lịch tại tỉnh thái nguyên



please let m know if you have any questions or concerns please visit the plug-in settings to determine how attachments are handled as a

Answer:bạn có phải là người việt nam không


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