Identify the ways that the Belgian colonial government justified and enforced their preferential treatment of Tutsi over Hutu in Rwanda. Ways Belgium Justified and Enforced Ethnic Bias eugenics studies Press Space to open genocide Press Space to open appointments to colonial government Press Space to open national identity cards Press Space to open Not Ways Belgium Justified and Enforced Ethnic Bias


Answer 1


The answer is below


Considering the available options and according to historical records and findings, ways Belgium Justified and Enforced Ethnic Bias are the following:

1. appointments to colonial government

2. national identity cards

3. eugenics studies

On the other hand, ways Belgium did not Justified and Enforced Ethnic Bias is:

1. Genocide

Related Questions

In the context of sport participation, most older people prefer participating in _____. Multiple choice question. sports that support the notion that aging always involves increasing dependency modified versions of competitive activities in which rules emphasize the pleasure of movement sports that support the notion that the body should be used as a performance machine power and performance sports that have high injury rates



Modified versions of competitive activities in which rules emphasize the pleasure of movement


Why do people engage in Sport activities

1. To have fun

2. To get exercise

3. To make friends

4. To participate in something they are good at

5. To release stress etc.

Physical Activity Benefits for Adults and Older Adults

1. It benefits their Health

2. It helps to Improves Sleep

3. It Maintains Health Weight

4. It Manages Stress etc.

Studies has shown that middle-age and older people that are involved in masters sport events shows that these people use sports to altogether (hand in hand) to resist and accept the aging process. Older people tend to prefer sports in which they can focus on performance as an indicator of moral worth

medios o agentes de socialización de la identidad de género



La socialización de género se produce a través de cuatro agentes principales: la familia, la educación, los grupos de pares y los medios de comunicación.



Los recursos que utilicé

Which of the following describes a sequential design? studying a group of five-year-olds over a 10-year period measuring motor abilities of a child when she is two years old and then measuring her abilities again when she is five years old comparing reasoning abilities of five-, eight-, and 10-year-olds studying groups of 10- and 15-year-olds and then studying these individuals two, four, and six years later



Studying groups of 10- and 15-year-olds, and then studying these individuals 2, 4, and 6 years later


Sequential design

In this type of research design, the researcher uses or follow a sequence of samples  usually two or more groups and thereafter takes data on them later on. it is simply a gathering or combination of the other designs. it is often said to have the same problems as longitudinal and cross-sectional strategies but its design itself helps recognizes difficulties in the research. The researcher that uses this design is often interested in age-related changes in children's problem-solving skills and thereafter selects three samples-preschool-age children, school-age children, and adolescents - and follows them for five years.

Sequential design advantages

1. It uses both the strength of  cross-sectional and longitudinal designs

2. It is said to reduce confounding of age, cohort, and time measurement effects.

Sequential design disadvantages

1. It is usually complex in nature

2. It is also time consuming

3.  it is very expensive to manage/

write any 6 feature of industrial society. please its urgent. who give fast and right answer i will choose aa a brainliest.​


The economy is industry-based. The society is divided into a number of classes for example, the capitalist, the workers and the petty shopkeepers.

(b) Emergence of a number of professional and technical jobs requiring spe­cial knowledge and training.

(c) Rapid means of transport and a wide network of communications has been developed.

did that help?

hlii all how r u

■》 ♡ 《 ■​



Hi I am good and u


Mid/-hill Highway construction project will be the milestone for the economic growth of the country. Justify.



May this help you l think

Mid-hill Highway construction project has a been a milestone for the economic growth of the country as the Mid-Hill Highway passing through Rukum has helped connect remote parts of the district.

What is the Mid-hill Highway project?

The construction of Pushpalal Mid-Hill Highway began in the fiscal year 2007-08 with an aim to complete the national pride project by 2017-18. Pushpalal Mid-Hill Highway is an ongoing road project in Nepal, which is thought to be 1,776 kilometers (1,104 mi) long. After completion, it will be the longest national highway of Nepal.

Overall objective of Mid-hill Highway project is to implement approximately 1776 Km of road connecting from eastern boarder to the western boarder of Nepal running through different important townships, settlements and other places of importance.

The Mid-Hill Highway passing through Rukum has not only helped connect remote parts of the district, but also helped facilitate trade, promote tourism, generate employment opportunities and uplift the lifestyle of locals.

Hence, Mid-hill Highway construction project is the milestone for the economic growth of the country.  

Hence, the answer was given and explained above.

To learn more about Mid-hill Highway project here:


A need is something that is ESSENTIAL, where without it you will not be able to live your day to day life. Whereas a want is something you desire and may not necessarily need it.
Answer the questions below:
List FIVE things that is a NEED TO YOU:



Food, water, air, house and a education

the effect of climate change are world wide. justify the statement​



melting glaciers and warming oceans can directly harm animals, destroy the places they live, and wreak havoc on people's livelihoods and communities. As climate change worsens, dangerous weather events are becoming more frequent or severe.


climate change brings serious impact on the world


for example the melting of glaciers because global warming is causing sea levels to rise

I will make the first answer the brilliantist but plz make sure that the answer is clear enough and plz explain the answer as well ​



The Human Development Index ranks countries into four tiers of human development:

Life expectancy (measuring blue zones as well)

education (expected years of schooling, average years of schooling)

per capita income

A low hdi can be caused from lack of skill and illiteracy, food shortages, and lack of minimum human necessities(clothing, clean water, health).

the level of education, plays a vital role in the progress/growth of a country. Discrimination in social status is also a big key.


corruption is a social problem. how​


Corruption, as it is defined by the World Bank, is a form of dishonesty or a criminal offense which is undertaken by a person or an organization which is entrusted with a position of authority, in order to acquire illicit benefits or abuse power for one's private gain.


Corruption in India is an issue which affects the economy of central, state and local government agencies in many ways. Corruption is blamed for stunting the economy of India.[1] A study conducted by Transparency International in 2005 recorded that more than 62% of Indians had at some point or another paid a bribe to a public official to get a job done.[2][3] In 2008, another report showed that about 50% of Indians had first hand experience of paying bribes or using contacts to get services performed by public offices, however, in 2020 their Corruption Perceptions Index ranked the country 86th place out of 180, reflecting steady decline in perception of corruption among people. [4][5]

viết đoạn văn về cảm ơn



Thank you so much for the complimentary tickets to your show. We enjoyed ourselves immensely, and you were GREAT! We haven't been to the theater in months, so this occasion was a welcome treat. The new decor at Springfield Repertory is stunning, and what an excellent show to inaugurate the new hall. Bravo! Thank you again for a pleasant evening and an engaging performance.


corruption is a social crime.why?​



Corruption is the single greatest obstacle to economic and social development around the world. But it does not just steal money from where it is needed the most; it leads to weak governance, which in turn fuels organized criminal groups and promotes crimes such as human trafficking, arms and migrant smuggling, counterfeiting and the trade in endangered species.

In the run up to the 13th United Nations Crime Congress being held in April, different crimes are being highlighted, showing their impact on development and how vital it is to tackle them to achieve sustainable development. In February 2015 the focus is on corruption, outlining the scale of the problem and telling its transnational story.


It is taken as a social problem due to the following reasons: Corruption slows down the development activities. It discourages the spirit of skilled and honest citizen. Corruption affects the fair distribution of resources and opportunities negatively.

Hoped I help you.

Choose the CORRECT sociological statement regarding social institutions: Group of answer choices Social institutions are cultural universals Social institutions refer to bureucratic organizations such as General Motors Social institutions refer to famous locations, buildings, and monuments such as Wall Street, The White House, and Mount Rushmore All of the above



The White House


Its in the picture!!!!!!



Review the map above. WHich American Indian group lived in the darker-shaded area on this map?

B. Iroquois

write the major social problems prevailing in your community and measure to solve it.. ​



The major social problems prevailing in my society are: 1) Child marriage2) Dowry system3) Untouchability4) Dowry system5) Superstition6) Robbing7) Alcoholism8) Drug abuse9) Gambling10)Human trafficking The measures to solve these problems are:1) Education should be compulsorily be provided to all.2) Awareness Programme should be done.3) Strict rules and laws should be implemented.4) Government should do something to decrease Poverty in country5) Providing job opportunities to the people

Hope this will help you alot:)

please answer this question
i will mark him or her brillient ... ​



A. The answer is b.

B. The answer is a.

C. The answer is a.

D. The answer is a.

What privileges and facilities have been made for senior citizens in our country



Federal Resources: The National Institute on Aging (NIA) “leads the federal government in conducting and supporting research on aging and the health and well-being of older people. The Institute seeks to understand the nature of aging and the aging process, and diseases and conditions associated with growing older, in order to extend the healthy, active years of life. Its Health & Aging Initiative features resources about Alzheimer's Disease, Caregiving, Disability, Doctor-Patient Communication, End of Life, Exercise, Healthy Aging and Longevity, Legal and Financial Planning, Memory and Cognitive Health, Men's Health, and Women's Health. The U.S. Administration on Aging (AoA) reports “Congress passed the Older Americans Act (OAA) in 1965 in response to concern by policymakers about a lack of community social services for older persons. The original legislation established authority for grants to States for community planning and social services, research and development projects, and personnel training in the field of aging. The law also established the Administration on Aging (AoA) to administer the newly created grant programs and to serve as the Federal focal point on matters concerning older persons. Although older individuals may receive services under many other Federal programs, today the OAA is considered to be the major vehicle for the organization and delivery of social and nutrition services to this group and their caregivers. It authorizes a wide array of service programs through a national network of 56 State agencies on aging, 629 area agencies on aging, nearly 20,000 service providers, 244 Tribal organizations, and 2 Native Hawaiian organizations representing 400 Tribes.”

State resources: The National Association of States United for Aging and Disabilities (NASUAD) “represents the nation’s 56 state and territorial agencies on aging and disabilities and supports visionary state leadership, the advancement of state systems innovation and the articulation of national policies that support home and community based services for older adults and individuals with disabilities.” The National Long-Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center is one example of NASUAD activities. Seniors and their families can find general services to help them at state websites such as Minnesota’s Long-Term Care Choices Navigator, and more specific information about issues such as housing at websites like this one maintained by the Massachusetts Department of Elder Affairs. They can get special services through programs such as the Texans Feeding Texans: Home-Delivered Meal Grant Program. Georgia won the 2011 AoA Excellence in Action award for Outstanding Achievement in Changing Systems by a State. According to the Georgia Division of Aging Services, "the honor recognizes the Georgia Department of Human Services (DHS) Division of Aging Services for developing programs that improve services and support for older adults and people with disabilities. The Georgia programs that have attracted national attention help organizations coordinate activities and streamline processes to give older adults and people with disabilities more control over services and efficient access to information. Initiatives with widespread attention include the Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC), the Community Living Program (CLP), and the new Veterans-Directed Home- and Community-Based Services Program (VD-HCBS)."

The 2009 SSL Uniform Adult Guardianship and Protective Proceedings Jurisdiction Act: establishes procedures for determining where jurisdiction lies in guardianship and conservatorship proceedings when the parties are not all in the same state;

provides for jurisdiction in states with a significant connection to the incapacitated person;

defines “significant connection;”

provides for cooperation between courts of different states;

allows for special circumstances if an incapacitated person is in a state that does not meet the “significant connection” standard;

provides procedures for the transfer of jurisdiction to another state; and

allows for registration of protective orders from other states.

why do you think the constitution makes it obligatory to elect a minimum number of women and members of dalits or minority communities in village or town?​



I) to make our country inclusive

ii) to upraise the living standard of people from all backgrounds

iii) to ensure that special privileges are provided to unprevilized ones

iv) to make our government just and promote social justice.

v) to make sure that women, Dalits and minority group have equal opportunity to develop themselves.

Social and economic development is not possible unless conflict is resolved locally.justify this statement.​



Social and economic development is not possible unless conflict is resolved locally.justify.

Economic system: 1,capitalist economy 2,command economy 3,mixed economy Define and write 1characterstic 2advantage 3disadvantage


Answer and Explanation:

The capitalist economy is one that is based mainly on private property and the use of the means of production with extremely profitable objectives. The capitalist economy focuses on high-scale production and strong competition between institutions. One of the advantages of this type of economy is that it encourages technological innovation and allows a large number of product options for consumers. The downside is that this type of economy encourages the accumulation of wealth, dishonest competition and social inequality.

The command economy can be characterized as the economic system in which the government determines how the production of all economic sectors will be done, which products will be produced and how much of each product will be produced. This type of economy is highly regulated and controlled by the government. An advantage of this type of economy is the high investment in the production of products and services, which guarantees low prices and low unemployment. The downside is that this production is often inefficient and has supply shortages. We can also mention that this type of economy encourages the existence of monopolies, which limits the options of consumers and can encourage inefficiency in labor rights.

Mixed economy is one that combines the characteristics of economic economy and command economy. In this case, the government controls all production in the country, but encourages profit and the use of private property. The advantage of this type of economy is the application of large productive investment, with the existence of controlled competition and strong supply. The disadvantage is that there can be an exploitation of the worker and the consumer, due to the stimulation of maximum profit linked to maximum production.

Which is the famous district for sculpture in Nepal



The famous district for sculpture in Nepal is Kathmandu valley.

what is the level of development not the same everywhere? ​


Because the resources , topography, capital etc are not same everywhere......

As a child, Raoul loved to prance around the neighborhood wearing silly outfits. As he got older, he realized that he couldn't continue this kind of behavior unless he found some way for it to be viewed as more socially acceptable. On realizing this, Raoul decides to pursue a career as a circus clown. According to Freud, Raoul's __________, which operates on the __________ principle, is responsible for finding a socially acceptable outlet for his desire to run around wearing silly outfits.



Hence the answer is ego and reality.


As a child, Raoul loved to prance around the neighborhood wearing silly outfits. As he got older, he realized that he couldn't continue this kind of behavior unless he found some way for it to be viewed as more socially acceptable. On realizing this, Raoul decides to pursue a career as a circus clown. According to Freud, Raoul's ego, which operates on the reality principle, is responsible for finding a socially acceptable outlet for his desire to run around wearing silly outfits.

Why is Pokhara called the Cherapunji of Nepal?​



Pokhara, also famous as the “Cherrapunji of Nepal” is well-known for its view of Machapupchare peak and enchanting Phewa lake. There are also several places of interest including short hike around Annapurna foothill. Situated some 200 kilometers west of Kathmandu at an alleviation of 3000ft,Pokhara is a natural gift to our country. It has a rare combination of the long arrays of snowed peaks, crystal clean lakes, panoramic Annapurna Himal and the warm climate, which remains favorable all the year round. Monsoon rains are strongest from June to August and other months are relatively dry

How does the United States meet its scarcity of refined petroleum products? What other approaches could it use?



Numerous statistics indicate positive trends in the midstream and downstream oil markets, led by the domestic petroleum refining industry [1]. Domestic capacity has expanded, and there is a robust product-import market. Increased refining efficiencies have moderated crude-oil price rises since the 1970s. Products have been reformulated to improve environmental performance.

Higher refining margins in recent years have led to planned capacity additions, domestically and internationally. Few if any new refineries are likely to be built in the United States, however. This is because (among other factors) the financial disadvantage of building from scratch versus incrementally expanding existing capacity, the issue of permits aside. In all, the price- and profit-driven market process is ably at work, promising to bring the issue of pricing petroleum products back again to the issue of the globally-set price of crude oil.


How does the United States meet its scarcity of refined petroleum products?

Import from other countries.

What other approaches could it use?

Diplomacy. External help. Military force.__________________________________________________

Numerous statistics indicate positive trends in the midstream and downstream oil markets, led by the domestic petroleum refining industry. Domestic capacity has expanded, and there is a robust product-import market. Increased refining efficiencies have moderated crude-oil price rises since the 1970s. Products have been reformulated to improve environmental performance.

Higher refining margins in recent years have led to planned capacity additions, domestically and internationally. Few if any new refineries are likely to be built in the United States, however. This is because (among other factors) the financial disadvantage of building from scratch versus incrementally expanding existing capacity, the issue of permits aside. In all, the price- and profit-driven market process is ably at work, promising to bring the issue of pricing petroleum products back again to the issue of the globally-set price of crude oil.



what type of change can't be called development​



What is development what type of change Cannot be called development? Developmental – May be either planned or emergent; it is first order, or incremental. Transitiona Seeks to achieve a known desired state that is different from the existing one. Transformational – Is radical or second order in nature


4. What was DNA stand for?​


Answer: deoxyribonucleic acid


what is the fundamental difference between rural society and urban society?​



a rural society is one which has not been industrialized while an urban society is one that is urbanized and industrialized.

life in a rural society is very simple while life in an urban society is complicated and complex.

I hope this helps

donde comienza la frontera entre honduras y guatemala


Which of the following statements is generally true about change in the workplace ? a ) Most people accept change easily . b) Smart companies can avoid change altogether. c) Change in the workplace fairly infrequently d) Individuals can learn to manage the change in their lives.

explain the three causes of world war 2.



hope it is helpful to you

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