Is A ABC similar to A DEF? Why or why not?
8 ft
6 ft
10 ft
7.5 ft
Yes, because the angles are congruent and the sides are
Yes, because if at least one pair of angles are equal, the
triangles are similar.
No, because although the angles are congruent, the sides are
We cannot tell because the third side is not given.


Answer 1


Its either A or B

Step-by-step explanation:

I am not sure tho

Answer 2


B ,because they are similar

my teacher told me

Related Questions

From a group of three boys and six girls a boy and a girl will be selected to attend a conference and how many ways can the selection you made




Girl  = g

Boy = b

1g 1b  1g 2b  1g 3b

2g 1b  2g 2b  2g 3b

3g 1b  3g 2b  3g 3b

4g 1b   4g 2b  4g 3b

5g 1b   5g 2b  5g 3b

6g 1b   6g 2b  6g 3b


Another way you can do this,

6 × 3 = 18

In the end there will be 18 selections.

the correct answer is 18. hope this helps :)

Please help!!! 20 points + brainliest!!
6 + (-47) =


Well, all we have to do is add, so:

6 + (-47) =

6 - 47 =




Step-by-step explanation:

Subtract and write big numbers sign.

47 - 6= (-41)

What is the value of the expression below when x=3 and y=8?
6x +10y




Step-by-step explanation:

The value of the expression below when x=3 and y=8 is 98.

1. Write an expression in simplest form for the area of the figure below:
(answer pls)



(5x+6)(2x+5)-(2x+4)(x+8) simplified is 8x^2+17x-2

Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:






Factor the Quadratic: 3x^2+12x-36=0



3x ^ 2 + 12x-36 = 0

3(x²+ 4x-12)=0




⇒[tex]\left \{ {{x-2=0} \atop {x+6=0}} \right.[/tex]⇔[tex]\left \{ {{x=2} \atop {x=-6}} \right.[/tex]

How many natural numbers are between 97 through 256?


Answer: go to this website it may help you

Step-by-step explanation:

There are 156 natural numbers between 97 and 256.

What are the Natural Numbers?

Natural numbers are defined as refer to a set of all the whole numbers excluding 0. We generally utilize these numbers in our speech and daily activities. Everywhere we look, numbers are used to count things, represent or exchange money, measure temperature, tell the time, etc. These numbers that are used for counting objects are called 'natural numbers'. For example, while counting objects 5 pencils.

Given data as :

The natural numbers are 97 and 256

To determine the numbers between the following, firstly subtract them and then subtract 2 to it.

97 and 256

⇒ 256 - 97

⇒ 158

Substract 2 from it.

= 158 -2

= 156

Thus, there are 156 natural numbers between 97 and 256.

Learn about natural numbers here :


A heron can travel an average of 400 km in 10h. What is the rate of change of distance?


Rate of change of distance is also known as speed.


Distance (s) = 400km = 400 × 1000m = 400,000m

Time (t) = 10h = 10 × 3600s = 36,000s

We know that,

Speed (v) = Distance/Time

[tex]=> v = \frac{s}{t} \\ => v = \frac{400000m}{36000s} \\ => v = \frac{400m}{36s} \\ => v = \frac{100m}{9s} \\ => v = \frac{100}{9}m {s}^{ - 2} \\ [/tex]

A heron can travel an average of 400 km in 10 hours. Then the rate of change of distance that is speed is [tex]11.12 ms^{-2}[/tex].

What is the meaning of the term “distance”?

Distance is a measurement of how far apart two things or locations are, either quantitatively or occasionally qualitatively. Distance in physics or common language can refer to a physical length or an estimate based on other factors.

The term is frequently used metaphorically to refer to a measurement of the amount of difference between two similar objects, or a degree of separation as exemplified by distance between people in a social network.

The concept of a metric space is used in mathematics to formalize the majority of such concepts of distance, both literal and figurative.

[tex]Distance (s) = 400km \\= 400 \times 1000m \\= 400,000mTime (t) = 10h \\= 10 \times 3600s \\= 36,000s\\\\Speed = Distance / Time\\= 400000 / 36000\\= 11.12 ms^{-2}[/tex]

Therefore, the rate of change of distance that is speed is [tex]11.12 ms^{-2}[/tex].

Learn more about distance from here:


Plz solve it
Factorize: no w​



here we can go for two solution

It’s 11 but I need help






=> C

que es la razon de una figura semejante



English for fast response

What is the sum of the angles 'a' and 'b' from the diagram below.



90+ 135= 225

Step-by-step explanation:

a can be found with formula (n-2)×180/n, where n is number of sides

a= 135


I need help ASAP!! Please explain how to solve the question




Step-by-step explanation:

Let's divide this shape into 2 triangles & 3 rectangles.

Area of Triangle = 1/2 (bh)

(1/2 (9x6) ) x 2   = 54

Area of Rectangles = (9x11) + (8x11) + (7x11)

= 264

264 + 54 = 318km^2

Answered by g a u t h m a t h

Can someone help me I don't understand



Q'(3,1) R'(2,5) S'(4,3)

Step-by-step explanation:

Q (-4,-4) -4+7= 3 and -4+5=1 so (3,1)

R (-5,0) -5+7=2 and 0+5=5 so (2,5)

S (-3,-2) -3+7=4 and -2+5=3 so (4,3)

Calculate using order of operations.



I believe that the answer is 69.8

The answer is 69.8 I did the math if you can give me brainliest

The battery standby duration (in hours) of a new model of cell phone is known to be normally distributed. Ten pieces of such new model of cell phone supplied from the manufacturer are randomly chosen and the actual standby durations are recorded as below:

48.2 47.8 45.6 47.2 49.3
51.2 44.2 45.4 49.2 43.6

(a) Calculate the unbiased estimates of population mean and standard deviation of battery standby duration (in hours) of the new cell phone.

(b) The manufacturer claimed that this new model of cell phone has the mean battery standby duration of longer than 46.5 hours. Test at 1% significance level if this claim is true.


x = number of hours

want to find probability (P) x >= 13

x is N(14,1) transform to N(0,1) using z = (x - mean) / standard deviation so can look up probability using standard normal probability table.

P(x >= 13) = P( z > (13 - 14)/1) = P(z > -1) = 1 - P(z < -1) = 1 - 0.1587 = 0.8413

To convert that to percentage, multiply 100, to get 84.13%

Ray is making his reward winning lemonade recipe for a party he is comparison shopping for lemons at super pioneer supermarket he can buy 4 lemons for 1.60 ray visits keyfood and found 3 lemons cost 1.80 use the table below to compare the values


Step-by-step explanation:

Super Pioneer:

If at the Super Pioneer Store he can get 4 lemons for 1.6 dollars, 1 lemon should cost:

4: 1.6

1:. X

4x = 1.6

X = 1.6/4

X = 0.4

1 lemon costs 0.4 dollars

How many lemons could we get from $2.4?

1 : 0.4

X : 2.4

0.4x = 2.4

X = 2.4/0.4

X = 6

2.4 dollars would get you 6 lemons

8 lemons would cost= 8x0.4 = $3.2

Keyfood Supermarket

3 lemons cost 1.8$, so how mucb does 1 lemon cost?

3: 1.8

1 : X

3x = 1.8

X = 1.8/3

X = 0.6

If 1 lemon costs 0.6, how many lemons could you buy from $3?

1: 0.6

X : 3

3 = 0.6x

X = 3/0.6

X = 5

If 1 lemon cost 0.6$, 8 lemons would cost:

8 x 0.6 = $4.8

(I have also edited the answers on the table, but sorry if they seem a bit messy)

Answered by G a u t h m a t h

누가 좀 도와주세요 help
[tex] \sin(36) - \cos(54) \\ \tan(80) - \cot(10) [/tex]



Step-by-step explanation:

Sin (90 - ∅) = Cos ∅

90 -54 = 36

Sin 36 = Sin (90 - 54)

            = Cos 54      --------->(I)

Now, Sin (36) - Cos (54) = Cos 54 - Cos 54   {From 1}

                                        = 0

2) tan (90-∅) = Cot ∅

Tan 80 = Tan (90 - 10)

            = Cot 10  ----------(II)

Tan 80 - Cot 10 = Cot 10 - cot 10   -----------(from (II)}

                         = 0

Are you korean?






See below

Step-by-step explanation:


The table is attached


The graph is attached


(a) Cumulative frequency is 500, median is at 249, 250, the horizontal line from point 250 on y-axis intersecting the graph at approximately 52%, this is the median

(b)  Vertical line from the 45% mark intersects the graph at approximately 177th point. The number of candidates passed the test:

500 - 177 = 323

(iii) P(pass) = 323/500 = 0.626 or 62.6%

Out of a class of 150 one third opted for Germany two fifth for Italian and rest for French. find how many opted for French​




Step-by-step explanation:

Total is 150

Germany=1/3 *150 = 50

Italian= 2/5 * 150 = 60

Total - Germany- Italian= French

150 - 50 -60= 40

What are the simplest forms for red, blue, and green line



Red line: y=-1/2x+1  Blue line: y=-1/3x-2  Green line: y=x

Step-by-step explanation:

f(x) red line m=-1/2 b=1

g(x) blue line m=-1/3 b=-2

h(x) green line m=1 b=0

Solve inequality problem (urgent help please)




Step-by-step explanation:


1 <= 3m-2 or 3m-2 <= -1

3 <= 3m or 3m <= 1

1 <= m or m <= (1/3)

Find the Segment.I need help ASAP



Does the answer help you?


x = 65 units

Step-by-step explanation:

Using the Altitude- on- Hypotenuse theorem

(leg of large triangle)² = (part of hypotenuse below it) × (whole hypotenuse), so

x² = 25 × (25 + 144) = 25 × 169 = 4225 ( take square root of both sides )

x = [tex]\sqrt{4225}[/tex] = 65 units

Select the best real-world situation that can be represented by 12 + = 13.50. Group of answer choices Mary wants to buy flowers and perfume. She has $13.50 to spend, but has already spent $12 on perfume. How much does she have left to spend on flowers? Rachel earns $12 per hour. How long does it take her to earn $13.50? Jane has $13.50 to spend. How many roses can she buy if they are $12 each? Sarah has $12 in her checking account, but has written a check for $13.50. How much is she overdrawn?



Mary wants to buy flowers and perfume. She has $13.50 to spend, but has already spent $12 on perfume. How much does she have left to spend on flowers?

Step-by-step explanation:

12 + c = 13.50

OpruonnA seems to be the best, hence, Breaking down in real world terms :

13.50 = total cost

Number of variables added to make up total cost = 2 ; this represents the cost of the 2 items purchased ; flowers and perfume

Cost of perfume = 12

Cost of flowers = c

Total cost of items = $13.50

Find the slope of the line containing the points (-3, -6) and (4, 7).




Step-by-step explanation:

→ State the slope formula

( y₂ - y₁ ) ÷ ( x₂ - x₁ )

→ Substitute in the values

( 7 - -6 ) ÷ ( 4 - -3 )

→ Simplify



slope = [tex]\frac{13}{7}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Calculate the slope m using the slope formula

m = [tex]\frac{y_{2}-y_{1} }{x_{2}-x_{1} }[/tex]

with (x₁, y₁ ) = (- 3, - 6) and (x₂, y₂ ) = (4, 7)

m = [tex]\frac{7-(-6)}{4-(-3)}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{7+6}{4+3}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{13}{7}[/tex]

jane is X years old. How old will she be in 2 year's time? How old will she be in 5 year's time?​



Jane's age = X

In 2 years time = X + 2

In 5 years time = X + 5

Step-by-step explanation:

Answer from Gauth math


Step-by-step explanation:

Jane is X years old means she is currently X age. So 2 years later she will be 2+X years old and 5 years later she will be 5+X years old

Another learning aid provides a​ step-by-step walk-through showing the solution process for a problem similar to the one you are working on. You would click Continue to advance through each step in the solution process to show intermediate calculations at key points. While you are attempting to solve the given​ exercise, this learning aid can be referenced multiple times and does not load a new version of the exercise when it is accessed. Choose the described learning aid below.


Choose the described learning aid below.

a. Animation

b. view an example

c. video

d. help me solve this

e. Textbook

The answer to this question is option b. View an example helps to give a step by step walk through showing the solution to a similar problem.

The learning aid that is referenced in this question is view an example because it is a learning aid that helps the learner to solve a problem just by looking at the solution of another problem.

The solution that is being viewed has to be quite similar with the problem. Such that the learner would be able to follow through with finding a solution to his problem by following the steps in the example.

here is a similar question

A cage holds two litter of rats. One litter comprises one female and five males. The other litter comprises seven females and two males. A random selection of two rats is done. Find the probability that the two rats are from the same litter.​



The probability that the two rats are from the first litter is 14.28%, and the probability that the two rats are from the second litter is 34.28%.

Step-by-step explanation:

Since a cage holds two litter of rats, and one litter comprises one female and five males, while the other litter comprises seven females and two males, and a random selection of two rats is done, to find the probability that the two rats are from the same litter the following calculation must be performed:

6/15 x 5/14 = 0.1428

9/15 x 8/14 = 0.3428

Therefore, the probability that the two rats are from the first litter is 14.28%, and the probability that the two rats are from the second litter is 34.28%.

The opposite angles of a parallelogram are (3x + 5)° and (61 – x)°. Find the measure of four angles.




Step-by-step explanation:




What is the mode for the set of data? 6, 7, 10, 12, 12, 13
Answer choices:



mateweew ans is 12

The mode is the value that appears most frequently in a data set.

and 12 repeats twice other once so anw is obv 12

Answer: 12

Step-by-step explanation:

which of the following is equal to the rational expression when X ≠ 2 or 1?




Step-by-step explanation:

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