What should you do first to best use your personal goals as a means for a promotion


Answer 1



research how your company offers promotions show professional behavior at all times set both short and long-term personal goals make sure some goals are only for personal growth

Related Questions

True or false: You can create a network with two computers.



To create a computer network, you must have at least two computers. ... A protocol is a standard set of rules and procedures for the control of communications in a network. TRUE. Two computers using TCP/IP can communicate even if they are based on different hardware and software platforms. So your right :)

Hope this helps :)
True u must use two computers

Explain the 11 sections that a typical bill of quantity is divided into​



The main sections included in the bill of quantities are Form of Tender, Information, Requirements, Pricing schedule, Provisional sums, and Day works.

Which of the following conditions were present in over 80% of paddling fatalities from 1995-2000?



80% of the people that were killed weren't wearing a safety flotation device ( in correct terminology Personal Flotation Device, or PFD )


Hence they drowned due to the lack of safety.

The condition present in over 80% of paddling fatalities is that the victims were said to be not wearing a personal flotation device (PFD).

What is paddling in the sea?

The act of paddling is known to be a sport or something one can do for fun or for games.

Conclusively, a lot of paddling fatalities 1995-2000 was due to the fact that the people who were engage in the sport or act were not putting on  a personal flotation device (PFD) and this can lead to death or drowning.

Learn more about  paddling fatalities from


what is the best book for mechanic of materials?​



As per my experience Egor Popov is one the best book for mechanics of materials.


hope this helps

Rafel knows that lessons learned is a valuable aid to future projects. When should he and his team address
lessons learned on a project?
Select an answer:
Add lessons learned as a topic in status meetings
Review past lessons learned so a new one does not have to be created,
Create lessons learned at the end of the project.
Brainstorm lessons learned at the beginning of a project


Answer: Create lessons learned at the end of the project.


Lessons learned are the experiences that are gotten from a project which should be taken into account for the future projects. Lesson learned are created at the end of the project.

The main objective of the lessons learned is that they show both the positive experience and the negative experience of a project and this will help the future projects that will be undertaken.

A technician wants to implement a dual factor authentication system that will enable the organization to authorize access to sensitive systems on a need-to-know basis. What should be implemented during the authorization stage?


Answer: Biometrics


Dual factor authentication refers to an electronic authentication method whereby a user will only be granted an access to an application or a website after the user has successfully been able to present two pieces of evidence which then grants access to the application or website.

Since the technician wants to implement a dual factor authentication system, the biometrics should be implemented during the authorization stage.

Biometrics refers to the body measurements and the calculations that are related to the characteristics of humans. Biometric authentication is used as a form of identification.

Functional and nonfunctional requirements documents are used to _____.

define the financial budget of a system
define the purpose of a system
facilitate communication between the users and a system
help exercise control over the inner workings of the firm.



Non-functional requirements when defined and executed well will help to make the system easy to use and enhance the performance


Magnetic particle testing can be done only on metals that can be magnetized.
True or false


the answer to this it true

hỗ trợ mình với được không các bạn




Be bop

what does mean setbacks with MRT station?


The term “setback” refers to the distance (measured in feet) a house or structure must be from the front, side and rear property lines. Setbacks allow for access to underground utilities and distance between properties.

Cho biết tác dụng chung của các hệ giằng khung ngang nhà công nghiệp nhẹ 1 tầng 1 nhịp.


I don’t know how to speak the laungue or know this language

how to solve circuit theory using mesh analysis



Find a minimal set of cycles that covers all vertices and edges of the circuit graph. For each cycle, define a "mesh" current, and write the Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL) equation with respect to each of the edges in the cycle. Where an edge is part of more than one cycle, all current(s) defined for the edge will contribute to the voltage there.

This will give as many equations as there are mesh currents. Solve the resulting system of equations. The (signed) sum of the mesh currents through any edge is the current in that circuit branch.



Consider the attached circuit. It shows mesh currents I1, I2, and I3 in graph cycles with those numbers. The KVL equations are ...

  mesh 1: I1(R3 +R2 +R1) -I2·R1 -I3·R2 = Vi (the voltage across the current source)

  mesh 2: -I1·R1 +I2(r1 +1/(sC)) -I3(1/(sC)) = Vs

  mesh 3: -I1·R2 -I2(1/(sC)) +I3(R2 +sL +1/(sC)) = 0

You will note that the matrix of equation coefficients is symmetric.


In this example, you will end with I1 as a function of Vi. If I1 is a given source value, that relation can be used to find Vi.

An incompressible viscous fluid flows through a pipe with a flow rate of 1 mL/s. The pipe has a uniform diameter D0 and a length L0. A pressure difference of P0 between the ends of the pipe is required to maintain the flow rate. What would be the flow rate if the pressure difference was increased to 2P0 and the diameter was increased to 2D0



[tex]Q_2 = 32[/tex] mL/s


Given :

The flow is incompressible viscous flow.

The initial flow rate, [tex]Q_1[/tex] = 1 mL/s

Initial diameter, [tex]D_1= D_0[/tex]

Initial length, [tex]L_1=L_0[/tex]

The initial pressure difference to maintain the flow, [tex]P_1=P_0[/tex]

We know for a viscous flow,

[tex]$\Delta P = \frac{32 \mu V L}{D^2}$[/tex]

[tex]$\Delta P = \frac{32 \mu Q L}{\frac{\pi}{4}D^4}$[/tex]

[tex]$Q \propto \Delta P \times D^4$[/tex]

[tex]$\frac{Q_1}{Q_2}= \frac{P_1}{P_2} \times \left( \frac{D_1}{D_2} \right)^4$[/tex]

[tex]$\frac{1}{Q_2}= \frac{P_0}{2P_0} \times \left( \frac{D_0}{2D_0} \right)^4$[/tex]

[tex]$\frac{1}{Q_2}= \frac{1}{2} \times \left( \frac{1}{2} \right)^4$[/tex]

[tex]$\frac{1}{Q_2}= \frac{1}{32}$[/tex]

∴ [tex]Q_2 = 32[/tex] mL/s

The flow rate if the pressure difference was increased to 2P0 and the diameter was increased to 2D0 is; Q2 = 32 mL/s

We are given;

Initial flow rate; Q1 = 1 mL/s

Initial uniform diameter; D0

Initial Length; L0

Initial Pressure difference; P0

Relationship between pressure, flow rate and diameter for vicious flow is given by;

Q1/Q2 = (P1/P2) × (D1/D2)⁴


Q1 is initial flow rate

Q2 is final flow rate

P1 is initial pressure difference

P2 is final pressure difference

D1 is initial diameter

D2 is final diameter

We are told that the pressure difference was increased to 2P0 and the diameter was increased to 2D0. Thus;

P2 = 2P0

D2 = 2D0


1/Q2 = (P0/2P0) × (D0/2D0)⁴

>> 1/Q2 = ½ × (½)⁴

1/Q2 = 1/32

Q2 = 32 mL/s

Read more about vicious flow at; https://brainly.com/question/2684299

A O.1m³ rigid tank contains steam initially as 500k pa and 200°C. The steam is now allowed to cool until the temperature drops to 50°C. Determine the amount of heat transfer during the process and the final pressure in the tank​



Check it out here


A resistor has code 104 printed on it .What is the resistive value of this resistor ​



X = 1 (1st digit in the code)

Y = 0 (2nd digit)

Z = 4 (3rd multiplier digit)

104 → 10 × 10^4 Ω

→ 10 × 10000Ω

→ 100 kΩ

resistors are marked 104, 105, 205, 751, and 754. The resistor marked with 104 should be 100kΩ (10x10^4), 105 would be 1MΩ (10x10^5), and 205 is 2MΩ (20x10^5). 751 is 750Ω (75x10^1), and 754 is 750kΩ (75x10^4).

Here we need to understand how a code in a resistor gives us information on the resistor. Here we will see that the code means that the resistance is 100,000 Ω.

When we use numbers, let's assume that we have 3 single-digit numbers abc.

So if the code in our resistor is abc, this will mean that the resistance of the resistor is:

ab×10^c Ω

Using this general rule we can see that if the code is 104, then the resistance will be:

r = 10×10^4 Ω

 = 100,000 Ω

Then we can conclude that the resistive value of this resistor is  100,000 Ω

If you want to learn more, you can read:


The impeller shaft of a fluid agitator transmits 20 kW at 430 rpm. If the allowable shear stress in the impeller shaft must be limited to 65 MPa, determine (a) the minimum diameter required for a solid impeller shaft. (b) the maximum inside diameter permitted for a hollow impeller shaft if the outside diameter is 36 mm. (c) the percent savings in weight realized if the hollow shaft is used instead of the solid shaft. (Hint: The weight of a shaft is proportional to its cross-sectional area.)


Given :

Power, P = 20 kW

Speed, N = 430 rpm

Allowable shear stress, τ = 65 MPa

Torque in the shaft is given by :

[tex]$P=\frac{2 \pi NT}{60}$[/tex]

[tex]$T=\frac{60 \times 20 \times 10^3}{2 \pi \times 430}$[/tex]

T = 444.37 N.m

Diameter of the solid shaft is

[tex]$d=\sqrt[3]{\frac{16 T}{\pi \tau}}[/tex]

[tex]$d=\sqrt[3]{\frac{16 \times 444.37}{3.14 \times 65}}[/tex]

[tex]$d=\sqrt[3]{34.83} $[/tex]

d = 3.265 m

d = 326.5 mm

Internal diameter of the hollow shaft is :

[tex]$\frac{T}{\frac{\pi}{32} \left( d_0^4 - d_i^4 \right)}=\frac{\tau}{d_0/2}$[/tex]

[tex]$\frac{444.37}{\frac{3.14}{32} \left( 0.036^4 - d_i^4 \right)}=\frac{65 \times 10^6}{0.036/2}$[/tex]

[tex]$\frac{444.37}{0.09 \left( 1.6 \times 10^{-6} - d_i^4 \right)}=\frac{65 \times 10^6}{0.018}$[/tex]

[tex]$\frac{7.99}{ \left( 1.6 \times 10^{-6} - d_i^4 \right)}=5850000$[/tex]

[tex]$1.3\times 10^{-6} = 1.6 \times 10^{-6} - d_i^4 \right)}$[/tex]


[tex]$d_i = 23.40$[/tex] mm

Percentage savings in the weight is given by :

Percentage saving = [tex]$\frac{W_{solid}-W_{hollow}}{W_{solid}}\times100$[/tex]


                                 [tex]$=\frac{d^2 - (d_0^2 - d_i^2)}{d^2} \times 100$[/tex]

                               [tex]$=\frac{(326.5)^2 - (0.036^2 - (32.40)^2)}{(326.5)^2} \times 100$[/tex]

                                 [tex]$=\frac{106602 - \left(1.29 \times 10^{-3} - 1049.76 \right)}{106602} \times 100$[/tex]

                                  [tex]$=\frac{106602 - 1049 }{106602} \times 100$[/tex]

                                  [tex]$=\frac{105553 }{106602} \times 100$[/tex]

                                  = 99.01 %

Tech A says that when performing a cylinder leakage test, the piston should be positioned at bottom dead center. Tech B says that a blown head gasket would generally leak past the exhaust valve. Who is correct


The causes of low compression in an engine cylinder and leakage past the exhaust can be identified by performing mechanical tests on the engine

The correct technician is Tech B; Blown head gasket would generally leak past the exhaust valve

The reason for arriving at the above selection is as follows:

A cylinder leakage test is generally performed after there is an indication of low compression from one or more cylinders. The test allows the identification of the part of the cylinder that is leaking.

The cylinder that shows sign of low compression is often the location that the cylinder leakage test is performed, although, the test can be performed on every cylinder

A cylinder leakage test is valid only when

The temperature of engine is about the temperature range of the engine in operationThe cylinder under test is at the Top Dead Center (TDC) position, such that the position of the piston in the cylinder is at the top or highest point of its stroke

Therefore, the positioning of the piston in the bottom dead center during a leakage test as mentioned by Tech A  is not correct

The route of coolant in the engine are sealed by the cylinder head gasket, where there is a blown head gasket, the coolant will be allowed to leak into the cylinders and into the exhaust, causing white smoke and sweet odor of antifreeze

Therefore, Tech B is correct, coolant leakage into the exhaust is an indication of a blown head gasket

Learn more about engine mechanical testing here:


A 2-stage dcv that has an internal pilot does not work well (if at all) on



i really font onow why tbh eot you

Can anyone help me ?


That’s too hard for me lol oof

Describe the main component in an electronic control unit (ECU) used in an automobile. Indicate the function of each ingredient.


An electronic control unit (ECU) is a small device in a vehicle's body that is responsible for controlling a specific function. ... An ECU receives inputs from different parts of the vehicle, depending on its function.

A steel component with ultimate tensile strength of 800 MPa and plane strain fracture toughness of 20 MPam is known to contain a tunnel (internal) crack of length 1.4 mm. This alloy is being considered for use in a cyclic loading application for which the design stresses vary from 0 to 410 MPa. Would you recommend this alloy for this application


Complete question:

A steel component with a tensile strength of 800 MPa and fracture toughness Kic=20 MPa Nm is known to contain internal cracks (also called tunnel cracks) with the maximum length of 1.4 mm. This steel is being considered for use in a cyclic loading application for which the designed stresses vary from 0 to 420 MPa. Would you recommend using this steel in this application?

a. Not sure. Because cyclic loading is applied. Fatigue test is needed in order to make the recommendation.

b. Yes, this because the tensile strength of steel is much higher than the applied highest stress of 420 MPa.

c. Yes, this because the calculated critical stress to fracture for the cracks is higher than the highest applied stress of 420 MPa and the steel can withstand the stress of 420 MPa.

d. No. Although the calculated critical stress to fracture for the cracks is slightly higher than the highest applied stress of 420 MPa and the steel may withstand the static stress of 420 MPa, the cyclic loading may cause rapid fatigue fracture.


A. Not sure. Because cyclic loading is applied. Fatigue test is needed in order to make the recommendation.


we are not sure if to recommend this alloy for this application given that this material has already been left to experience fatigue degradation. the cyclic load application brings about a growth in the crack. We know that cyclic loading is continuous loading that is useful for the testing of fatigue. Therefore the answer to this question is option a. We cannot make recommendations except fatigue testing has been carried out.

thank you!

what is tracer lathe machine​


Answer: The tracer lathe is a roughing operation for the output shaft on rear wheel drive transmissions.


Write the different professions and human resources related to engineering and expalin any two of them?



some of the professions and human resource related to engineering are:

Aerospace engineerAgricultural engineer Electrical engineer computer engineerproject Manger construction site engineer/supervisor

Aerospace engineering involves the study, design and development of spacecrafts using Core science principles.

Electrical engineering involves the study and application of core science principles especially physics and mathematics into providing Electrical related solutions


Engineering is a major branch of applied science. In general Engineering is concerned with the design and building of engines ( i.e. application of scientific/science facts   )

some of the professions and human resource related to engineering are:

Aerospace engineerAgricultural engineer Electrical engineer computer engineerproject Manger construction site engineer/supervisor

Aerospace engineering involves the study, design and development of spacecrafts using Core science principles.

Electrical engineering involves the study and application of core science principles especially physics and mathematics into providing Electrical related solutions

The following laboratory test results for Atterberg limits and sieve-analysis were obtained for an inorganic soil. [6 points] Sieve analysis Sieve Size No. 4 (4.75 mm) No. 10 (2.00 mm) No. 40 (0.425 mm) No. 200 (0.075 mm) Percent passing by weight 80 60 30 10 Atterberg limits Liquid limit (LL) Plastic limit (PL 31 25
(a) Classify this soil according to USCS system, providing the group symbol for it. Show how you arrive at the final classification.
(b) According to USCS system, what is a group name for this soil?
(c) Is this a clean sand? If not, explain why.


Answer: hello the complete question is attached below


A) Group symbol = SW

B) Group name = well graded sand , fine to coarse sand

C) It is not a clean sand given that ≤ 50% particles are retained on No 200


A) Classifying the soil according to USCS system

 ( using 2nd image attached below )

description of sand :

The soil is a coarse sand since  ≤ 50% particles are retained on No 200 sieve, also

The soil is a sand given that more than 50% particles passed from No 4 sieve

The soil can be a clean sand given that fines ≤ 12%

The soil can be said to be a well graded sand because the percentage of particles passing through decreases gradually over time

Group symbol as per the 2nd image attached below = SW

B) Group name = well graded sand , fine to coarse sand

C) It is not a clean sand given that ≤ 50% particles are retained on No 200

The secondary coil of a step-up transformer provides the voltage that operates an electrostatic air filter. The turns ratio of the transformer is 41:1. The primary coil is plugged into a standard 120-V outlet. The current in the secondary coil is 1.2 x 10-3 A. Find the power consumed by the air filter.



  5.9 watts


The secondary voltage is the primary voltage multiplied by the turns ratio:

  (120 V)(41) = 4920 V

The power is the product of voltage and current:

  (4920 V)(1.2·10^-3 A) = (4.92)(1.2) W = 5.904 W

The power consumed is about 5.9 watts.

If the constant is added to every observation of data then arithmatic mean obtained is




Increased by the constant. Take a very simple case.

4  +  5 +  6 = 15

The mean is 5  (obtained by dividing the total (15) by the number of terms (3).

Now add a constant say 6

4 + 6 = 10

5 + 6 = 11

6 + 6 = 12

Total = 33/3 = 11

So the mean 5 is increased by the constant 6.

Now do the same thing more symbolically.

4 + c

5 + c

6 + c

Total = 15 + 3c

Divide by 3 you get 5 + c

If you want a more formal proof involving n terms, leave a note.

A recessed luminaire bears no marking indicating that it is ""Identified for Through- Wiring."" Is it permitted to run branch-circuit conductors other than the conductors that supply the luminaire through the integral junction box on the luminaire?



No it is not permitted


It is not permitted  because as per NEC 410.21 policy no other conductor is allowed to be passed through integral junction box luminaries unless such conductor supply recessed luminaries.

The marking will show that the Luminaries is of the right construction or right installation to ensure that the the conductors ( in the outer boxes ) will not be exposed to temperatures greater than the conductor rating, hence the lack of marking makes it not to be permitted.

When the rod is circular, radial lines remain straight and sections perpendicular to the axis do not warp. In this case, the strains vary linearly along radial lines. Within the proportional limit, the stress also varies linearly along radial lines. If point A is located 12 mm from the center of the rod, what is the magnitude of the shear stress at that point


The question is incomplete. The complete question is :

The solid rod shown is fixed to a wall, and a torque T = 85N?m is applied to the end of the rod. The diameter of the rod is 46mm .

When the rod is circular, radial lines remain straight and sections perpendicular to the axis do not warp. In this case, the strains vary linearly along radial lines. Within the proportional limit, the stress also varies linearly along radial lines. If point A is located 12 mm from the center of the rod, what is the magnitude of the shear stress at that point?

Solution :

Given data :

Diameter of the rod : 46 mm

Torque, T = 85 Nm

The polar moment of inertia of the shaft is given by :


[tex]$J=\frac{\pi}{32}\times (46)^4$[/tex]

J = 207.6 [tex]mm^4[/tex]

So the shear stress at point  A is :

[tex]$\tau_A =\frac{Tc_A}{J}$[/tex]

[tex]$\tau_A =\frac{85 \times 10^3\times 12 }{207.6}$[/tex]

[tex]$\tau_A = 4913.29 \ MPa$[/tex]

Therefore, the magnitude of the shear stress at point A is 4913.29 MPa.

State the factor that influence the frequency of the induced emf of an alternating quantity



conductor, flux, and movement of conductor in magnetic field are some of the factors that induce emf.

When exchanging information with anyone involved in the collision, you should _____.


Try to be as relax as possible.

Provide names of all parties involved.

Provide vehicle information and identification details.

Provide full names, address, registration numbers and insurance company details.


After a collision one may be confused, afraid and have no attention about the details that what happened because all the collision event happens in a short interval of time. So the first thing one should do during information exchange is to sit back and relax and be calm so that one can remind the things at some extent. After that provide all the details about injured people and the involved vehicles.

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