Why did people begin to challenge guilds in the 1400s?


Answer 1

they felt that the guilds keep them from increasing their trade and profits. It was getting hard for apprentices to become masters.

Related Questions

Which item is an example of a secondary source?



a biography of Abraham Lincoln



i think it's A because the source is about him he didn't actually write it


Positive and negative aspects of advances in technology



Some positve aspects are:

No waste of paper when typing.

Easier to travel such as riding a bike instead of walking. (Bikes are counted as technology)

Easier Mail

Negative aspects are:

Harder for people to adapt with things that don't have such technology yet.


Time with family is reduced.

a. What is energy? Write its unit. subject science​



Energy is the capacity of a physical system to do work. The standard unit is the joule, symbolized by J.


One joule (1 J) is the energy resulting from the equivalent of one newton (1 N) of force acting over one meter (1 m) of displacement.

Energy, in physics, the capacity for doing work. It may exist in potential, kinetic, thermal, electrical, chemical, nuclear, or various other forms.

What happened to Andrew Johnson that only happened to one other American president?



Andrew Johnson was the first president to ever get impeached


the “one other American president” is referring to Bill Clinton (sorry for the short answer, I hope this helps… let me know if you need some more elaboration)

Why is the Renaissance considered the "rebirth" of art and culture?



It was a rebirth of classical learning and it was a rediscovery of Ancient Greece and Rome. Renaissance artists and scholars would look back to this Classical past. They intentionally rejected the scholarship and religious thought of the Middle Ages. The Renaissance was a rebirth of the human spirit, a rebirth of creativity.


Which sentence best describes a conflict?

A sports fan watches the big game.

A fanatic starts questioning his beliefs.

A werewolf roams the forest at night.

A spy takes a photo of a document.



B. A fanatic starts questioning his beliefs.


This is because out of all 4 answers, this is the only one where the person or thing isn't doing what he probably would do.

B definitely seems unnatural compared to the rest

What is the main function of the executive branch of the state government?
to enforce state laws
O B.
to enforce federal laws
to decide whether to adopt federal laws
to pass state laws


Will go for D because it makes more sense then the other ones

why are presidential election considered to be indirect election



The Electoral College is a method of indirect popular election of the President of the United States. Instead of voting for a specific candidate, voters in an indirect popular election select a panel of individuals pledged to vote for a specific candidate. ... These electors, in turn, vote for the presidential candidate.


An election with electoral delegates is an election in which voters do not choose between candidates for an office, but elect people who then choose. It is one of the oldest forms of elections, and is used by many countries for heads of state (such as presidents), cabinets, heads of government (such as prime ministers), and/or upper houses. It is also used for some supranational legislatures.

Positions that are indirectly elected may be chosen by a permanent body (such as a parliament) or by a special body convened solely for that purpose (such as an electoral college).

In nearly all cases the body that controls the executive branch (such as a cabinet) is elected indirectly. This includes the cabinets of most parliamentary systems; members of the public elect the parliamentarians, who then elect the cabinet. Upper houses, especially in federal republics, are often indirectly elected, either by the corresponding lower house or cabinet. Similarly, supranational legislatures can be indirectly elected by constituent countries' legislatures or executive governments. The indirect democracy is run by electoral college or president


Do you know this it is for social studies


is it a dance class?

which early governing group of the united states adopted the articles of confedertion and ratified it before the end of the revolutionary war
A. First continental congress
B. Second continental congress
C. Sons of liberty



A. The first continental congress


The first continental congress were for the articles of confederation. They were excited to have their first rules of governing away from British rule and something that was completely their own.

what led to ancient china's isolation



hope this helps, let me know if it doesn't and i can look deeper into it.


dry deserts to the north and west, the Pacific Ocean to the east, and impassable mountains to the south. This enabled the Chinese to develop independently from other world civilizations.

PowerPoint versões hghgiugiglui



Microsoft PowerPoint

Select any decade from the nineteenth or the twentieth century and create a timeline that traces the significant developments in the field of
psychology across that decade. Your timeline should include at least 10 significant psychological developments that span the decade that you


The development in the field of psychology has been through many decades. there has been a revolution the advancement of psychological field.

The understanding of human behavior have resulted in solving many problems. It mainly focuses on how a human will respond in a certain situation and what will be his behavior based on the environment.

There are many books published by various authors which include Sigmund Freud's Interpretation of Dreams.

Learn more at https://brainly.com/question/24370325


1950 Karen Horney, the founder of Feminist Psychology, published Neurosis and Human Growth: The Struggle Towards Self-Realization.

1950 Erik Erikson put forth his theory on the stages of psychosocial development.

1952 The first edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) was published by the American Psychiatric Association (APA).

1953 Nathaniel Kleitman discovered rapid eye movement sleep (REM),

1953 B.F. Skinner proposed behavioral therapy.

1954 Abraham Maslow introduced humanistic psychology.

1955 George Kelly put forth his theory of personality called personal construct psychology.

1956 Rollo May promoted existential psychology with the publication of Existence.

1959 Noam Chomsky started a sort of cognitive revolution after reading Skinner’s Verbal Behavior.

1959 Lawrence Kohlberg, based on Jean Piaget’s work, proposes his stages of moral development


from edmentum

1. Este tipo de organización social se desarrolló en el periodo Paleolítico; es el término con el que se denomina a los primeros modelos de sociedad que se dieron en la prehistoria, su final se produjo con la Revolución neolítica, cuando el ser humano dejó de ser nómada, comenzó a usar la agricultura y los trabajos se especializaron. 1Comunidad primitiva
2Civilización primitiva
3Organización primitiva
4Grupos primitivos


La respuesta correcta es la número 1) Comunidad Primitiva.

> Estamos hablando de lo que los historiadores y Antropólogos han llamado "Comunidad Primitiva."

> La comunidad científica afirma que este tipo de organización social se desarrolló en el periodo Paleolítico.

> Los antropólogos han identificado este término para denominar a los primeros modelos de sociedad que se dieron en la prehistoria.

> La comunidad primitiva agrupaba a los primero humanos por necesidad, buscando protección ante las inclemencias del tiempo y las amenazas de los animales.

> La disolución de este tipo de comunidades comenzó con la Revolución Neolítica, cuando el ser humano dejó de ser nómada, comenzó a usar la agricultura y los trabajos se especializaron.

> Esto se debió a que los humanos comenzaron a desarrollar y aprender técnicas de cultivo y decidieron asentarse en un sólo sitio, y ya no seguir a las manadas de animales que debían de cazar para poder alimentar a sus familias.

> Los historiadores coinciden en señalar que la civilización más antigua en la Tierra es Sumeria.

> Estos primeros humanos se asentaron en medio de los Ríos Tigris y Éufrates, en el Medio Oriente.

> En estos momentos, daba inicio una importante etapa en la historia de la humanidad llamada la Revolución Neolítica o la Revolución de la Agricultura.

Podemos concluir que cuando los humanos comenzaron a aprender técnicas de agricultura, se establecieron en un sólo lugar para formar asentamientos más formales que posteriormente se convertirían en los orígenes de la civilización formal, tal y como la conocemos.

Aprende más sobre este tema aquí:


who have special interest in history to sing some folksongs, heroic poems or ballads, which can give information about history.



I am also interested to do these activities ! But i dont have any things which can give information about history


there are many folk songs in the history of Nepal if you will study the history of my country you will not regret it


It is traditional music that people learn by listening to other people playing it and then copying them. We say that the tradition is “orally transmitted” or “handed down orally”, meaning that the music is not written down but taught by speaking (“oral” means “belonging to the mouth”).

¿Cuáles son los países más desarrollados del mundo y por qué?


Noruega Suiza Irlanda Alemania Australia son los más desarrollados porque tiene el más alto índice de desarrollo humano basado en la esperanza de vida, la educación y la renta per capita de casa país

There is no democracy and human rights in America。



there is democracy and human rights

Imagine if you had been in Paul Robeson's shoes. How might you have felt?


When Paul Robeson graduated from Rutgers in 1919, he thought he’d become a lawyer. But soon after he earned a degree from Columbia and landed a job with a law firm, a secretary who was white refused to take dictation from him because he was black. Robeson quit – not just the job, but the profession, too.

Should Aung San Suu Kyi
Give Back
Her Nobel Peace Prize




Which of the following would be a good thesis statement for a personal
A. With my daughter wanting to stay with me and my boss needing
me at work, I was caught in one of the uncomfortable points of
B. According to experts, the best way to grow the economy is
through tax cuts for the middle class.
C. A green space provides valuable life lessons, and urban sprawl
should be limited whenever possible.
D. All of the above are correct.


The answer choice that would be a good thesis statement for a personal essay is C. Green space provides valuable life lessons, and urban sprawl should be limited whenever possible.

What is a Personal Essay?

This refers to the type of essay that contains information or facts about the personal life of the writer or another person that shows important life lessons.

Hence, we can see that based on the given question, the best thesis statement should be stated about the personal essay, and with this, we can note that option C best does this, because it gives the central point of the writing.

Read more about thesis statements here:



This is history i will give brainliest please answer


I dont know what it's asking but here's the law case... https://www.britannica.com/event/Gibbons-v-Ogden

Factory owners often blamed strikes on
1. Native born Americans who disliked immigrants
2. Newspapers that published stories about working conditions
3. Workers who were reds or communist
4. Women who had joined the work force during world war 1



3 no.


because in this current world we often hear about strikes which are mainly about workers who were reds and communist

Which of the following behaviors would best describe someone who is listening and paying attention? a) Leaning toward the speaker O b) Interrupting the speaker to share their opinion c) Avoiding eye contact d) Asking questions to make sure they understand what's being said


-focus your attention! (eye contact) Make the speaker the center
of your attention. Be sure not to read or look around -tune in!
Listen so you clearly understand the speaker. DON'T INTERRUPT! -ask
when speaker is done, then ask questions or ask for more
information. RESTATE!


answer- A, Leaning towards the speaker

6.- Es toda regla de conducta impuesta por el Estado como obligatoria.
a) - Norma.
D) - Regla.
b).- Ley natural
c).- Norma Juridica​



eu acho que e a)

Explanation:porque as leis naturais nao tem nada haver com a conduta mas sim com teorias criadas por cientistas

Civil War
Which reconstruction plan was used after the Civil War?
a.The Lincoln Reconstruction Plan.
b.The Initial Congressional Plan.
c.The Andrew Johnson Reconstruction Plan.
d.The Radical Republican Reconstruction Plan.


The answer is B because

President George Washington took the oath of office on April 30,1789.Abraham Lincoln was sworn in as president on March 4, 1861. These events are an example of



Republic in Politics


compare and contrast the conflict and functionalist apporach to deviance​



Conflict theory looks to social and economic factors as the causes of crime and deviance. Unlike functionalists, conflict theorists don't see these factors as positive functions of society. They see them as evidence of inequality in the system.


Chủ nghĩa Mác-Lênin khẳng định: “Một cuộc cách mạng chỉ có giá trị khi nào nó biết tự bảo vệ và bảo vệ tổ quốc XHCN là một tất yếu khách quan”. Bằng những kiến thức đã học, Anh/ chị hãy phân tích làm rõ luận điểm trên?; Liên hệ thực tiễn cách mạng Việt Nam và trách nhiệm của bản thân đối với sự nghiệp bảo vệ tổ quốc hiện nay?


what language is this?:)

Less than 3% of all the world is




it is unexpectation and some what inconceivable that then less than 3% of Earth water is fresh water Acording to the . U. S geological survey most of that 3% is inaccessible. over 68% of fresh water on the earth is found icecaps and glaciers, and just over 3% is found in groundwater.

      3% of the earth's water is fresh.

What was the outcome of most European revolts of the 1830s?


Answer: They resulted in little to no change.


The revolutions in 1830 shook many places in Europe. The places such as France, Germany, Belgium, etc were in great flux. The revolutions that broke in Europe in 1830 were Romanticism, the Belgian Revolution, and the July Revolution.

These revolutions were considered as the lengthy continent-wide crisis. The origin of these revolts lie in the governmental mistakes. But these revolutions were unable to bring a satisfactory outcomes as hoped for because of lack of preparations by the revolutionaries. And also, these revolutions did not get any international help. So, the European revolutions of 1830 resulted in only little or no changes.

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