Ya and Yb represent continuous linear relations. Some values from the relations are shown in the
table below. Graphically solve the linear system.


Answer 1

The solution to the continuous linear relation is: (2,-7)

The data on the table can be presented as:

Relation A

[tex](x_1,y_1) = (-8,-5)[/tex]

[tex](x_2,y_2) = (-3,-6)[/tex]

Relation B

[tex](x_1,y_1) = (-8,-15)[/tex]

[tex](x_2,y_2) = (-3,-11)[/tex]

Plot the points of each relation and draw a line through the points (see attachment)

Write out the point of intersection of the two lines.

[tex](x,y) = (2,-7)[/tex]

Hence, the solution to the continuous linear relation is: (2,-7)

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Related Questions

I need this question


Can you translate cuss I can’t understand sorry

cos²x-√3sinxcosx = 0



x= п/2+пn; nE Z    

x= п/6+пn; nEZ

Step-by-step explanation:

(cosx)^2- √3sinxcosx=0

Factorise it


cosx=0                     or                      cosx=√3sinx

x= п/2+пn; nE Z                                 cosx/cosx= √3sinx/cosx

                                                          1/√3= tgx

                                                           x= arctg 1/√3+пn; nE Z

                                                            x= п/6+пn; nEZ

The answer is x= п/2+пn; nE Z    

x= п/6+пn; nEZ

The angle \theta_1θ

theta, start subscript, 1, end subscript is located in Quadrant \text{IV}IVstart text, I, V, end text, and \cos(\theta_1)=\dfrac{9}{19}cos(θ


cosine, left parenthesis, theta, start subscript, 1, end subscript, right parenthesis, equals, start fraction, 9, divided by, 19, end fraction .
What is the value of \sin(\theta_1)sin(θ

)sine, left parenthesis, theta, start subscript, 1, end subscript, right parenthesis?
Express your answer exactly.

)=sine, left parenthesis, theta, start subscript, 1, end subscript, right parenthesis, equals


I guess that we know that the angle θ is in the fourth quadrant, and we know that:

cos(θ) = 9/19

now we want to find the value of sin(θ).

To do it, we can remember that for a point (x, y), such that we can define an angle β between the positive x-axis and a ray that connects the origin with the point (x, y), we can write the relations:

tan(β) = x/y

sin(β) = y/√(x^2 + y^2)

cos(β) = x/√(x^2 + y^2)

Because the angle is in the fourth quadrant, we know that:

x > 0

y < 0.

And we also know that:

cos(θ) = 9/19

then we have:

x = 9

√(x^2 + y^2) = √(9^2 + y^2) = √(81 + y^2) = 19

Solving the above equation we can find the value of y, that we need to remember, is negative:

√(81 + y^2) = 19

81 + y^2 = 19^2

y^2 = 19^2 - 81 = 280

y = √280 = -16.7

Now that we know the value of y, we can replace that in the sine equation to get:

sin(θ) = -16.7/19 = -0.879

If you want to learn more, you can read:


what is the algebraic expression of the quotient of16 and c




Step-by-step explanation:

quotient means divide




Step-by-step explanation:

since it says quotient...

u got to divide

 If 2^x-4 = 4^x-6 , then value of x is?​


Answer: [tex]x=1[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]2^x-4=4^x-6[/tex] is the equation that you've given us.

Now if we plot these two equations on the graph we notice there's an intersection at (1,-2). Therefore meaning that [tex]x=1[/tex].

We can prove that by doing the following calculations to prove that both sides are equal to each other.

The left side of the equal sign:

Step 1: Write the equation down:


Step 2: Substitute x for the numerical value we found.


Step 3: Find the square of [tex]2^1[/tex], which is itself, 2.


Step 4: Subtract 2 from 4. Which is a negative number, thus being -2.


The right side of the equal sign:

Step 1: Write the equation down:


Step 2: Substitute x for the numerical value we found.


Step 3: Find the square of [tex]4^1[/tex], which is itself, 4.


Step 4: Subtract 4 from 6. Which is a negative number, thus being -2.


We know that [tex]x=1[/tex] because when substituting x with 1, we get -2 on both sides. Therefore making this statement true and valid.


These circles are:

A. tangent
B. congruent
C. congruent
D. none of these



A. tangent

Step-by-step explanation:

Hi there!

Tangent circles are circles that intersect (or "touch") at exactly one point. These circles appear to have this characteristic.

I hope this helps!

please help me with math



Step-by-step explanation:

a) 4/9*x^4

b) 2/y

Wilma worked 38 hours 52 minutes last week. She earns $25.15 per hour. What is wilma's pay for this work period? Round your answer to the nearest hundredth




Step-by-step explanation:

multiply worked hours by her pay per hour



then you round it to the nearest hundredth

since the thousandth is greater than 5 the 8 will round the 7 to an 8

giving you $968.78

Answer: $977.50

Step-by-step explanation:



955.70 + 21.80 = 977.50

Yet another calculus question :)

Given [tex]y = x^3 - 2x[/tex] for [tex]x \geq 0[/tex], find the equation of the tangent line to y where the absolute value of the slope is minimized.

I have tried taking both the first and second derivatives and setting them equal to 0 and using that as the answer, but they're incorrect. Could somebody please explain how to complete the question correctly? Thank you so much!


Answer:  y = (-4/3)*sqrt(2/3)

This is the same as writing [tex]y = -\frac{4}{3}\sqrt{\frac{2}{3}}[/tex]



The phrasing "where the absolute value of the slope is minimized" is an interesting way of saying "the tangent slope is 0". This is because absolute values are never negative, so the smallest it can get is 0.

Your teacher has given you

y = x^3 - 2x

which differentiates into

dy/dx = 3x^2 - 2

after using the power rule

The derivative function lets us determine the slope of the tangent. The slope is the dy/dx value. Since we want a slope of 0, we'll set 3x^2-2 equal to zero and solve for x. So you have the correct idea, but you won't involve the second derivative.

dy/dx = 0

3x^2 - 2 = 0

3x^2 = 2

x^2 = 2/3

x = sqrt(2/3)

Notice how I'm ignoring the negative version of this root. This is due to the fact that [tex]x \ge 0[/tex]


Now plug this x value back into the original equation to find its corresponding y coordinate.

y = x^3 - 2x

y = x(x^2 - 2)

y = sqrt(2/3)*( 2/3 - 2 )

y = sqrt(2/3)*( -4/3 )

y = (-4/3)*sqrt(2/3)

Note that x = sqrt(2/3) leads to x^2 = 2/3 after squaring both sides.


Therefore, the equation of this tangent line is y = (-4/3)*sqrt(2/3)

All horizontal lines are of the form y = k, for some constant k. This constant value is basically what number you want the horizontal line to go through on the y axis. That number would be (-4/3)*sqrt(2/3).

In the following diagram, BAC = 46 degrees, and AD is the bisector of BAC. Find BDA



67 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

We have a right triangle with the following known values:

B = 90

A = 23 (46/2=23 since AD is the angle bisector)

D = ?

180 = 90 + 23 + D and we solve

67 = D

what is the equation of the axis of symmetry do the quadratic function f(x) = -(x+4) (x-1)​


9514 1404 393


  x = -3/2

Step-by-step explanation:

The zeros of the function are the values of x that make the factors zero:

  x = -4, x = 1

The axis of symmetry is the vertical line halfway between these zeros.

  x = (-4 +1)/2 = -3/2

The equation of the axis of symmetry is x = -3/2.

Steve works two different jobs for a total of 60 hours every Monday through Friday schedule is the same each day and he works three hours a day at his first job how many hours a day does he work at his second job



Step-by-step explanation:

Steve works:

- 60 hour per week = 12 hours per day (60/5)

- first job: 3 hours per day = 15 hours per week

- x = second job hours per day


1st option to calculate:

12 (total hours per day) = 3 (hours per day on first job) + X

9 = X

2nd option to calculate:

60(total hours per week) = 15 (3 hours per day x 5) + x

45 = x

you need to divide 45 / 5 to get the daily hours which is 9

find the missing length indicated​




Step-by-step explanation:

According to Euclidian theorem

x^2 = 144*(400-144)

x^2 = 144*256

x^2 = 36864 find the root of both

x = 192

Chase plans to repaint some classroom bookcases. He has 1 4/7 ​ gallons of paint. All of the bookcases are the same size and each requires 1/3 ​ gallon of paint. How many bookcases will the custodian be able to repaint with that amount of paint?


The custodian will be able to repaint 4 6/7 bookcases with 1 4/7 gallons of paint because you have to divide the fractions 1 4/7 and 1/3. 1 4/7 divided by 1/3. You’d turn 1 4/7 into a mixed fraction, change the division sign to a multiplication sign, and flip 1/3. Now the equation is 11/7 • 3/1. Multiply 11 and 3 which equals 33 then multiply 7 and 1 which equals 7. The fraction you get should be 33/7 and then you simplify it and it becomes 4 6/7 which is the answer.

Density of wood is a very important trait for furniture making. There are two main important mechanical properties: strength and stiffness. Research has shown that a increase density equals an increase strength, hardness and stiffness of sawn timber.

A carpenter has two pieces of wood. He wants to find the density of each piece.

The first piece came from a birch tree. The piece of birch wood measures 2 meters by 4 meters by 3 meters and weighs (mass) 16 kilograms.

The second piece came from a cypress tree. The piece of cypress wood measures 3 meters by 5 meters by 2 meters and weighs (mass) 15.3 kilograms.

Which piece of wood has a greater density? You must show your work in order to receive credit.


Step-by-step explanation:

The Birch tree has a greater density.

dilations geometry help please


Multiply x and y by 2:

A. (-6, 4)

B. (2, 2)

C. (-2, -2)

One angle of a triangle is 22^0. What is the measurement (in degrees) of the corresponding angle in a similar triangle?



22 degrees

Step-by-step explanation:

Corresponding angles in similar triangles are equal

So the corresponding angle would be 22 degrees

Work out an estimate for the value of
41.2 x 19.8




Step-by-step explanation:

41.2 * 19.8 = 41 *20 = 820


In this tenth value is 2 which is less than 5. So ignore it and write the whole number alone. 41


In this tenth value is 8 awhich greater than 5. So add 1 to whole part and write.

19+1 = 20

Provide a rule to describe the relationship between the number in the sequence




add 3, add 5, add 3

Step-by-step explanation:

1, 4, 9, 12

add 3, add 5, add 3



Step-by-step explanation:

1^2 = 1

2^2 = 4

3^2 = 9

4^2 = 16

And so on.

So, the rule is x^2.

A teacher takes a random sample of 100 students enrolled at Springfield High School and asks them their opinions about the food served in the school cafeteria. The population of students here is __________________.
A. the 100 students who are asked questions
B. all students enrolled at Springfield High School
C. all high school students in the country
D. all high school students in the world



The 100 students who are asked questions.

Is it equivalent? please show work so i can write it


No, because

2(y + 1,5)  = 2 · y + 2 · 1,5 = 2y + 3

2y + 3 ≠ 2y + 1,5



Step-by-step explanation:

2 ( y + 1.5 ) = 2y + 3. Not 2y + 1.5

factor: 3x^(2)-16x+16



[tex]3 {x}^{2} - 16x + 16 \\ 3 {x}^{2} - 12x - 4x + 16 \\ 3x(x - 4) - 4(x - 4) \\ (3x - 4)(x - 4)[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

I hope it helped U

stay safe stay happy

Answer is (3x-4) (x-4)
This is the answer for Plato and Edmentum

What line does the point (8,41) lie?



There are infinite answers to your question

y= 5x + 1

is one of them

Step-by-step explanation:

31. Which choice describes the value of m when -5(m + 1) = 23?
m 2-3
6 m2



The correct choice is Option A. m ≥ -28/5

Step-by-step explanation:

Which equation is in slope-y-intercept form?
Question 1 options:

a) 3x + 4y = 7

b) x = 4y - 2

c) y = 3x -1

d) x + 4y -2



C = y - 3x-1

Step-by-step explanation:

Slope intercept form is

y = mx+b where m is the slope and b is the y intercept

C = y - 3x-1 is in slope intercept form

The answer is A.

I took the test.

Find the 8th term of the geometric sequence 7,−21,63,



8th term is -15309

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]{ \boxed{ \bf{u_{n} = a( {r}^{n - 1} ) }}} \\ { \tt{u_{8} = 7( {( - 3)}^{8 - 1}) }} \\ { \tt{u_{8} = 7( - 2187)}} \\ { \tt{u _{8} = - 15309}}[/tex]

r is the common difference, r = -21/7 = -3


a₈ = - 15309

Step-by-step explanation:

The nth term of a geometric sequence is

[tex]a_{n}[/tex] = a₁ [tex](r)^{n-1}[/tex]

where a₁ is the first term and r the common ratio

Here a₁ = 7 and r = [tex]\frac{a_{2} }{a_{1} }[/tex] = [tex]\frac{-21}{7}[/tex] = - 3 , then

a₈ = 7 × [tex](-3)^{7}[/tex] = 7 × - 2187 = - 15309

1 upon sec A -tan a minus one upon cos A is equal to 1 upon Cos A minus one upon sec a + tan a prove it​


Step-by-step explanation:

1/(seca-tana) - 1/cosa=1/cosa -1/(seca+tana)

There are many ways to solve this, let's take a look at a simple one

1/(seca-tana) + 1/(seca+tana) =1/cosa + 1/cosa




Please help me this on the picture



Step-by-step explanation:

please help geometry surface area


Answer: 159

Step-by-step explanation:

We have to find the surface area of two triangles and 3 rectangles

To find the surface areas of the triangles, we use the formula: base x height / 2

6 x 5.5 / 2 = 16.5

Multiply that by 2 since there are 2 of them

16.5 x 2 = 33

To find the surface area of the rectangles, we multiply the length and width

7 x 6 = 42

Multiply that by 3 since there are 3 of them

42 x 3 = 126

Add up all the surface areas

126 + 33 = 159

I’m very confused abt this question: Look at the pic for clarification.




Step-by-step explanation:

We are multiplying the matrix by a scalar

Each term in the first matrix is multiplied by 2


Factor out 2


We know that the determinant of a matrix when multiplied by a scalar is found by

det ( a A) =a^n * det (A)

The scalar in this case is 2  and n is the number of rows ( or columns) since the matrix must be square

 det (2A) = 2^3 det(A)  = 8A



Step-by-step explanation:

Factor the 2 out and do 2/1=x/A


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